FILM index

FILM INDEX continued

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly 15» 'Setgto leone. tal_\. 1‘)!“ t ('hnl liaxtxxood. \'an('1eet. l'.h \Yallaeh N) nuns During: the :\tttettean (‘tx ll War. a trio ot mean grtngm squabble o\ er ludden loot \ltnl people tememhet' the \lorrreone score from llll\ l.eone extt‘axagalt/a. hut the degtee ot dtleetot'tal st} ll\;lllUtt 'ltl\l .‘oth the nunther ot' tunes e\ttetne elose-ups till the \t‘teent make ll .: ptett} tematkahle eltott all touud 'l'hnd and l.t\l ttlo\te \xtth liastnood ax the Man With No Name. heealoe the \et'tex reall} had mm here else to go lidlnl‘utgh Cameo

Hercules la Ilohn .\lu\kel' & Ron ('lemenls. l'S. I‘M": With the \oteex of late l)ono\an. .lame\ Woods. l)ann_\ l)e\'tlo (ll ltltl‘\ llttltxh eattootnxt (ietald Seatle'x dextgm Illa”) lll\ euxtotnat} grotesque-r} \Nllll l'nele \Yalt‘x \ollet' ehat'aetetIxattonx Hades Ia magntlteentl) \plenette tlalnex \Voodv wants to ma; texenge on Zeus h} \lc‘\ll«|_\tllli lll\ \on lleteulex. hut luekll} our hero hax l’egasux as lll\ \teed and Phil the glump} \.Il_\l' than”) l)e\'tton as lll\ eoaeh (ienet'al release

The Hiding Place t IFI ttietman). 1977‘» Julia llotl'man. \lant't'ed Krug. l)teter Mann HM nnnx Regtelltng the t:ulut‘e ol' llt\ matttage. \ltu ;l\k\ ltl\ e\-\\tle Wanda to let lntn \ta} m her l'lat under the pretence that lte l\ hetng lollo“ ed l\_\ the pohee Before long. houexer, lll\ attempt at l‘eeonetltatton \CClll\ to he doomed “hen again he claims the dominant lole It) the lIUUV.‘ (illogtm (ioethe-llhtttttl

His Girl Friday Il'ttllonatd Ha“ k\. [19. Ill-lllt (In) (irant. R(\\;tlllltl Rttxsell. Ralph llellam}. ‘ll nuns llau k\\ d} nature muted} 2\ one ol the best lloll) \tood e\ er made (haul and Ruxxell are \nan} tantaxtte ax the \parlmg ne\\ ~papet‘ editor and top reporter dra“ tug hattle lme \lll their plotexxtonal and personal Ines lleeht and .\lae:\lthul '\ \ettpl ttom thetr ottgmal pla} I‘lzt' I’M/:1 I’tlet; \[‘1l\ ottt a \ette\ ol' t‘aptd- the tpnpx and etoxx euttng\_ hut .‘lllU\\\ the \appotttngx ehataeten to ha\ e then teenekleallng lllt‘!ttt'ttl\ loo Dona mt“ u lidtnhutgh Cameo

I Know What You Did Last Summer « dun (itllexpte. l S. l‘l‘l"'.lennttet l,o\e llemtl. Satah Michelle (iellat'. R}att l’htlhppe llll tttltl\ Writer Kenn \YIllldlllMHl hroke llt‘\\ hortor ground “Hit .81 ream. hut llll\ eltort l\ the \ttt'l of stall; 'n‘ \ladt thek‘ that's luek} not to go straight to \tdeo lhe \tol) lollmxx tour high \ellool lllL‘ll\l\ plagued h} a murderer exact!) one )L'dt attet the) .‘teetdentalkx ran met a man and dttehed the \eemtngl) dead hod} Seotttsh lust-time dn'eetor Jim (illlL‘\Plc' |(‘Il1\ the dots and titles on the horror ehehex See teatute and te\ 1C“ (ienet‘al teleaxe

The Indian In The Cupboard «Pt; t t l’it'ank ()1. l‘S. WU.“ Hal Seal'dtno. latetool. l)a\ld Keith ‘lo nuns l‘ot lll\ lurthda). )oung ()mtt l\ gnen a magi; euphoatd that httng~ to flesh-and-hone hte lll\ pl.l\llc' toys. pt'tlt;lp.tll_\ \atne :\mettean l.tttle llear llxeelient \2\ hung l.)nne Reid llankx' no\el to hle. hut :txltlL‘ hour that. It doexn't reall} dexelop. apalt ttotn some ttlte motal lexxoto ahout \homng texpeet lot the hum ol olllet \ (ilaxgtm (il .l'

It's A Wonderful Life 1' ~ « l tank (Ilpta. l'S. l‘l-lhl James Stenat'. Donna Reed. lletll} Ill.t\L'l\ l.‘.‘) :lttn\ ()tt tlx telc'du‘. (‘apta'x \alute to small town \.llllL'\ \\.|\ o\et looked at the ( )xeatx and on!) \etaped h} at the ho\ otliee. 50 )eat\ do“ n the hue. lto\~.e\e:. It'x ax much a part ot (’httxtmax ax lltt‘a' (lzoxl‘) \ etoolnt‘a: Steuatt pl.l}x dtxpaltlng launl} man (ieotge llatie). \a\ ed at the point ot \utetde h} a eattng angel Setztlt‘aelt: \\ltt\ the da}. hut that doexn't outuetgih the hints genuine \\.lt!‘.llll and htnl ot \ldlixllL'\\ (il.:\;2o\\ (il'l' lalllll‘ttlgllt l lhnhouxe

Jeffrey i \ '(illl :\It‘;‘ltet ,-\\ltle_\. l '3‘. PM.“ Stet en Wehet. Michael l \Yetxx. l’atttek Stewart ‘l-l ttlllh Single \exx Yotker Jettte} lL'ettltW that .-\ll).\~ lt.t\ tnade \e\ [on lhk}. so he gocw eehhate :uxt ax he meets Mr Right (’tnematte \t)le l\ eaxt axzde tot pttllea. \xltt) ttlnt taat 'axex its lead c'lldtaclt‘l a\ an airtalgam ot AIDS eta hang- t:p\ Rewllzlel} ltpl‘eat atld eeiel‘tatot} lidtnl‘ulgh ltllnltouxe

36 THELIST a ::-::; “Lax

Keep The Aspidistra Flying I II. 'Rohetl llterman. l‘K. IW'W Rtehard l: (iranl. llelena llonham ('arter. Jultan \Yadham l"l llllth .’\(l\t‘fll\ltlg Ct‘p}\\lllt‘l‘ ( iotdon ("otnxtoek I(irantt leel\ \ltlled h} the bourgeois natute ot lll\ toh and lllll‘lll\l\t‘l_\ decades to quit attd lollou lll\ out] poette ntuxe amongxt the \tolktng elaxx :\ em}. eomtoltahle ltltn that “oth as a u luntxteal tomantte eomed}. although an) ()l‘\\elll;ltl same on the |lllc|tllllt\ ()l' lllk‘ Cl;1\\ \'\ \lL‘lll l\ lt‘\l Sk'k‘ lL'\ WV. (ilaxgon ()deott ()ua) l'dmhutyh ()deon LA. Confidential t Ix. «(‘utto llanxon. [8, WWW Kenn Space}. (in) l’eat;e. Ruxxell (lone. Kim llaxtngset l l‘ nunx Adapted ltotn James lzlho} '\ neoaton noxel. the hex: .»\met'tean tihn ot I‘M“ e\oke\ a ;'ltl/} poxt- WW3. l.o\ :\ngele~ undetpznned l‘} alt all pet‘\a\t\e. le\tettng t‘ottttptton \t: ltttllgate drop-dead hrtlllant plot hnkx hent eopx. good eops. llollpxood \tar lookalike pt'ostttule\ and the ntoh ‘l he dialogue eraeklex and the aetotx l‘lllll up the \qteen one ol the le“ lllttl\ one \xottld date mention Ill the same breath ax the detttuttxe ('ltmulonn (ienet‘al teleaxe

A Life Less Ordinary ' l 5 i t l )ann} llo} le. l’K. I‘M") liuan .\le(iregot. ('ameron I)1a/. lan llolnt llll nuns lhe lollou-up to ltd/Importing l\ \omethlng else entnel} an original script that holdl) play with the eomentlonx ot the romantte eotned} \le(itegor l\ a _\oung Seol ‘aho kidnaps lll\ l\o\\\ daughlet when he t‘etx the \aek. only to llnd lll\ hmtage With the tah|e~ and u\e\ e\ent\ to get hack at het dad Not c‘\et}thtttg \sotk\. hut It'x hltlltantl} dextyned. tunn}. tomantte and more tnxenttx e than tttt‘xl ot llt‘ll}\\ooll\ output eotnl‘ttled (il.t\;‘,o\\ :\ll(' l'tlltt (’entre. ()deon ()ua}

A Little Princess t l’( t - I .\llon\o ( Illaton. I'S. I‘NSJ luleanot lllon. l.tatn Cunningham. l.Ie\el \latthmu W" nuns Young Sara l\ loteed to leax e he: pm tleg'ed ltle tn lttdla lot a \'e\\ Yolk g'ttlx' hoarding \ehool \xhen \\‘\\'l l‘tL‘.tk\ out llllllt‘x turn for the \xotxt. lto\\ e\el. \xhezt het lather ts tepotted llll\\lll}‘vltlutc'llt‘tl and. penmlev. \he 1\ \ul‘teeted :o the ttuelt} ot \gluoolnnxtlexx \ltxx \lznthtn ;\ lt‘.o‘.:e xktlll a \en\e ol teal mast; and lo\ e ot dot)telhng. that l\ heaztttltzll} devgtled and :tttelllgentl} acted (ifaxg'ou (il 'l

Ma Vie En Rose l .\.‘ -\laln llet hzlet. l'tanee'llelgtuln l‘K. I‘M" (it't‘tg‘c'\ ll-a ltexne. \lteltele latotgue. Jean l’luhppe Leone} ‘ll nuns llapt‘} \e‘.e:t-'\e.u old lttdoue lo\e\ etoxx-dlexxtng and l\

eon\ tneetl he v. tll giro“ up to heeome a g'ltl lllx patetlh ltt‘t‘e tlv\ a paving phase. l‘ttl hoxttltt} tt‘om then netghhoutx eauxex l‘lUl‘lL‘llh 'l'he child'x e_\e \xotld Ix \l\ll.lll} \tttktng. the message ol .eeeptttly the \ltllc‘lc'tle‘c“ ol olltetx \h‘llll tet‘c‘almy. the pellotntaneex h} all lteltletltdottx \ tett'eshmgl} honext look at a eomple\ \uhteet lidmhutgh l‘tllllltt‘thc‘

Open for business: Helena Bonham Carter in Keep The Aspidistra Flying

Matilda Il’(i-tl)ann} lle \'tto.l S. I‘M/o .\1at'a \thxotr llan} lle \lto. l.ttll\elll l)a\tdt/ ‘H nuns (‘apttuztu' the deht roux \xtekc'tlttc'\\ ot Roald l)ahl\ \xttttny. dttettot l)e \‘tto lull} e\t‘lott\ e\a_:‘;'etated ehataetettxattt n and pla} t'al eatneta work to tell the tale ol a )‘lllc'tl glnld \xho uses he: \tll‘t't l‘l.llll to outxxtt het neglettlul patents (lll\L'lllll}‘ the lo\al‘le \lattlda .lg‘allhl a \k'llt'\ ol hottthl} Intlaled l‘addtex. the ltlttt’x empowering ltlexx.l}'c' lot ehtldten \Hll appeal to tlte nnxehcw toux ktd m t'\l‘t}t‘ttc‘ (dag-o“ (il’l ldttlhut;'h ()deon

Men In Black I|’( i t ' llatl} Sonnenleld. l N. 1"” '- ll‘ftlttl} lee lottee \\tll Xltlttl. Vincent 1H )aoltto ‘5 ltltllx [truth and lonex are too gttpttgall} named 'toxttttc (i men who motntol e\ttatetle\lttal altenx man;- on I alth. xxhzle \lx‘I‘l‘lll;' the tt.l\l:t‘t hteed ol \paee haddie !tont eolotnxtng‘ the planet .lone\\ \een-tt all \ll.tI}'lll than I\ the pelleql toll tot Snuth'x ‘atde e)ed nee. kid on the hloek (ilaxyox‘. \ltgtn l).ll\l'\"\ Sitoueaxe

Mr 8: Mrs Khiladi ‘l’(i l)a\ :d l)ha'.\an. lndta. I‘l" '- .‘ l < tlllt‘.\ In a c‘otned} \\Illl a \oetal ltlL‘\\.l_‘.‘t‘. ttttt'tllt\lt-}t'tl Rata l\ eomtneed that ho unele\ pledlt tton that he mll heeome a :teh man tn one )eal '\ tnne l\ gottegt \l.t}l\t- tho \xould help lutn meet the gondtttonx \et h} the mtlltonane tathet ol the woman he ‘.\.|lll\ to malt} Seteened ‘.l.llllt‘ttl \ltl‘llllt'\ lllznl‘tztt'lt ('anteo

Mrs Brown -l’( i lt‘ltlt \ladden. l'K. I‘N'W lud: lleneh. lltll} (\~t1:toill\..\nton'\ Shel lll:lll1ll\ Queen \ tgtotla\ t'l‘\c'\\l\t‘

mourning tot' l'tmee Albert l\ eaxtmg gloom oxet the entne eountt). \o lltghland ghtlhe lohn lltoun l\ .‘alled do\\tl ltotn llalntoral to shake up the \lutt)}!l|\ll eoutt \ladden'x tilm ean‘t mateh the eonne hrto and \l\tl.ll panaehe ol 7?": .Um/m'u (1' Km: (it met; hut lll\ understated dtreetlon undetnahl} \tlll\ the slot} lhe Pt'l'lt‘t'llldllt‘t'\ ate tllllll't‘tltl} \l‘lk'lltlltl. \\ tth Deneh and (‘onnollt Ihoth pet‘teetl} east t gn mg the ttltn a \mptlxttu‘ emotional depth ldtnhutt'h l'('l llaxt Ktlhttde l’(‘l Muppet Treasure Island «t’( i t lllrtan llenxon. l'S'l "K, I‘M/n ltm ('ut't). Kenn lltxhop. lllll} (‘onuolltx lll.‘ ttllltx Young lttn ll.l\\klll\_ along \xlth lll\ lllL‘lltl\ the (heat (ion/o and kill“ lhe Rat go hunting tol llt'.l\lllt' \Hllt (‘aptatn l‘hnt'x map. meeting up on the \\.t} \kllll long John Stlxel t('ut't) I. and l‘o/lte. Kermit. .\lt\\ l’tgg} et al ax \attoux Stewnxon characters l atthlul to the hook. hut lulattom tn ll\ e\pe;tal|} tn the opening \eetton llll\ I\ one time exertone ean c‘tllo} lltlll)\\(‘\lll'\ plundering ol littttxh htetatule lxdtnhmgh ()deon

The Muppets Christmas Carol t llrtan llenwn. l'S'l'K. WWII .\llehael (lune. Kermit. .\l|\\ l’lt‘fi) and other l‘ll\ ot‘ loam lt‘x (‘lutxlmax tune. and naxl} old nnxer Scrooge I(]une| need\ taught a lesson h} lluee \e.i\ott.rl ghosts ('oloutlul \erxtolt ol lhekenx‘ elaxxte tale that “Ill pleaxe the kids and keep the adults \llttltll}; \Hllt ll\ ltttle ntexetent \pteex (ilaxgou l‘('l ('lylehank‘ laxt Ktlhttde l‘(‘l

e\ttaneou\ delallx

Hollywood calling: James Stewart in It's A Wonderful Life