THEATRE drama 8r dance

' 'R-‘E

Stratholyde Theatre Group/ Focus Theatre Co-production

GREEK StevenbyBerkOff .T' “as.

Bonita Beach

3rd- | 3th December

(not Sun or Mon)

directed by

Tickets Tues/Wed {4/ I .50 Thurs/Sat {6/3 Ticket Centre O|4 l-287 SSII

The Ramshorn Theatre 98 Ingram Street. Glasgow Ol4l-552 3489 {I}. 'i ‘§‘.".f.".-él

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88 THE “ST 5—18 Dec I997



(i3 'I‘rnngzrte. 552 4267 'I"I'. [Act l’l’.-\. ST. R. l.. Facilities: \\'(’. WS. Il. (' Help AA]

John Cooper Clarke Sun 7 Dee. Spni {x (£6) See CUITlL‘Ll)’ listings, page 7t).

A Christmas Carol \Vt-a In Dee Sat It) Ian. 7. lllpttl (NI lll.ll\ teall l‘U\ rilllc‘t' Int details). £9 (£5.50) l).lll‘it'\ are out and atrnnspherrc storytelling :s in. \\ rth (‘nrnrnunicado‘s latest ('hrrstrnas \lltl“ adapted by Neil Bartlett l‘rnrn lhekenx' nm'ella. If Cornrnunieadn shnus nl' Christmas past t'lirl.’ 'lir/m Irrl' lune Ural .Vrglrri; Ant/min Nix/rial are anything tn go by. this should he areal Yuletide treat.



3a I’nr'rest Road. 235 UN.“ l'\§\'t'\\: S l. l".tcilllic‘\f “S. (i. (R Help .-\.-\I

The Odd Couple t‘nnl Sal (\ l)ee 7.30pm. {-1 (£3.5(lc‘nnes: £3 lalrnhrnyh lfnnerxit} ‘I‘heatr'e ('lr:l‘. :r:eniher\> .‘x'ai Snnnn's light-hearted drsueetrnn nt lriendxhrp IS perl'nr'rned h} l'tlllll‘llljflll lfnrxersil) Theatre ('nrnparr_\.

Peter Pan Mon Sat l t Her; l’erlnr‘rnanees at 10.30am. Ipnr. "ran. ('all hm nllree to cheek \\ Ineii Inn-3s applx efn (U i, (ir‘nup rates negntrahle ()tlltlrm! Shakespeare specialistx Illuna 'l heatre Company. who have perlnrrned at the Iledlarn during the l’rrnge. return \\ tth their Inel) \er'sinn or] \I. liarr't \ adxenture lahle


Mtisselhurgh. (m5 ll-Ilt Tl !-\tee~~. l .’ Sill. R. l'iilL'lllllL‘S‘. “(1 \VS. ll. (i. (. Help, .-\:\|

Mother Goose t'nril Sat 3 lat) rnnt Sal n. Srrn 7. Sat I_1_Snn ll. Sun .‘I Ilet. ('hrrxtrnax Day. Sun 2x Dee t\' \t‘\\ Tear x Hm I. I’er'lnr'rnanees at lularn.2 itlprn:

,’ ,tlll‘m ('all hn\ nt'frez‘ to t list 'k \r. Int h

TheoCelebrated Gaslight Gaietie-s Old. Time Musrc Hall _

Dec 16 h - l§th at‘.7.30

;.r I.‘.'

'l'icket Centre (ll-ILZ‘W 55l I

Ramshorn Theatre

()8 Ingram Street. (ilnsgnw UNI-552 3489

The liq-st :rllo-r natwo- to tho- (‘hristmzrx pantn

Tickets Ui/ 3

tinre~ appl} l" ALVUH. Irad lanir|_\ pantn Irnrn the lirnzitnn. v. ith a Inn packed prinhretrnn starring: Senltish aetnrs .\i-dre\t I).rllrirr‘)et' as Squire NM) and

I a\\ re .\Ie,\'it til .r\ the darne leads nl l.rll}'ll\. rock 'n‘ rnll.arna/1:‘.g enssies and .1 \er} ll.rl‘t‘\ saline are promised. and a \lnttlap't‘ til t‘riltlt'tt egg'x IS unlikely.

CHURCH HILL THEATRE Slntnrneside l<nad ln‘ketlitie: l'sher' llall. Assernhl} RUUITIS and King's ’l'heatr'e hm nlliees nr (’hureh Ilill

Iheatre ill nnnntes hel'nre [‘elntnianee. Hans, The Witch And The Goblin t‘nnl Sat (i llee " illprn. Sat rnat .‘. ‘(lpnr {<50 tt-l §tlt lerthealre \\ rth a !un l'antast lnr I'hrsstnrax r:i\ni\ in}; a l‘tinee\\. a \1. itch. a \ltltlt‘lll. :\\arer dn titer and a \ nnple nl pigs named Hank and lltrnk

“II 43—10.


St .\Iar_\ \ Selmnl. ilntk l .tne';\r'l\.'rn\ SINCLQT‘UTII. Performin Arts As Meditation: Theatre 0 Being Workshop Sat rt .\ Sal lillee .‘. ‘pin l‘ree. hut dnnatrnns appreerated As part (‘I a prim-qt called //1('.\II\\.'L’\.\-(/il'l'/'.l;.\'(l('l\llllllju and .laee'k lanadslr lead tun ez'eatne \tnrlohnpx designed tn ‘de\elnp ereatrxe petezitral lr'nnr the I!l\ltl'\‘ nnt'. |!\lll:.' dania dance. \tnr} telling and music. Bring inuxreal instruments. puppets. masks and other props to \tnntrlate rrnprm l\;lllHll\, DEAF Sun " A; Sun H Dee. .S’prn £5 “47* .-\ site-speerl're. iniprm rsed strrr'}.'tlr;ttii.r. presented as part (it 'I/re .llitmi St /lrIrI/. The Inlernents I’er't'nrrnanee l€risernhle «

\\ lime inernhers lead the ahme \\tit‘l{\lt(\p\ ~ de\ rse and present this Silt)“ on the theme of exile and ex'retinn.


Bah, humbug! Ralph Riach stars as Scrooge in Communicado's version of A Christmas Carol at the Tron Theatre, Glasgow

EDINBURGH FESTIVAL THEATRE IV}? Nlt‘tilvitl Sll't‘t'l. 53‘) NIX). [ACCL‘SS‘ l.. I‘.tt‘illlte\' \‘.'( '_ \\ S. .-\S. ll. C. 'l‘. Help.

| Jingle Bells l'ntil Sal I i Ilee l’etlnttn.rtiee\ at Illani‘. llarn; Iprn; 3pm; (ipnr (‘all hn\ nllree tn cheek which titties appl). {h LS rt‘ t"t See Turning: and rex rew, pag'e (i5.

Girls' Night Out t'ma sat I)ee. Split.

{5 2; l 3. l’r'tml. ll e\'et pitirtl \\ ere needed. that \rnrrt I\ not ennlrned tn the hn_\s' lneker' rnnrn «it the pages nl' [mu/ed. \\ ilh this rrntnnxl} ltrnrn p|a\ ahnr:t lnur girls \\ lin L't‘l more than the} harparned hit on a hen night the) ‘II llt‘\t‘l' lnrget. Fascinating Aida: It, Wit, Don’t Give a 5”! Girls lne 0 Dee. " illl‘rn {Ill Ell. (inryenrrs \rng'rngi and aterha‘ \atne Irnnr grlalnnrntn \lIt‘llS llrllre Keane. -\dele .'\lltlt'!\t\ll and I“) \an Randuyl.

La Fille Mal Gardee 't he to Sat 27 Dee ' it‘r-in. 3 “rpm rnat~ l’hn 15. Sat Ill. line 3:, \\t‘\l .‘-1t\' Sill l‘UL'

'Ll (ll L3 ~i. See liltlEllr“ and re\ ten.

paz'e (i5

HOLYROOD HIGH SCHOOL lt'nltlirajxtnri Rnad \Vest 'l'rekeh155l _‘~l.\'l

Peter Pan Wed in Sat 1 t l)ee. 7.10pm; Sat rnat 3.10pm [1 Neil llul} Rtmrl l)ra:na ( irnnp prev. ntx llS annual pantomime.


3| e\en Street. 221L111" 'l'l’. l.-\eee\s: R. I. l-aeilrtrev \\'(‘. IR. (i. ('. Help: A. AA] Headsets tint Intra Red Sytern tor the hard «it hearing are a\ arlahle lrnrn Ir'nnt nl‘ house manager:

Jack And The Beanstalk Tim I I

Dec~Sat 24 .Ian inn! (.‘hristnias Day or

anber 1998.

T be Peter Darrell Trust

The Peter Darrell Trust is commemorating the late Peter Darrell CBE, founder Director of SCOttish Ballet, with an Award in his name which will be a platform for emerging choreographers. A Selecrion panel will commission 3 choreographers who will be invited to create their work on the dancers of Scottish Ballet. The Award performance with an international judging panel will take place in Glasgow, Saturday 3rd


This award has been made pom'b/e by: The Scottish Arts Council National Lottery Fund