FILM index

FILM INDEX continued

rtxelt Sparkltngr dialoyue and elidt'txtlhtlt; pertormarreex all round make thrx one or the hext ot rtx kind Remade ax the muxreal. Ilrel: Sm Ir'.’\ Izdrirhtir‘elr (‘ameo

The Red Squirrel IN IJuho \ledem. Spam. I‘NFI Naneho \'o\o_ mea Suare/ ll-l mrnx Nairou er in xeope thair the drr‘eetIIr .\ dehut. \III In. “re Ir’r'r/ .hltl'Jllllt'j hax elemerrtx in common \a ith the h_\ xterreal xex iaieex dominant in Spanrxh trlmmakrng. hut :x itxelt a complex :rielodrama ahout deeert. hetr.r_\al and low. xhot through mth angled \)llil‘r‘lt\tll .-\ ele\ er hleird ot p\_\ehodrama and thriller I.drnhur_eh l-rlmhouxe

The Rocky Horror Picture Show I IN Ier Sharrrran. l'K. IVS I ‘l'rm ('urr}. Suxan Sararrdori, Barr} lloxtxxrek. \leat l.oat HM rrrinx /'/:e eult trim to end all otherx, thix roelx xpooi on old horror niox iex hax ereated .r hieed oi Rock) Horror era/iex. and paer thenr m at late thI. x e\ ei‘}\\here, 'lhe film hax rtx niorrrentx. and (‘urr_\ l\ xpleridrdl} eamp ax the lH\L‘\lt;ll l-‘rank .\' liurter lidrrrhurgh (‘ameo

Romeo And Juliet I III I lla/ l,uhrmann. :\rixtrali;r/l,'S. I‘NIH Leonardo l)i('aprio. (‘larre l)arrex. l’ete l’oxtlethxxarte III) mmx Ihe film {It lr'rrz'howr: drreetI-r ‘x treatirrent oi the Shakexrware tragedy 1x a rinnrnrtreent rrot oi eolorrr. aetron and xex} teen romanee. \xrthout an} need to xaer'itiee the te\t lo eall rt ‘.\l'l'\' irlrrrmakrng' mixxex the point that the earnera trrekx aird iii-tokex don't in an) \xa} drxtraet from the Iaei that luhrmanrr hax eompletel} praxped the ixxuex at the centre oi the play .I\n rrrtoxreatrng. hr‘eathtalxrng irri\ ot (‘athohe ie‘IIrrIrgr';rpli_\. lilglll eamp and xtreet \ rolenee that‘x hoth deheiouxl} te\erixh and xtudredl} eool (ilaxgou Andre“ Stewart. (il’l‘ lidrnhurgh (Irrrreo. l‘ilmhouxe

Seven I la‘i I l)a\id l'rrreher. l'S. 1005i Brad Pitt. Morgan l-reeman. (ixxyreth l’altrmx. II" nnnx The outline rx tamrlrar track domr a xer'ial lxrller‘ hut Stan: rx a xtep ahead of rtx ri\ alx l‘roirr rtx opening! title xequenee ormar'dx. rt'x an e\treiire|)

[\Hi eupx

dark mox re \xhreh \xmdx through the rrroxt txuxted reeexxex oi human nature liaeh death Ix a graphic. interpretation ot one oi the xe\eri deadl} xrnx. gluing .IlIu'I: I" dir‘eetor l-rrreher the rrraterral tor air intenxe xt) lrxtie e\ereixe in horror (ilaxeou (iroxxenor

Seven Years In Tibet IslIJean-Jaequex Annaud. [‘5. 19‘)“ llrad l’rtt. l).l\!d 'l'hexxhx B I) Worry lFl mrnx Sporting? Hitler Youth peroude and xpoutrrrg xurtahl} xtrangled \Imelx. l’itt ix aee ehmher lleirrrieh llarrei. \xho xtra_\ x aeroee the

'l rhetan border and heeomex a triend ot the )oung l)alai |,ama l'ntortunatel}. Iliad xeemx to ha\ e \er') little purehaxe on the rrraterial. and we‘re lett \\ ith Iahulorrx landxeapex m xeareh or a mo\ re (ieneral rL‘lk‘;l\C.

Shine I III ISeott llrc'kx. .I\Iixtraha, I‘M/Ii (ieottre) Ruxh. Noah la} Ior. .-\innn \lueller-Stahl 105 mrnx Wrrrrrer ot'arr ()xear tor aetor (ieoitie) Rirxh. .\'/:.Ir:r' ix .. remarkable and de\axtating Iilm about [t".‘ Me of child prodrg} and pianixt l)a\rd llelt'gott. \x ho \xax I‘or'eed to retire tronr the xtage due to a mental hreakdoxx n, htrt returned later in lite 'l‘he pert'orm.’rneex \lIUW real lm e. \xhrle the reertal [‘.t\\.igt‘\ are pt‘exented urth a com ietion that underlinex the quaht} ot the trlm ax a \\ hole lidinhurgh. (‘ameo

Shooting Fish I IZIIStetan Selmartl. l‘K. l‘)‘)"i Kate lleekinxale. Dan l-utternran. Stuart ‘l'oxxnxend IIH nrrnx ‘l'xxo eontraxtrrrgz eon rrren reerurt a heautitul axxrxtant and xet ahout ileeeini: the eorrrplaeent rreh Ihig t‘rxhi In order to help the poor Itherrrxehexr The director and producer ot Sui! 'IQI/r. l/trrr/ .Vnmh/r'l' turn a eontrixed. eheex} and \er) hux) plot into a xuhlrme xtor_\ that untoldx on \c‘t'eett \xtllt xeamlexx eaxe .'\ l‘te.ltlile\\l} pae} nrmre. (il;t\}‘.tr\\ Shoueaxe lidrnhurgh: l’('l l,;rr‘gx llarr‘i‘rehh

A Simple Wish Il’(ir I.\liehael Ritchie. l‘S. 1997iMaraWilxon.MartrnSlrort. Kathleen 'l'urrrerx (It) minx. ererr xhe makex a \\ rxh tor her xrnger-aetor dad to land the lead ma Bt'OtlIqu) muxreal. .\lar'a erxon Iot .l/urrh/ti tamer iindx herxelt xaddled \\ rtlr a

m a z = c a: c: z a E E c: c:

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38 THELIST ‘) 2‘0; "-993

Frontline news: Woody Harrelson in Welcome To Sarajevo

lrrrmhlrng‘. lair} IYIIIli;rtlier‘ m the xhape III \lartrrr Short l'he magic \xorld oi the tarr_\ta|e rx updated to the I)Iix tor a eolourtul hut ultrmatef} xield} \\\ eet kidx mo\ re that le.ittit'e\ 330ml etteetx (iettet'til releaxe Smoke I ISI IWa)ne Wang. [8. I‘l‘fir llar\e_\ KeiteL William Hurt. llarold l’er'rineau HIS mirrx .\'o\elrxt Hurt otterx horrrelexx lad l’errrneau a plaee to xta) aiter he rx xa\ ed trom hem}; run o\ er lilxeuhere. \\ ell ohxened llrooldyr eharaeter'x hang'. out In the tohaeeo \tI‘ie W here Kertel Ilt\[‘eii\e\ lromexpun piriloxophiex .\ deligthtt'ul and compelling treat. haxed on the \xor'k ot l’aul .I\uxter lidrnhur'gh. (‘ameo

The Tango Lesson It’to «Sail; l’ottei'. t'tx‘. I‘M—Ti Sall} l’otter. l’ahlo \'eron II): minx ()I'Itl/Itll’ drieetot' Sall) l’otter pla) x herxelt'. a t'rlirimalxer drxtraeted trom thllll}! a xerrpt h) her ohxexxron mm the irraere and paxxron ot the tango 'l iaxelline to latrn \meriea to experienee the dance Irrxt hand. her relationxhip Willi xe\_\ .‘\l;‘(‘ll[llll.tll daneer l’al‘lo \eron xprllx oxer rirto their pmate lrxex l<lr_xthmre and paxxiorrate. I'lre lit/rev [um/r tenderl} e\prexxex the ehoreoyrr‘rph} ot modern lo\e See prexre“ and rex re'.\ (ll.l\}frt\\ :\trdie\x Stewart. (il-‘l’

Tierra I 15' I.lulro Medem. Spain. WWII (‘aimeio (ionrez. linrnra Suarel. Kaira lleralde |§< mmx lhe latext h} the \xrrter-diieetor oi' lirt .:\ and [he Rt ..’ Strait/r! dexeiihex a place that rx hoth I‘ll}\ and rrretaplnxreal :\n;'el I(}ome/~ helrex ex that a part or irrm doex not e\l\l. hut xpeakx to hrrrr out oi the eoxmre darkrtexx Houxen rte :\n;.'.e!a ISuare/I rx oned h} \rrg'el'x 'ang'el'. \xhrle xe\uall} \oerleroux tee!‘..i;'et .\l.itt IStllxei tx denied h} .'\tl;'el the man l'rreomprorrirxing'. :rr\errti\e. controlled and l.i\\'lll.tllll}‘ ldrrrhmg'h l’ilmhouxe

Tomorrow Never Dies I 3 .TI le’og'et Spottrxuoode. l’K. WWW l’ieree llroxnan. 'leri llateher. lonathan l’rxee ll" :rrmx In the eryhteenth llond .id\entt:re. multi- !‘..tlI\'tl.ll :rredra poueriironyer l1lhot (liner 'l’r}eeI reglxorrx World War III ix the peiteet rrrearrx to hooxt hrx :ie\I.xpaper and xatelhte IV empire llroxrrarr rx haek xhakiirg lllx martmr. takrny on a tormula oi xtuntx. quipx and }‘.rd_:'elx mixed \I. rtlr a xtor_\hne tlrat‘x euremely rele\a!rt tlrrx near the end oi the irrzllemurrr Renewed rie\t rxxue (‘rerieral lL'lL'.|\L‘

Turning Point I 15- I(ieiman_\. l‘)\ ‘I \xlxextei (itt‘lli. l red lhrretr. \ldllltlrh (itmther ill: rmnx llaxed on a timed h} Hermann Kant. thix 1x the xtor_\ or a l‘)~_\ear- old xr‘ltliet \xltI‘. .it the end or \\'\\'_‘_ ix taken to a prrxon m Warxau ll} herng' eortironted \xrtl: other przxonerx. arrrorn‘ them an unrepent.‘rrrt SS eomrirander. he yraduall} eomex Io auextion hrx rrrrtral eoneeptx ot :irrroeeirge arid ).‘tllll (ilaxg'ou (ioethe Inxtrrur

Under The Skin I I“ '(-.ittlle .\dler. l K. 3‘“) 'I Sarrrarrtha \lortorr. (Alaire Ruxhhroo'k. Rtta lrrtheham \5 irrrrrx erterx lr:x -\lorton,I and Roxe IRuxhhroIIk are de\axtated “hen their mother l'rrxhrrrg'harri-

drex trom a hrain tirrirour. and Irrx rexortx to a xeriex ot lllc‘t'e;t\lt13_'l) high-rer \e\lt;ll erreounterx \xhreh alienate her trom hoth tarrnl} and ti'rendx lhr'eetor Adler :llher her three lead .ielt'c'\\t'\ III e\l;tl\li\h hill and rounded eh.‘iraeterx \\ rth remarkable xmrphert). hut her plotting! ix napxard See rex reu (ilaxgon (il-‘l' lzdinhurgh I-rlnrhouxe

Vacas I IS) IJuho \ledem. Spain. I‘l‘L‘r limma SaureI. ('armelo ( iomez. .-\na 'l‘orrent WI rnrrrx I’art hrxtorreal epie. part xrrrr‘eal Iaritax}. part l)rrea! loxe \tot'}. \ln m raneex aeroxx three yerreratiorrx oi Sparrixh hrxtoi') Irom the IS ‘Itlx to the (‘i\il War. rrxrrii: rrrraeex ot eoxxx ax \ixrral rrietaphorx tor Spam rtxelt~ .\ m) xterroux. haunting! and rexonant trlm that lrr'irrifx rtx on n renardx. lidrnhurgh l‘rlmhouxe.

Volcano I III I.\lrek .laekxorr. t‘S. WWI 'l‘omm} Jonex. .I\nn lleehe. (iah) llottman Ill: nrrnx ererr lox .v\rr;'_elex ix hit h) a thigh!) earthquake. the tr'errror openx a \oleanre ea\ it} and won a torrent oi molten la\a ix heading do“ ntoun l'rrhke other recent drxaxter moxiex. loft mar doexn't take itxelt too xeriouxl} and the elteetx are \tlt‘eth Jotte\ .Itid Hec’lie delr\ er tar' hetter per‘iorrri.‘rneex than the xerrpt dexer‘\ex. l‘tit JI‘tIe\ tx ‘r'l\eti ltllle opportunit} to tlaxh hrx pool. deadpan \I. it (ileniothex

Welcome To Sarajevo I 15. I.\lrehael Winterhottom. l‘K. l‘)‘)"I Stewn l)illane. \Vood} llar‘relxon. lvmrra \uxexre lll" ttlllh In Hoxrria. reporter \lre'hael llenderxon Il)illaneI deerdex to \Illtl}'_}llL' an orphan out of the (“UH”) llaxed on the true xtor) oi l'l'.\' rourrralrxt .\li;hael Nicholxon. Wiriteihottorrr'x iilm 3',.IIII\ turther' authentieit} h} heme xhot on loeatiorr .I\n ain't}. polemreal trlm that hareh tIl.lll.l}'L'\ to eontarn itx makerx‘ rryhteoux tur} at the Wext'x eomplaeent texponxe to lloxnia'x \ttllL‘tttI}‘ lidinhrrr‘g'h (Irrrreo

Wilde ‘5' llrian (lzlhert. l‘K. I‘M". Stephen l 1}. hide Ia“. \azrexxa Redr'raxe ll" :rirrrx llre eaxtirre ot l 2} .rx \'retorran

\xrt. trowhxt and playwryht t )\\'.:I Wilde xeerrrx ahrroxt ::re\ ttal‘le. and :t paxx .Itt, unit the aetor yettimt hexond xurtaee detarlx to the rritellrg'erzt. land man herreath (irlhert'x iilrrr ix errtt} :n rtx portra}al or homoxexuaf relationxhrpx than moxt llirtrxh period dramax. hut irrxt and toierrroxt it 1x a tummy \toi} ot trayie. ohxexxne lo\ e lfdrirl‘ur'eh lrhzrhouxe

Will It Snow For Christmas? If. ISarrdrme \'e§.xxet. l range. I‘Nto l)onnrrraue Rexrrrond. Daniel lhrxal "l irrrnx While .1 lourre mother \xorkx her tzrryerx Ili‘lll through to the hone. all the father earr do rx errtrerxe her' aird their rlleyrtmate children. \L'L'III;‘ them ax eeorrorrrze toon poxxrhl} heeatrxe he hax anothe: tarrrrlj. e'.xe\xlieie lhe deceptixelx xirg'Irr plot :akex will} tell xeeoirdx to xrrrrtrrzarzxe hut the deepl} rrrerrrorahle errd rexrrlt xrrg'g'extx a xxork \xhrgh rx utterl} erryroxxiny and pie.“ or: the Irrmd lorry after the \‘loxiiii‘ etedttx l1.i\ e taded See r'exiev. ldrrrhrrreh lrhrrhorrxe