CLUBS listings Hit list

The best Glasgow clubs this fortnight.

Slam Not (ontent With delivering a stunityitinly qood line-up for the Daft Punk ditt‘l-SliC‘J.‘ liliti'y‘ last issue, Stuart and Orue are hark in the Hit list for hooking his Erninente Carl Cox iialz-o-xe'i, the world’s nuinher one DJ, guaranteed to i‘ork the house The Arr/"ms, Fri l4 Nov Aquaplanet Aniiat) anet's testimonial before they -: lose for rte-0d, is this inasszve night «Hill-iii] to lie the hottest ever started at the OM Guests Illi'l'.

late additio.n Derr.<k ltiay utiin ween

Velvet, Sthatrax ale-sh Brent;- aiid Claude Young tive, Dan Curtin, Larx, ty‘a-trk Ryal and Tv-Jitt‘h Also (herk out the last ever Aquaplanet at the Suhhie, 9 Nov Queen Margaret Student Union, Sat 15 i‘~J<)'-.«' Triumph The Renaissance (iew is bark after an extended ahsenre, relehratinr; Wllll an hour long live set from BT who brings his athingly inusital progressive house setind to the Tunnel, ')lUS Renaissant'e hloke Ian Ossia The Tunnel, Sat 8 Nov

Kensitas Klub Club [Danny Tenanlia was ooln1ed to play, hut taiirelled, so stepping into his shoes is the legendary Frantois Kevorkian, a man who has played all the seminal New York tluhs including Paradise Garage and Studio 24. Kevorkian has never played Srotland before, and mold prove even better than Tenaglia. Also tonight, the first (Ever live set from tvlu/ioue Tropittue. Sub Club, Sun 76 Nov


I Poontang at The .-\paitinent

ll), :ill‘tll Sam. 1". .\'e\\ night hosted h} Re} Ill Mels'a} 4(ilasgo\\ l'ndergroundi ht‘inging a more underground and et'edthle tee] to The :\p.’irtinent‘s Saturda} s.

I Q-Base at The Queen .\laigat'et Student l'nion. lllptn Iain. L31 tL‘Ri. .\'e\\ outing for the e} er siieeesst'ul t‘tink} teehno eolieetoe 'l‘angent teaturing A- Man and l’anie. l)i'inks protnos.

I Reds llpiii Rain. £()l£5lfl-\[\1L'T\L‘tl night specialising in ittiiiiisti'e;iiti daitee. t'tink. rap and house. litttinate. stnai't aitd trieitdl}.

I Relax at The l ith .\'ote thaseitient l. Spin inidnight. l‘i'ee. Hip hop and jungle \xith Rotneo. l.a/_\ ii and Miehael. .\'ote tltat the l3th Note eloses l: .\'o\ hut \sill it"“l‘t‘ll on the hunter site ol the \'entura liar on I l)ee. The phone ntitnher remains the same. :\lso look out tor ne\\ 13th Note eltih premises on ('l}de Street. I Strawberry Fields at Sti'axsherr} l‘telds. ‘lpin .‘xain. £5 tC-lt. l’ai‘t} night

x} itlt retro sounds.

I Stereo at The .-\s}lutti 4(‘aledonian lantersit} Student l'niont Upzn Iain £3. Alternatt} e indie night \\ ith l).l\ Riman atid Angela.

I Sub Culture at Suh (’hih.

ltl._‘~()piii Fain. LS Harri attd l)oitieitte lord it o} er the legendar} iiigltt ot' niee ‘n‘ gi'oox}. hard hittin‘. lunk'} house in

84 THELIST /tt<;‘. 20 iii); 1‘9’9/

the tadteall} ehaziz‘ed filth (‘ltzh \s h:;s} " V'pttz as net \\lllt a happ} taiiiii} ot tiiettdl} eliih tzoiii \zidzexx tam-i. ls’rtlzaid Milan. taees ()ii l< .\'o\. l' \seltoiites Rehet \lan \tkiiis and l’aul

Reeoids' (ieitiiiii lot tlte tiist time this I Contact High at \ite In \lea/}

\ear. \ i'll‘llt 'tl!.lE}l:‘l!l l'tee ‘l \o\ and

I Tonka at Jet llpitt i l<illll to - ‘5- toititightl} \i\tlllt‘lll \i‘illt ;.'ata§..'e. t:::ik. The leeentlai} Tott'ka is tued up and ska and soundinieks

iead} to patt} l-eattites tesident Toiika I Divine a' fire] \ zH llpitz \zidiexs

I).l (’oiin \Valkei ot .\'e\} York \lhaitte and -\la:i l):\ the -(ilasgo\\ \‘ehool ( t: taine iSttgaietihe l\)t‘et‘l\l\' plus nioiithi} -\it g‘vla} }o'.i the suit: the} p.a} tot tltetiisel} es at hoine Retio soiii. liohh} (ietit:}. inoxie thetnes. ete l’ie eliih

I Feel The Buzz at lientiet's

"::d:i:§.'h: lzee li'ah tethito pie toitiiightl} llud lltlli\\' ‘le‘ltitlt tioiii -\laii and \';'lt‘ ot l'diiihuigh's linest ga}

t ltll‘ lot plus l'ieiid} \\end} pla}in;' \oeal house tipstaiis

I Polo Lounge at The l’olol ottttgt‘ lll‘tti iitltl ti Take the ehotee ol the l’olol oiitige upstatis. open until iain. ot dounstatis toi I)! \iiiite ‘.\llll a harder house :ltt\ thaii the other nights ‘l .\'o\ -!iee -. latinth ot the (i.i_\ .\lens Task

l oiee | auneh l’ait} teattiitng a ll\t' l’.-\ tioin .liinin} Soininenille, lo No}. \lltllt‘d. \L‘t‘ \t‘t‘atalt' llsltltt‘.

}_‘_ttt‘\ls. I Trash llpiii iaii‘. if- :5 House in Rooiii()ne \\llll l).l _\latt. !iink in Rooin

Tuo troin l’aul \' lie ‘his eelettie heats ll Wont 1.:::i L_ “l Ll 3‘ l :‘ IC'HI‘o I Shirle '5 Tem le at -\iehaos

l t h} lttnes in Rooiti 'l hzee met: eat-:57} lti:::ks prortzos llpin \iiii 15': ‘- ‘\ tripp} ini\ ot amp I Triumph at The Tunnel I First Contact at [he l zit: \ote theatzieals aitd haid house soundtraek tioi‘a lll z‘lt‘ttt ‘aiii to -L-1 \ huge 'Zig'ltl ot \g‘rn. :itidtiteta lice Roh (i ind Rena-.1 tae iadiant \ls -\lston. li‘llle‘xl e\ei\ \ieek Italian and [AK house at one ot the via} tits latest \t'llffil\ tiotizt31e_i:;i:i: '2‘] h} \leieeie tioiii lo} l’i-e-paie _\ouist-lt to;

eotinti} 's hest looking \eniies (‘oliii 'i'e\endale and Steven \lt(‘teet\ take on

‘ltzs a .'e\\ etzeek\ \see titth

; :iape/e .iets and the eaters l’aiil Tra} nor in plates the} '\ e put together theiizsehes

liar ()ne \} itli Rik li. ltip hop. su ing and

lllt‘ tttallt lt"‘lll. \klttlt‘ Kt'\t!t \lei‘l'allttllt‘ \iile‘tlt.:11lie' i :tlt \iite‘ Closes Hit 3: \(‘\ \i\'\|l Thinks promos

otters tip a dtttetent \ !l\‘ }\ ith a \\ ide it‘sl\ hut \\ :l3 :3 open oi: the tozittet site ot the I Sorted at The ('athoim-

ol soul. t'uiik and danee elassies 1:: Room \‘eittzzia Hat on 2 Dee 'l he phoize ltl itlpni iant. LI itl ‘ll; t't‘ee hetot'e T\\o. ()n 5 _\'o\. The Tunnel \xeleoine """:l\' 'ertzattts the satire \lso look otit ll Wpii‘o liidiealteinatne \ the in the

haek the Reitaissatiee eie\} v. 2th a toe set t'toni HT. lati ( )sle and the lltt list.

I Velvet Rooms lupin late : heloie inidtitght~ l).| Skiid :n Roo'ii Tuo \} itli house. gaiage and t hih elasszes

ti fitii \ote elah prettiises on 83166! I Fuddrukkers .tl ('It-opaiia's

3 main L ‘\ - L.‘ \\llll tieketv lhseo. pop and hits part} \ thes

I Hi Karate at let l lpin ‘aiii. Ll it ‘1 lohn l,\ons in Rooiii ( hie pl.i}in;_' niclloxs ‘) \o\ and li‘tllllg‘ltll} \eu night tor the ltip hop. suingheat and elassit soul iiieieasitnfl} :ettoutted lli ls'aiate

I Wired at Strathehde {'11:} eisit\ ufikxhxc ot \.-:! \lt.\l:llait. \ttdteu Student l'ttton -l.e\e': \- lllpin "attt L: lit} 2:1: and ('2a\\ toitl Tait litg heats. also. Hattee. indie and (Ms lhitiks dirt} 'tttp hop. | .itiita!!i}l and punk tunk pioinos llitttks "toiizos

I Where It's At 't'ti-e- : lit: \ote I Kensitas Klub Club at !he .s'ii'u ( 'ltzh .\pin inidtught | tee Hi Paul \\att llpiii iatii :1“ it} \o\ oiil} Kenn pla} ing a selettioti ot \toildttide sounds \leka} \xitli his speeial night or top name ineltidtng daneet’looi i.i//. iaie groo} es. guests Hazin} ‘l'enagha was hooked to soul elasstes and hot | atiii tunes \ote ‘i.i}. hut eaiieelled. so the} '\e got in

that the l ith \ote eloses l_‘ \o\, hut \‘.tll egend l'laltei'ls K;‘\t‘ll\!.lll See llit hst t'evopen on the hunter site ot the \etitiiia and panel

Hat on 1 Dee. The phone niinihei I Minted at The l’olo | ounge

t‘eiiiatns the same. '\lso look otit toi ltt‘\\ llpiii iaiii 1‘ :71- lo .\'o\ and

l.‘\th \ote eluh pietnises on ('E}de Sheet

I Wild at little. llpiii iaiti to ' L-l

\llltlt‘lll\|. l'tink} danee \\lll1 l)_| Ra}

l)iinks pioinos.


I 4th Dimension .ii The Hah} (itallil. ‘)pin inidnight. l‘iee. .-\nd} Young pl.i}s ia/x. liia/ilian. soul. tusion and tiiiik l)iinks pi‘oitios. l’te eluh

I Aquaplanet at Suh (‘ltih llpiii zain L31 H43 t. .-\ daitin tine night ol liaid danee music and inised-tip genres \\ ith .\laik R}al attd Tutteh. ‘l \o} it; .tt's the last e} er .thiaplanet. so get }otiiselt dots it

ie\\ (‘athouse \\ ith drinks promos.

I Strawberry Rock at Stratum-ii} l'lt‘l\l\ ‘lpin iain C: i Ll 50'. hits to ‘)Hs ioek intisie.

I Sunday Hang Suite at 'l'iasti.

llpiii iain. 15w"! liiiilding on the stieeess ot' the Suttda} Soul Session. the night eoinhines garage. soul and inellou house iii t\\o rooms

I Tunnel Sundae .ii the Tunnel

llpiii iaiii :5. The Sh} liiothei‘s \}ith a night ot ptiinping' house pushtng the hotindaiies ot' the weekend to the ina\. I Velvet Rooms llpiii iain. £5. .-\lan Ronald in Rooiii T\\o \\llll an open ltil\ t'ioin elassie house to soul and \laitin llesketh in Rooiii ( )ne pla}ing lltt‘llo“ hip hop. s\\ ingheat and elassie soul .'\ll diitiks Ll

l\‘\‘.\lt‘lll\ \Ct‘

\ ‘1

Hi slip”!

Continued over page

tor residents plus guests. .lilkes and llateh. (’ris liigti/li and nioie. (ittatanteed tree diink lot the lust houi \

I Babaza at liaha/a. lpiit iain L2. (iat'age and s“ ing l'ioin Seott and (ieot’t, Drinks pi'oinos.

I Bar Miro ‘) llpiii. l-iee. Rieliatd

lloxx ie }} ith a deep. _ia//} Sunda}

I Bill & Ben's Flowerpot Men ill the Garage lll[‘\l;lll\l. llpiii iaiti. 23 it] i. l)_ls .lohn attd (iax in }} itli indie elassits. Drinks pronios.

I Bubblelicious at Reds llpiii iain. 1* it} t. ('luh elassies and a toiieh ot soul plus di'tnks proinos,

I 8.0.P. at l'ui} .\luti}‘s llpiii iain L" It: ». .\lusie }oui iiiothei' \sould htlo'd, lt'oin l).|s Desperate l)a} e and \Veird l’htl. l)rinks proinos.

I Club Jamaica at The Venue

HHSpin ‘sain. “2 It! i. Reggae night li'otti Sweet T pla} ing duh to soul. all

\\ ith a reggae tinge. Drinks [\l'ttllltts.

I MOUth at The lillt \olt‘ 'gti‘tltltl lloot'l. Spin midnight. l't‘ee. liidte \\llll .\latk‘. l’i'e-eluh. .\'ote that the lith .\'ote Closes I: .\'o\ hut \\lll i’e open on the hunter .site ol the Ventura liar on I l)ee. The phone ntitnhei' remains the same. Also look out l‘or llt‘\\ litlt Note L'llll‘ premises on ('l}de Street.

I Club Havana at it ash tea\e|

‘) llpiii. l’i'ee. D] Jan \\llll lll;lt‘f.'lll.ll assortment olqualit} l.atin sounds plus li'ee ettti'} to The Stinda} llang Stiite alter. :\ll tll'ltlk‘. t l.

I Club Zebra at Niee 'it‘ Slea/} iupstairs). Spin midnight. l~ree. ()i'httall}. Sneaker l’inips} soit ol night

I Code 99 at The lire“ er} Tap

“WW/0 4‘

Carl Cox plays Slam at The Arches, Fri 14 Nov.