Christmas games SCANNER

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Day eight

FIFA: Road To World Cup 98

(PC CD—RO‘.‘ PlayStat 0': £39.99!

S'v: «wt: 1‘. "I-' _"::I"‘sfu""

Sonic R: the small blue hedgehog

returns T'LI' {7;E.'.I" Tl.’ " i TII’I ’l'I'I: I.' ::I Ii' :2 '. :t- " . t:::t;' .'. I'

Day Six '."-:=::'_:" Tsv‘ .‘I :t'. :>"i:I-' 931‘, Goldeneye ' x

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Championship y , . I I I ,, ,. , a 2 "I"'11(}("‘(T(;;)'().I‘(l I."'(‘<l s1: Zip-3:? iv (a“:: :21" " 1-9 '\ ":2 WC CD-ROF\.1£29.99) -

Lot: at) I" {)0 "I; I’;"I>'(‘-<:, '.'I.I"‘ I’"".("°.<‘: " ":; 1' gas 1:: (MTV " T" s ;:.I’ ;>' t"I-' f" 9: my ;>' «X? )xtw (wet: ()If. it: we "0' "‘()'_".(>' If 'I‘:( "I:-I (af‘<:"" <;(:"‘I‘-, «LI-"Tum '_ I"? I 'I'-~;-:? ":1 ';>t.' :: .'.(lS 2mm 2:) (wt (:0“ " 10 {LA "(‘33 A (midi? () So": {J'II’} :>t.'. TI? PI" '.'. I" 1%" "ads-u -II- " "5211‘ tiu'» .'."()(‘ "(>22 SOdSO" Y"("' is A" Human", " (-I. ‘<>' " . °' .I I>.I <7"°'I> I: .'.:~'Is'x>:‘

Day eleven MDK (PC (D R()'.' P 69,8321 0" £39.99»

:\'I"'."‘I:"’(:2I2IsII'1:2:‘l Ir:' 1:"?! "I >' AW?!" .1‘ " . \ H' {\(: >‘\ '.'.’:\ \ .l. .'K \t\ " I 'II" :i'. I '°'<:I" I'd 'I :' If" <}<:"I 'H'I'I‘ 'I~(2I’2'I> :‘:.I "I " "and": :I' :f: (IC‘ SI 'VI" ('1-(‘1‘lilnh ":1". s' (‘I' »"I' "'I". z' 2 )f' I' ' .' -.. '.'I {MUG-3'3» E1} .I': . " ("I s‘: .I I f' I' '7: " VILS' ' ..'.‘/\'\1"‘.1’!' {‘I : "\'.1<:> s'I‘”. I" ..l IzI-III2.'.'.' .\{.:".\>ll":.:j‘t.“!'.1'.:Il. >I: . .Il “I ' ‘I " ‘(i\ n. ' “I II "I'° ‘>°'I')°." \' “I 1“.) (2'I<:"'s 'I,'l""' 'I: I . (:" “1"T‘I‘ :

‘. I " :l'I .'.I"I '.' >1."'IK ' '(: (ML-"1} 2"I' " . 'I:"I '. .:\ ’\ :1 Day twelve T .

omb Raider II (PC: P'Ii‘vfiid’. t)" f~1--1.99) ":.I"'I'.'.I‘T' 1:.I' :"‘>:"'2>' )A\\ -”>:)KI:.I‘:'I " l\' ".K‘I )(II‘ I}"'~ ' <:'(: I '1)" " "' I" "‘(4) If!" .. .' ..' "" ‘si‘fi‘n. 112' z" (2'. I ‘2-; I‘.“ ::('()z\l'('.\u ' .'K :‘1'. . "‘.'.'.I I‘.I \.'.'."I'1'I? Idi .\

Goldeneye: serious global peril . I: .I- . I. .
