Gunnie Moberg

Orkney's foremost literary figure, novelist, poet and playwright George Mackay Brown was a prolific, award- winning writer, but as an islander he was private and unassuming. One of his most enduring friendships was with Swedish photographer Gunnie Moberg, who first enc0untered the writer when she moved to Orkney in 1976.

Among the last works Mackay Brown produced were 48 poems written to accompany a series of landscape shots taken by Moberg around the island over twenty years. Together, the words and pictures are exhibited at the Book Festival in Orkney: Poems And Pictures, as a tribute to the writer who died last w _. , . . ., . year. George Mackay Brown: by Swedish photographer Gunnie Moberg WHAT KIND or meER ARE you?

MOberg W85 ex090mg MaCkaY Oh, Christ. i don't know. It’s none Brown to pen poetic captions to her stunning compliment to the Besides tvloberg's work With Mackay of my business, photographs in a Joint project for breathtaking aspects of Orkney Brown, the Book Festival is shovving WHAT WOULD YOU 35.; NOTA

Question Time A.L. Kennedy

Glasgow author A.L. Kennedy answers the questions that matter.

renowned publisher Colin Baxter. captured by Moberg on camera. It also Moberg’s impressions of Scotland's WRnER? Happy. 'l live Just outside Stromness, the tells of a poet in awe of his other national heroes in the exhibition MOST FREQUENTLY READ BOOK, town where George lived, and l surroundings and still at the height of Portraits Of Scottish Writers. (Deirdre Slaughterhouse 5.

' ' j ’\ II )‘N ' brought him two or three slides a his pt wtrs. 3 _ \. oity, I J H U FAVOURITE DEAD WRITER: Melwue, week, recalls Moberg, who worked as He lived very simply and I think he I Orkney Pittiires And Poems rBook . .

- Raymond Carver. . . William

3 photo Journalist in addition to dorng felt we had lost so much of ourselves Festival) international (ate, 74 ‘25 Aug . . I , , . . , _ J , j Burroughs is dead? Hell-fire! The landscape and portrait work, l didnt bv movrng away from nature and the The exhibition is hurt/tea twin Gunnie .

, , , ,,_ 1 amount of chemicals he took how see what he was writing and then one land, reflects Moberg. He died two N oherg and friends (if/LIIthJy Brown ! . ' ., . ' , , 7 m , V would they know he was dead?

day his typist said to me: Gosh, months before the book came out so on M Aug, / JON"), free POfUdliS Gt

He’ll 'ust low u'etl . Poor soul. George is producing such lovely it's a memory of George that is very Scottish Writers, Entrance Ha/l, 9 25 J 9 q ' y . WORST HABIT: Because I live by

poems.“lwas quite taken aback.’ personal. It made my pictures more Aug Orkney Pictures And Poems is If b d h b. d ' i The resulting body of work provrdes a serene than they were before.’ published by Colin Baxter at [20. myse ' my a a 't5 on t ;

particularly annoy me. MOST TREASURED POSSESSION: My dead grandfather's scarf.

Roads and LOW Roads 1 A if“ i , I FAVOURITE PLACE: Jordan.lwas . » - h r r h lid n h/ . A Guidefor Promoters 0f Writer’s Tours in Scotland \=‘ _ campus t ere o a o ay 9‘93" .

\,'\l strolling up cliffs. The Holy Land is

. . . a travel gobsmacking.

This invaluable gurde details ideal venues, press and media, . : 'F YOU COULD BE SOMEONE ELSE local authority arts contacts, support organisations, travel . "€253 3:333:22 i1? fikietlfeua man information and much more. Covering all of Scotland - A“ ' - o . anfigfig ; but you'd just stay at home and I i including the isles - it is essential for anyone and everyone infififfifl’gfiifie. wfi‘fififi ; play with yourself- involved in organising literary events. ‘zgfiggmgg" winemrglsfié : DO To.” PR.EFER NOEL OR “AM? I t

#1 pmyiding srggon gm. 13:3 don t like either of the scruffy 2'2:

m For your FREE copy send a 60p st'imped °m£2‘o‘v:'r°“9h°“‘ mfimfifi : 232333;? 3;: tit/2:11:31 one the WWW usnou 58114 °

Rmducov“ . mfmnmm is Lanky Spice or Nubbly Spice or gunman-dump! addressed envelope [0- GLASGOW mm 54 9’ whatever the hell they’re called. I 5mm soot Cmm Glasgow University

Mam HRLR Readiscove , Scottish Book Centre merit. “imam. MW ""6011: ' only know about them from Em" m” m , ry Glasgow 612 8BR “mm” “9‘” Private Eye and I intend to keep it

“"7: 81:13:12; 137 Dundee Street, Edinburgh EH1 l lBG mm MM” 5’

PRAGUE 511129 : that way. SINGAPORE 24.1123. 01 gfissgofgm - tom 254499 WHAT'S THE MOST STUPID

122 George st. wfilfit‘... 9" QUESTION YOU'VE BEEN ASKED: ’What's your lucky number?’ lt’s

. . . G|asg°w G1 “Depart trom Scotland N THEWORLD . . Edmbur h Festlval 015301“?6%R3G3"03 , a , - literary theory. ’What’s it like being 53 Forrest Road, Scottish?’ That's come up more


dignify it? ’Sorry, I’ve never been

ABERDEEN _ ' anything else.’

Roxburghe Hotel 01124 273 559 _ I HOW WOULD You LIKE To DIE? Consorte Suite (George Street)

110 High Street. 4th to 30th August 3 ~41

o'd Abe'dee“. Soon. Most of the women in my Noon-6pm First day & Sundays

Aberdeen 10am-6pm other days .f‘j‘ '-./’\\. I - ' 2?. Thousands of Antiquarian E

DUNDEE id. . , Perfect. (Rodger Evans) , 033339 332,312 / I A L Ktmiiedt' takes part 1’) Students Assoc. Ce/ebratory Readings. 70 Aug, Post Dufé'gggf‘zm Office Theatre. 8pm, [6 ([5) and Nuts And Belts, Mon 77, Rpm, ESPC Studio Theatre, [4 (-3i She reads from her short SIC!) (of/ec'ffic‘n Orig/inf 8/159 Mon 25, 72 30;;iii. 59°C Studio

Theatre, [3 SO if2._ 0'

A324 3% family die of sudden massive strokes and don't feel a thing. & Secondhand Books, Maps & Prints for Sale Free Admission.


94 riiE usr 8—14 Aug 1997