masse in the l'ilm‘s deliciously prolonged climax. entirely oblivious to the real killer‘s proximity.

('ravcn does a credible enough balancing act between the kids’ knowledge ol‘ the traps and their tendency to blunder into them anyway. How else is he going to pull off the necessary bloodbath without someone going oil to the cellar alone‘.’ The result a homage to the genre (‘raven has helped to define is not as clever as it thinks it is. but still passes the acid test with the shocks it delivers.

'l‘ve always loved scary movies: something about that emotion is very exhilarating to me.‘ says Cox. who plays tabloid TV journalist (‘rale Weathers. a woman whose on-thc-spot reports require her to infiltrate the action and try to keep tip with the kids. llcr pragmatic adult influence makes her the equivalent of the Donald Pleasence character in Hal/mw'en except better looking and slightly more watchable.

(Vt-mun is so much mm the 32-year-old continues. ‘You get scared. bttt it‘s also so l'unny. It‘s got the right amount of camp and the right amount ol‘ reality and the actors are all very good. so I buy it..

()I' her own acting contribution. she highlights the dil'l‘iculty ol‘ ‘reacting to things that aren‘t really there. and not being able thank (‘iod —- to experience that type of fear. I‘ve been scared. bttt I‘ve never had someone whose throat has been slashed lying on my windshield. so how do you really react‘.’ Is it a blood—curdling scream'.’ Is it a gasp where you can‘t breathe'.’ What is that‘.’ Was it blood‘.’ 'l‘hcn realising it is blood and building up the tear. ljust used my imagination and tried to be as uninhibited as I possibly could. to show the range within one emotion. which is ultimate l‘car.‘

l'ltimatc boredom might be closer to Cox‘s emotions on l'acing yet another interview. Innocently asked where she originally hails l’rom -— Birmingham. Alabama she removes her leather jacket and suddenly exclaims: ‘()h. the weirdest thing just happened to me!‘

Without drawing breath. she continues. '()kay. I didn't hear your question. sorry. When you do a lot ol‘ interviews you get tired. so you start trying to entertain yotirscll. and I just thought: “What would they do il’ I just got nudc right now‘.’”.‘

.v\ctual|y. she knows what we would do. ‘I can see the headlines now: “(‘ourteney (‘ox Wants To (let \aked!”.' Delivered in true \lonica style. (‘ox is well aware ot' tabloid intrusion into her Me. As she rose to lame through I'i'iem/s. the newspapers charted her break-up l'rom actor Michael Keaton alter five years together and speculated (to no availi over a romance with (Tounting (‘rows singer Adam Duritx. Single girl is (‘ox’s current ayowed status. Anyway. I don’t invite her to carry otit her stripshow whim. bttt it does beg the question. how unpredictable is (‘ourtcney (‘o\'.’

'.\ly thoughtsjust go that way sometimes.‘ she e\plains. '.\ly mind does a lot of weird things like that. But I think that‘s normal: it‘s just shitting ol stul't'. l‘ll drive down the street and think. "What il‘ I just ran off the road‘.’ l.ct's just think about that". and for a split second yott think maybe you‘ll do it. but ol‘ course I wouldn't. I'm very happy. I‘m really

y; \ 3%


§ 5‘. §

Corteney Cox in Friends (front left): disarmingly funny, no blood

enjoying mysclt‘. It‘s a time to take care ot' mysell‘ but just for the thrill. “What would happen il‘ I just went over that ditch and tell right into the canyon. right now‘.’”. I'm sure we all have those negative thoughts. it‘s just lil’e. So I happen to have wanted to take my clothes ol‘lijust now.‘

lidgar Allan Poe called that irrational

'hflytnindtioes.ilettaivvenn: hears 1think that's normal; it's just? waiting; 13:? Sollnqnxflihahaveymanhnérniaweswy clothes off just now." minimum .:

impulse to do something stupid tand potentially life-threatening) the Imp ol' the Pcrverse. and he was a man who knew a thing or two about horror. l’erhaps (‘os is intrinsically suited to horror roles rather than what usually comes her way.

‘ll' I ever get ol’l‘ers. they are more similar to Monica.‘ she says. ‘not that there are a lot ol‘ obsessive characters rtmning around like that.‘ Monica. of course. once insisted that her party guests not otin make sure they put the tops back on the pens they were using in a game bttt that they It‘stwifln- the click to ensure that pen

and top were secured now [liars obsessive.

‘I think that Monica has a lot of layers that make it more interesting than just playing the nice girl. But people relate to me being like that. so they ol‘l’er me those kind of roles. I will only do roles that excite me. whether it's .\lonica or people like (ialc Weathers. who‘s totally dil‘l'crcnt from my personality or my

character in ('mnmamlmenIs lher forthcoming romantic comedy co-starring Aidan

. , 55'; ()uinnl.‘

(‘ox is well aware what a hot ticket Scream was at the casting stages and now in the box office. and has wasted no time in signing

up I‘m Scream /l which begins shooting this summer. Al'ter all. modern horror films always have multiple sequels. don't they"?

‘\\'es is directing it and I‘m real cxcited.‘ she says. ‘l‘vc only read tip to page 4|. I have no idea who the killer is. I‘m alive up until page 4|. that‘s all I know.‘

Yeah (‘ourteucy but as any avid horror l'an knows —- on page 4l. no one can hear you scream.

Scream goes on general release on Fri 2 May. See page 28 for review.

'2 l‘)l.1ay tQQ/THELIST?