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TOO TIlELIST 5—18 Dec 1997

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I Single room in clean. ll(l_\' tlat iit North Kelsutstde. close to puhlrc transport. L131) pent + htils Suit professional or postgtad. (‘all fll~ll ‘Mtt 76-10 Met 5 illpnr

I West End large room In \er} large llsndland llat. sharing \s itlt ottc otlter.

('on\ eruerit hoses and trains. £3 Ill 1 incl (‘ last plus hills. 'l‘el lll~ll “46.157.



Put' ti . ilifU‘ 21:2:

I A professional ttott-stttokcl' to halt sltarc superior .\l.uel:ruout tlat. L370 pent plus hills. ll|31 33‘) l)(t.‘\7.

I Woman wanted for single room it] sunny [\so-hetlt'ooltt Meadow s llat. (ias central heating. \\ asltiug rttachute. ’l‘\'/\ ideo. rtice decor etc. £333.50 per month pltrs hills. Availahle unutediatel)’. Pltorte (ll .il itlth' 3105 tday/e\el.

I Small room available in spacious. lirerull)‘ flat on The Shore. |.eitlt. '3 I310 perrt plus hills. Please call lllil 553 435‘). I Female required to shine l.cilll l.rnks garden flat. Single room t l 50 pcui plus hills Would suit professional lctttale. Sorr) no USS Phone lll3l ‘51 <(tl51e\enrngsr

I Eclectic, professional interesting couple lookirtg l’oi roortt III a housepr‘oud household. L‘ll)‘ centre hased attd non smoking preferred. 'l‘el:

(ll ii (to! -l.\'l‘).

I Large unfurnished room Ill spacious Morningside flat axailahle January l‘)‘).\’. Share all facilities witlt one other pr‘olessiortal non-smoker. tto USS. Lilli) pcttt pltts hills. fll3| —l~l(t 03M),

I Female wanted for central. tull_\ ltuuislted. hiigltt. douhle room in lrrendl} flat. Kitcheu/ dining. washing machine. power shower. lttuttediate entr). £330 pent including (‘ouncrl 'l'a\. (‘irlt (113! (int until/(11875 s14 i‘os

I Available in new year l)ouh|e roont rrt hip: \Ieadouixrnk llat. .»\ll mod cons. including tl|\l1\\;t\ltc'l'. washer-duet; oll-street parking. Suit l'i‘tendl}. ltotlrslllttk‘lttg’ professional. {3‘0 pent including all hills e\cept phone. llHl (1533393/

inoonetcw rhos couk

I Large room available lll ne\\|_\ decorated Marchrttout llal \\ rth garden and two llatitiates. {3‘0 pertt rrtcl (‘ Tax Pltorte Jessica lllil J47 M75


I Wanted box room for non- smoking. professional ntale \‘-lllt

work cortuttrtrrtctrts that take

ltiitt aua} front the flat .1 lot. (‘all ()4 Ill So" 537 (I'll call hack).

I Morningside Double bedroom. excellent sltared facilities. Suit couple. ('all ()I Kl 453 8727.

I Professional female

wanted. to l‘) years. to share

studio llat at West find of

For further details phone 0131 5581191 1

l-Idinhurglt. Ell)” pent. Ask for l)ot‘oth_\‘ on l)|5()(t 883 9|}.

I City centre tlatutate required for gay-friendly flat. £165 pent pltrs hills plus deposit. Please phone John or TOM} on 0| 3| 335 3176.

I Boxroom in shared lii'untslield flat. £l50 petrt plus hills. :\'o USS. Phone (ll3l 33‘) lll‘m.

I Single room to let in attractoe. Stockhridge flat. £18" pent plus hills. Available rrrtntediatel}. Please phone ()l3l 3.1} 3638.

I Room available in new |.eith Walk llat \\ itlt all tttod cons, l't'lllitlt‘ n/s preferred. L105 pcttt plus share of. hills. :\\ ailal‘le ertd of l)ecertther. Phone .-\iis.i lll ‘sl 55-1 0715‘ (L‘H‘lltltgl.

I 1/2 rooms available in a triendl}. hright arid spacious West lind flat lt'ottt lo Decernher. L170 pent artd deposit. (’all ()l3l 337 4386. I Room wanted in Next 'l'ourt 3Srt'earuold ntale seeks room in llat. starting owrt husutess llIIllitll}' requu‘es USS (three rttonths). lltl)’. considerate attd relatively sane. l'p to £300 pent. (‘all Stuart ()l(t‘)t\’ .i3ll‘lh3.

I Single room in lovely flat \\ itlt friendly llatrnates. all amenities. including garden. satellite TV. huge louttge. kitchen. w itlt all rttod cons. (i(‘ll. L‘lfil) pent (inc ('fl'ax). ('all (113] ~l(t.\’ (l‘)7—I/l)-lll 777 545 llttoltlle).

I Female flatmate, nls wanted to share with two other women In lovel} lllllll)’ house l)_\‘ sea. lioxroottt with skylight £l~lll pent. (‘all ()l3l 553 ‘1‘)l l.


I Room available in warm (ch) house with garden. Kitchen. livingr'oorn. hathroorn etc. (iood public transport. (‘erttrally located. Ideally strit professional or postgrad. £50 pw including hills (except telephone). l)l33(i 736509/ liill'htttll(‘1'pttlitl‘tlltl.Ct)lll.llk


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