Lindsay Orr

Artist. Glasgow School Of Art

Everything from Bonsai trees to joke-shop spiders feature in current work by Lindsay Orr. These are among the props in her video film, which she screens on a executive, pocket-size TV. Orr has a fascination with scale, hence the mini-sized Bonsai trees. ’I model things on a small scale so they appear miniature,’ she explains. As for the theme of the video, Orr describes it as ’a Hammer House horror in a way. There’s even ketchup and a spooky soundtrack. There are also references to sci-fi, surrealism, realism and all sorts.’ Originally from south-east England, 24-year-old Orr, is planning to stay on in Glasgow. London, she believes, is not always

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what it is cracked up to be. ’Glasgow is much more approachable than London,’ she says. 'l’ll get a job here. It’s a good place to be and it’s an artist hotspot.’ (SB)

Malcolm Burkinshaw

Fashion designer, Edinburgh College of Art

Newsreader Trevor MacDonald is not known as sartorially influential except in the case of fashion designer Malcolm Burkinshaw. Burkinshaw names MacDonald as a formative influence in his work, for 'the way his suit rides up around his neck.’ The result IS Burkinshaw’s range of all-wool black suits that ripple with exaggerated folds and a strong line in quirky details one jacket is fastened by a green stick. ’I don't know what to call them,’ he admits. 'They are suits with no name.’

Always interested in fashion, 22-year-old Burkinshaw is off to London’s Royal College of Art in the autumn to study for an MA in design. ’There’s a really good Vibe at the moment,’ he says. ’British fashion designers are pushing forward the front line. In New York everything looks quite similar, but here the designers are very different. The Brit style is fashion with a sense of oddity.’ (SB)

10 THE UST 13—26 Junl997

Lisa Fleming

Photographer, Napier University, Edinburgh

Flicking through Wired magazine got Lisa Fleming thinking. She had read a piece about the relationship between technology and feminism. ’Technology really affects our lives and our bodies,’ she believes. ’lt’s good for us, but it has hidden meanings. Computers may have made our lives easier but for people in the Far East who make them for very small sums of money it’s a very different life.’

Taking on the theme of the body and technology, Fleming’s large-format, high~g|oss colour photographs often feature body parts: legs, arms and hands. 'They are all prosthetics from a joke shop in Edinburgh,’ explains Fleming. Text also appears in Fleming’s work, to illustrate how language has evolved along with technology. Fleming, 25, is planning to stay on in Edinburgh after graduation. She has already had a show at the appropriate venue of Cyberia, the Internet cafe, and hopes to include some of her work in this autumn’s photography festival Fotofeis. (SB)