a rt i—Blueprint

FGVIEW Glasgow: Glasgow Print Studio until ' Sat 24 May * * * * ts Utopia one of the greatest sedat‘ert‘ of all tzme7 Or more an age-old ' flirtation with the nrwer-never7 Consumrnated or not, it's been going ' ‘3!- strong for t‘entiiries Thomas More established the term back in i516 V with his book of that title But how is ' \ it faring in the final throes of the 20th : eentury7 3 In the work of seven art'sts in at

Blueprint, it is Utopia that bites the

W dust rather than reality Jrrn Harold's

so ,

i , nhotonranrts, taken :n former cast

Horse event: Georgie at Badshalloch Farm oerrnany show the heiise of I,

I Romanticism’s hero, Goethe, week by

Beata vesze y class is not an issue ' row: Wit ‘. a redundant army barracks Glasgow: Transmission Gallery, until Determined that gallery-noers should and Etltjlte"\‘.’t‘iltf concentration camp Thurs 8 May. have the (fiance to app-re: rate horses in i.‘1.t"(}l‘.‘.".'l"ll(‘, Keith T oyentry As dreams 90, the one Beata Vesze'y the flesh and meet the rnairi player in noirrriantly teases Russian had a few years back about a horse her exhibition a 'elark horse called supr'eriiat‘;srii tn Clrrtks‘ant/Esfafr» and \‘Vlih a pillow h-ilan-:e:'l on its batk was, (Beerore -- Vesxeiy is holdin’i a tea party ‘.'latar;ft'i', Estate, re< tanrtles o‘ (Hour sne aorees, weird '2 still plays on her at Badshallorl‘. Farm near Alexandria, hover river a white hat kilr'on The

mind, to the point ‘.\'lt£fl(? she's named Just ‘.'.'est of Glasgow She flaws to serve t'tles are take". from t.(\".(ft,‘:". her solo show at Transmission Horses up apples and (arrots to her ermine ' lieustnt; estates

‘/‘-./I.'frout Pr/leis' \fesxely sees rt as a sort frrend and cups tea to the hurriaris lo a i:et’o"e-anti-after r‘heto- Solo vision: Kenneth Hunter’s self-portrait of tlav'roht rest)()r‘se to her norturnal 'I've always be7n tlose to horses] slte fiYTlYiiitI-f? at what links like a (le Strrl- dreamlar‘iil explains 'I feel it's iriiiio'tarit to get inspzretf '. '

“lane hail, i".'iark i'lrrskrnr; sho'cis neat roux/s ihii'rs, then the ‘,r:li‘.°_' Admittedly, the Hungarian-born people to the stable to Rt)? tl‘e horses stene 'iisl‘t“\.’th!t‘(f by t’liaes tables and (hairs upturn-“<1, naeers In

\"esxely who now l:ves in Glasgow They would be very stresse-tl if they Nathan Col-92's installatrtm, an writ-red shot is taken at tlesrrre' .zrtr‘w:

has always been fond of horses. She came along to the oa'lery' l"- ii seouer‘te 9f s'rtfes, (I‘ley sl‘.-:r.‘.s nutrieroiis ‘Pirietrn an?» l 'i : ‘he

even had a ii‘areer dilemma when faCCd lvleams'hrle hat k at i'rarisrriission, ‘rnr‘nrrn, writinate‘l shetfs ‘,<:rti-i:tv:ri<>s seen «in ailotrzierits, they ,i " ;‘ erf a Wlilt theoptron of liet'omrng an artist Or Vesxely is r‘layinii wrleos of Ety a rune-int; tigirnrrzentaw ->f smooth stiles talk Litternri with ;::": aw-r like 3 onion lull-ti'ne horsey Georgie, Stlz'i?tt(‘(i |~fe-_sr.'e .-\ kirv: of ’rnvrtern .inneal' i'itl 'e'ieoant unner tir‘ofile', the wer -_~._."ol<-« is. :“ ‘he

But in Britain \“esxely has found being (lay in the !:fe of the horse, the Videos :rrianes but also ttt‘sttiUOUSiV heo'ns to persuade A hurrioretis tiara-tr :31“ ‘hOrsey' (ornes loaded wrth soCral were filmed over eight hours and Kll()‘.\ rt (ils-fi snort-ash the 'riask'r‘nfi and rnarketirio of (9(‘\liillt’">(ilt‘iif‘il ire-h “h

’onnotatrens Far from being an Georgie eating and nerohino his azav rrrasti'ueratlrr‘: as ileszrtner t3:(;(‘~"7‘r homes But are yester-:l.i'."~ :“ Y aspirino nernher of the headscarf antl throuoh the day It ones a t‘t".'. taxis: to UIi‘LKK l'ttle rr‘t‘re than a.“ rnht hrtezl rim-irian'sland tartan" ‘fitlstifil‘. a 3:2" \1 Horse and Hot/rig! b.’le(i(‘, \"eszely finds the riiea o‘ horse era“; i<iisariria __.__

it amusing} but distrnttly uninteresting Beaumont; An us Hood that eti'iirie pursuits are index-linked to I For details of transport .‘3 the tea party 9

(lass 'lt’s strange here,’ she says ‘ln at BOdS/U/i'tX/t Far/r) on Sun .J tal/ tdlllbUtoii. .l-E Round Rte-m, !alDOt WCQ Gallery at

Hunr'iary, it s a different culture and Trarismxs‘s'ror? Gaffer}: 0741? 552 4873 it is item to see the Ttliiif'I‘i Rue :ntrodut‘e an WLlitng‘llzti e? st‘ii“.‘.s

—---- --« ---~- ~--- ----- - ~-~-»-*--—-—-—------»-- ---«~‘- '- A -- -~~~—-~~- - "i yoiintt tt..rtterrirwra:\/ art.sts rhe srna l, taxis-r spate i.i a t it. :' 2 is‘

About Vision: New

tutti’fla :3» Hell stirtet: to tl‘e ['o't‘: . ' h - - . footnote to 90s new rrieriia' art As to- inatirua‘atrr‘v': the series Is Ariaizs Head's .i V" 5"") Bnt's Palnt'ng In the turator Astrid Bouron (letlares in the tiir‘vases, some form: ant: s?e"<!e', _‘il‘.:'-'S small:

I i

i show's pamphlet, ;t>r‘.t<"‘ir)».‘.rary Britisi‘. i‘atlrrtrur'i eranoe, Human, (tree'i interrupted by the : ttrisit n: we :‘ ei'.


,s\“,‘..li,.) 1.4,). My“. Ii~ in

,. ' I ‘- {1 i!‘ 3 \i \‘,,,’)l\\\ '\‘f r) (I ') {1" )\ .giry ’r ‘)1\ )isli 7' 1 'r-' 3: tr;)v‘.,r', \t',:\';\/11'\ )r\"','.'-~ ' " L. .. tdlnburgh: Fraimarket Galleyv Unm art l‘itiS (.tiSi. (l t it tt .)..\ i,, t. .tt “iii l-\SSI(1[itl{\_-~ .., ... t. ti. i. )ktiu .ri .. .r .. . Sat 3i :‘ytai/ * -s L ' ("usiy 1:3(‘ket of 8mm narritrr‘t: 'ist .‘i itestr'ntrse t'fzes, The see-iris ‘.:st;al anai t i i "‘1." _ : a i For sure there Is "New: :rtzsfv l‘ere eye 'rrirzers -"i some ;.‘:'\'-.'i3st“s ir‘<i r“ ‘ves ‘Il'tl‘t-Lsi"; 3.“. "'"1‘. t"-i"~ 1‘ '1 No stylist t'L‘Uttir'fft'f‘.’ ~".r trr‘ri‘orrrm, in 'l“~.'°.l"r‘.:tti", a Wit! "3 :;::xk. :‘tit-tk, ‘.‘!‘itl:ii (‘Yi)i".z"‘ii’ E33, I the work o‘ the e ohtee'i artists a'l ste'e. there are sor'te i‘iiWAJt’S \.'.l‘.t.": a'e r'iterestrrriti‘r :‘e'1'ife-"‘ r ' \.,., [x tinder the age 0? 40 b'i'l‘rih Callous Stotkhause" {huts-i". 'i axis/2'1",» St‘illl'l‘i'fl‘rl‘ off-white tar‘vases st‘«:>r‘e(l ".1"??? °h:n red M - and olatk .u'lf“; trirzetv. train-7' ,xisnri P|Casso r 1”“,1' \r- it"' _/' t,,.,),,,,,. r' i t. W, ’I/‘I'w"\1'r/""S’I\Y'.k'\Ix1"q"nl(‘jlln"l .r‘ ;\ \‘ " 54‘ 'y r‘, . -e: mu \4 .igys..i- ‘\'\~v 401's. 1 k)‘l{‘t(|l (/ Slilr\ylli 1:..il\'(: /.o H . -' K. 1 (\0' Al"r:rv\ .“.O ,-'~‘0 a .n\ O .\ Ax \ (;f [LPTdIP-nt ri't’ 4," 1' .t Jr'"‘\t\, l0 i rnotternrsm is afar:- i‘i'vl smell i Meanwt‘ile, Eah Da‘ientor'ts tamasesot Ere.“ tr‘rizitn fhzs s a r"."<:est I noured—on household trinss do; ‘me that eth intro" sn'r‘e 2; ',"-;>'e tili‘ E off-the—shelf B C {rant and hat e'xe '_\.'.c f:e”‘-s “x: l 525.4,; the (liszartls "tinierous tam/est“, 'n the he ar a.;--_;;,-~,:tr "s " "3;". I. . tin; i‘» " t v lVOLPSSl -' MI"- i7~<“3'~1<"‘ Sfil""1"-’: restt'fs The :a' 1""; ‘s Rhia'til :xt'i‘” * l ‘i‘ mduos Harm‘s \ ti..t- t:. -t t.-S(‘":i."i(i- tit-1‘stit‘t‘lt"7‘€‘711(‘f1 ti\’ ‘.'.::rks :iianezl 2 , ii .i . . , i .. e i l. ‘lit‘r‘y‘tqray} personal partitions of naked Lorrie."- ‘irrr: ("mate tc'ettie'is " ’7 _, \ y,‘ f 3 illustrate harms-(tn \‘zLiOU! he (leesr‘t Fines: I‘? a ,‘i'e 2’":- tarto ,, .3, 5 use a brush The thrgk :r'tnastr‘ied mes s-c :i.e' e~ “it [‘ear" w ' a O" of naint rise and *al' l-ke a mass 0‘ F'J' :0 Dmass \ "tail-e " ‘33" is : raspberry ripple rte-wear“ Ahtl n {it"s ':‘ tie: " t the i at ; Ofrtrs eaotarn 5' 4‘ AI if T' e- eeoev :.' C i: ' _ s an '2»

The Black Stars, t_3\.'.".tftla’.e(l \.'..t’t ariri :zy :rt‘.e"t~.e snifflt‘tth it zest

0n the piste: Peter Doig's Lump restino on (Jolie-its e'eelxint rhino, ELK. f'ie' : t" ::er‘ ta 2 12':

there's an arrestinri sr‘es', of elflfltll, "eze' fro " F—g'asies

Like a soap powder marketed in this decoration and an attemut to taekle The 73210 ear". arts: Amie/s -. are

style-consoous, rompetitive age, About notions of 'et‘iriicity ' But there are vs r‘ newt, shorinoii the ;‘.-".'sf as

VISION, New British Paint/rig In The \‘Jeaknesses, uerks t'au::t‘t 'n a unsua‘ "‘-.‘:s':;':‘-iit-ir\. '. Still lifeipicaSSO'S Guitar. 685 191 and

79905 has a message Painting may and stylistrt‘ t‘iiE-ile-sa; That sari, AIX‘U.‘ tan: has a aar‘xer 'r‘essa'n some

have Suffered a bit of an inferiority crisis Vision illustrates "l." \. ‘00," :‘f “\ riff f":"e ii'e “has, '..st:_it:<:r‘.s anti a h'i 1:: >1 but now it's new and improved tonterrioorary rt" his thank-9:" “an-a ‘4»); "t '7‘? s 'ev'ra'kizh'e it“ a", ts is“ ' i . .

MoreOver, it deserves to be room than a iSusanna Beauz‘r"? ~ s ‘e t. " '."«s 'fi'xz-a 's‘..'es ar‘::' "ate" use: . I 2-".

as THE LIST 2-l5 May l997