CLUBS Edinburgh listings


I Fly at The Rocking llnrse. 11pm 3am. 2.3 llllc'1lltlL'\ entry In 1-ren/y and Tnmb Raider at the same yeiiiie i. lndie.

I Frenzy III The Rocking Horse

11pm 3IIIII.£3lIiIc1Iides entry In 1'l'elll} and Tninb Raider in the same yenuei. ('liiIIIicIic night nt' heayy guitar snimds and chemical beats

I Forbidden City I'll Siiidin 34.

ill illpin 3am £(i1.ilI membeis;£h’ Iinn- IIIeinbeis 131)ec 1-niIiiig1iI1y Technn .iiid trance \silli guest 1)] 1.;IIIdlni'd (Hellbny Records. .-\bei'deetil and resident 1'.UI'lllNielsen/1el1.1lill.'1‘l'lpllt)p upstairs \s iIlI l’ati'ick Hart and 1)] Helieye.

I Going Places Nest date Nest Year‘s l'.\e

I Grease III .\lni.iy llnuse. llpiii 4am. L4 itl \sitli llyeii Sesenties. eighties and nineties discii mm min its secnnd yeIit‘. l~.\ce11ent drinks [‘I'Iilllth.

I Groove Theory I'll The ilniieyeninh. ll), Klipin 3am. £7 members; £8 nnn- ineiiibeis. .\1eiiibei‘ships Ii\ai1able on the night. 131)ec. l‘nitnightly. 1)eepliniise and garage linin Mikey SIII'IniI. garage and speedn trunks lrnm Yngi llaughtnn. .\l( hill}! lTUllli.llll(1()11.\(itll'tiUll(iL'L‘. liniilsy and Rnss in the back “Till the backiimtti sets. Nestdatel'.‘1)ec.l1Ieii it‘s Nets Year \sitli guest lielIiiIa (‘nsIaiI/n. Tickets are £30.

I Hanky Panky Ill l.a lie11e.-\iigele. 11pm 3am. £4. (i l)ec. i‘tll'llllgllll}'. Nets Saturday night at In Belle catering In Ii shameless pain cinysd. l’laying II 1111\ nl' 711s. 51l\IlllI1()ll\ chart and dance. Naughty but mcel

I Jakkara III \Vllk‘te llIiIIse. Ne\lI1IIle 21) Dec. .\lnnthly

I Joy .II \\'i1kie “tithe. lllpm .3am. Jny members £(i 1‘L‘101'L‘ lllim. £8 alter; nnn- iiiembeis £7 ik‘ltll't' lll‘lii. £9 alter. 1,3 Dec .\1U111111_\ Residents .-\lIIiI. Maggie. Tieiitly Wendy and Sally l-iiidlay \selcniiie guest Vikki Red iKiIty l.ips. 1.niidnii~ In the club l'ni' snme mnre big gay lllil This is Iilsn the in} ('lii'IsIIiias


Big John at Boogie Mo Dynamo, Edinburgh now at The Venue, Edinburgh from Fri

88 THELIST % tie-I

bash sn dress appropriately Next date 31 Dec III association with 1.u\e1_\. Tickets \\ ill be ayailable In members niily ialthnugh members can buy tickets l'nr triends’l lrnm Jny on 13 Dec and 1.u\e1y nII 27 Dec. l-nr mnre inl'n call the Joy line nn (1131 467 2551.

I The Lane III The l.IIiIe. 11pm 3pm. £3 bel‘nre midnight; £5 thei‘eIil‘Ier; iIIeiiibers l‘i'ee. Residents JIIII i‘ltm Us and Key .\lc(iiII1ey it ith a \y ide dance orientated playlist.

I The Last Weekend III The Slinniiiig (iallery 9pm 3am. l’rice Ibc. 13 Dec. ()Iie-(ilT pre-(‘liristmas bash l'eaturiiig (“‘0 nl' l'xlinburgh’s mnsI iniinyIItiye bands l‘initi‘ibe and Nectarine .\'n. 9 and Iyyn nl~ the city‘s hippest 1)Js. (i-Mac (Mangai Iiiid Wreckage IWall ()l‘ Snundi.

I Le Freak III The Attic. llpiii 3am. £4. A busy eyeiiing nl' hnt discn actinn.

I Liquid at the 1.ltlllltl Rnnm.

ll).3()pm 3am. £5. Resident Billy James with Sentt liechelli. Alan IJnyI and '1'reiidy Wendy. A smooth blend nl' dance. hnuse and club anthems in this large

, I The living Room 9pm lam. l'iee.

See l-I'Idays.

I Lizzard Lounge III (‘illt‘ (il'ttlTlll. 10.30pm 2am. £5 members; £(i iinn- iiieiiIbei‘s. Basic (‘nllectiye return In Liz/aid 1.nunge nn b Dec it uh Nicnla King nn yncals and a brand nets set, JnsePh. lih',’ Wun? and A] still be nn the decks. A band Itbci \\ ill play liye nn Sat 13 Dec. lixpect a IlIni'nuglIly cnnl 2‘sl'I'n/ia/l/snul/liip lInp/1.IIIiIi/ltiiik time. (iet there early. this is nne til the Mist pnpular clubs in Inysn inst IIIm. You has e been named? See lliI list.

I Loveshack Iii The JIil'l'acake. 10.30pm 73am. £5. 131)ec. Fortnightly 1"resh mix nl‘ 70s. 80s and 90s chart and dance in the recently rel'urbished Jall‘acake. l'lti‘II-busy.

I Luver III Wilkie llnuse .\'e\t date 37 Dec. Mnnthly,

I Made In Iguana III Iguana ('al'e Bar. Rpm Iain. 1-‘ree. Stuart Duncan I'l‘i'iptniiite NnrtlL’JlUl plays hnuse in this

12 Dec and monthly

busy bar.

I Mambo Club III ('Iiyendish.

10pm .3am. £4 I£3 l. Reggae. ragga and rnckers upstairs; African. 1.IItin. salsa. snca and cal} psn downstairs.

I Messenger Sound System at The Bongo (‘lub llpm- 3am. £5 I£4.5()I. 13 Dec. l‘nrtnightly, Rnnts reality. dancehall. dubu ise sounds and upl'rnnt reggae niI Sentland's nne and nnly heay y-yyeight reggae sound system.

I Moroccan Clouds Ill I’n Na Na. lllpm 3am. i'TL‘L‘ belbre 1 1pm; £2 alter. Well Stirred III the cnntrnls in this busy bar/club. dropping II mix of discn. l-unk. (i()s. 70s. I\‘()s. hip linp and cheese.

I RAW III Negnciants. 10pm 13am. l'ree. Busy underground hnuse night.

I Red 0n Red III The \‘aults.

10.30pm 3am. £10. Big party actinn and dress) c‘t‘Iiys'd \ Ibex III the recently re- npened Vaults. Larger than life prnmnter (‘harlie ('hester is at the helm which means it's Ii l‘reiizy nl' 'big name' guests. iixpect II “special guest. nn 6 Dec. Mr (' nn 1.3 Dec. l)aye ('Iimachn on 20 Dec and Jeremy llealy nn 27 Dec. 1)ress cnde: smart clubysear essential. Inform 0131 558 9052.

I Salsa Viva at (Eran \'iII.

l().3()pm~ 3am. £4. 13 Dec. 1"Iii'tiiiglitly'. High quality l.atin dance linm the nld classics In the hottest releases in salsa. cumbi. Inei‘engue and muchn mas. With 1)] (‘ncn \‘ega l'rnm Latin America.

I The Showcase III The (‘ayeiidis’li 9pm 3am. £5. ()yer 25snn1y. Smart dress. 1.i\e bands eyery week.

I Soul City III The Gallery. 1 1pm 3am. £4. (i [he Monthly. Tun lTnnrs: ska. 2 Tone and dub dnyyii \\ ith 1)Js l‘t'nm Rude and 1)Iib Department; Northern snul. snul and Mntniyii \yith (‘ha Watson and guests The last Snul ('Ity pulled IIbnuI .3()()petip1e.

I Snog III (‘lub Mercado.

7.30 10.30pm. £4 Iiiembei‘s; £5 iinn- iIIeiiIbei's. liiisy under- lbs night playing the best in chart and dance.

I The Subway West End 4pm 3am. l’rice Ibc Student-nrieiIIated \elille from the same penple behind the Subway in the (‘nyygate The music is suitably varied. from (i()s In ‘)()s‘. and the drinks are dnuble cheap. ()peii seven nights Ii neck with [Us every night.

I Teaseage III The (‘itrus 11pm 3am. £4. lndie. with II touch of dance and funk. played In a packed and sweaty crowd.

I Tomb Raider at The Rocking llnrse. llpm-3Iiin. £3 Iincludes entry In i'TC‘lll)’ and H) III the same yenue). (inth and industrial sounds.

I Tribal Funktion Ill The Venue, 10.30pm .3am. £5 members: £7 iinn- members. (i 1)ec. .-\ residents bash \s-iIli (ienrge T. Simone Iiiid ll nii the ['8 hnuse tip on the middle lining Ritchie Rul‘l'tnne and the Dynamic 1)un in The (‘nnler \\ ith drum ‘n' bass; 1)r Jnn. Jnhniiy l'iicut and 11 upstairs \s itli hip linp. swing. funk and soul. ()ne nt‘ lidiiiburgh's mnsI cnmplete clubs. Relaxed and l‘i'ieiidly. Tickets tor the Tribal Next Year party at The Shnnting (iallei'y are £13 members and £16 guests. Get them in Iidyance linm l‘ndergrnund Snlu‘shun nn (‘nckburn Street.

I Under Your Hatat1.IIBe11c:\iIge1e. 11pm 3am. £5. 13 Dec. Monthly. Much silliness III this piss-take night where \seIii'Iiig hats is nnt nbligatnry but it helps. Mnustaches are Iilsn \selcnme. (ind knniis abnut the music.

I V8935I11'1‘lIe.-\Ssettibly Rtmllis Next date 31) Dec. Mnnthly.

I Vena1st Birthday at \s'ilkie llnuse. 1().3()pm 3am. \'eiIII members £7 bel‘ni'e 1 1pm. £8 IIlIei'; nnn-Iiieiiibei‘s £5 lk‘liii'L‘ 11piii.£‘)al'tei1(i1)ec. Monthly. l'Iei'ce party IiIiIinsphere at this bangin' hnuse night. Resident Jay Kay isinined by special guest Nigel 1)a\s snn l‘rnm Renaissance and Andy 1.ekker Iiiid Jnel Xay ier iTUlIl Whnnp Reciirds/Whnnp lI l‘pY. 1.niidnn. (iarage and deep hnuse iii '1‘he('1iambei \y itli Al and the extremely talented Aqua Bassinn I l-’- (‘niiimunicaIiniIsl. ('all 0131 55(i 3022 l‘nr mnre 1111i). See llit list.

I Vibrant III The (iallery llpiii 3am. £5 belnre midnight. £(i alter. 13 Dec


Jim Byers diedrs out the latest essential releases.

Cevin Fisher


Music Saved My Life Remixes: Cevin Fisher (I.D.N.Y.)

Decent new mixes of Fisher's anthem. Check especially the ruff Black Science Orchestra mix. Also With electro-tinged Soul Renegades and speedo Red & Green reworkings.

I Refuse: Somore (XL)

Catchy vocal track already big on the ‘underground garage' scene for months, now out on a major label with mixes from RIP, Ramsey & Fen, Industry Standard and Serious Danger.

Black Hole: 16!! (Eye 0)

Lovely piece of heart-warming deep house from the extremely talented Omid Nourizadeh. Catch him live at Slam, The Arches, Glasgow on Friday 12 December.

On My Mind Remixes: Sixteen Souls (Glasgow Underground)

New mixes from 168 and ldjut Boys of this chilled slice of deep house. Omid keeps it soulful with the vocal, while the ldjuts go for the percussive instrumental. Gimme Sound Remixes: Ian Pooley (nrk Sound Division)

Check the fat, bass-heavy Beloved remix of Pooley's previoust deleted original. Also with harder, faster Dave Angel treatment.


Dreem Teem In Session Vol 2: Mixed by Dreem Teem (Deconstruction)

Bump 'n’ hustle garage mix compilation from the dons oi the scene. Featuring ’underground garage’ anthems from RIP,

Scott Garcia, Kwesi and Amira. Also with an awful Tuff Jam mix of Urban Blues Protect Which makes Jay Williams s0und like a sheep on helium.

Slip N Slide Vol 4: Various (Slip N Slide)

Solid collection of vocal and iazzy garage cuts. Featuring tracks by Phil Asher, Amira, Blaze and Masters At Work Mixed by J Sealee from Kings Of Tomorrow.

Moon Safari: Air (Virgin)

Strange, haunting, beautiful music from this inspired French duo. Part kitsch, part pop, part electronica, part ambient. Genuinely poignant stuff at all times. A

real treat.

Platinum Breakz Vol 2: Various (Metalheadz)

Cutting-edge drum 'n' bass from the likes of Grooverider, Dillinja, Hidden

f Agenda and Source Direct. Quality all the way.