9hr ("rtffi'fl‘d‘t- r2 arr-1.; It: (g; r: 4‘ =

ear ' Alex Salmond The 8 H T) leader obvrousry doesn't :vrror'ess our readers rrttrr h, havr'rg drawn the most votes here And you had to go and spor.’ Ally T‘«.l<( orst's triumph r", the Sports personalrty (ategory by piar =r‘g f‘r'rr se<ond

TTTZTTE f" 7.; " l, rrtrrrvrrlrrar m r t, year


No surprrse here, though grrrte a few of you srdestepped the obvrous, optrrrg for MotherTheresa, lrrnrny Stewart and erlram S Burroughs Re<ent kno<r<ers or‘. Heaven's door who pr( ked LTT) a few votes were Mrr hael Hutr henre and Stephane Grappellr

Most; 5Tgrrl‘lrwrr‘i‘ r: of the year

Diana's death/funeral

Sunday 31 August wrll be the day when most of you wrll remember exa( tly where you \.‘.rere, though rt only Just trumped the General l.le( tron that swept away the Torres on Thursday T May The referendum for a Srottrslr parlrament on Thursday T l September was your thrrd most memorable date

E y year."

The Spice Girls

llowever mur h we loathe them see abover, they strll make a good tablord headlrne The gurverrng gurntet beat the alorementroned death and funeral by a harr's breath rn your votes

Wmarr sprees h .r‘ Err : ,. . . you oft rl‘rr: run Victoria We were heartened to know that ear h of the srngrng Eovelres has her own devoted band of haters (though gurte a

Q: krlsz .

Forget the General Election and Scottish Referendum, Diana's death was event of the year

of you put all of them':, but the rnexprrrably trtled 'Posh Sprre’ took thrs one easrly The TilT"‘,(‘.'-ui) was 'anger' Crerr, txrhrle the other tr‘ree got o‘f ourte

lrz‘htly, nurtlr ‘Srary' Me the least partner:

of all

y’atgxfil ‘rt, 47') ‘, yr, '5‘“ 'r No: 93% Yes: 7°/

Those who voted on thrs made rt Hear ‘what they thought of the mrld- mannered Manrs, though one understandrng person told us, ‘They’re rust rnse< :rre' Awwu

n 7': .1 rr ‘7 a/ if f j: r.

Yes: 6100 No: 35%

Most of you were my about your bad

'nabrts, but many agreed that boo/e was

best Chorolate and sex gave a few of you the best hrgh, whrle among the

rllegal substanres, (annabrs srored most


r :,. mgr" unit, f‘t’étllt‘i’u‘ri ral/Hf."

Yes: 56% No: 44%

Your favourrte TV show rsee abover

obvrously has rts detrar tors We'll let you

knoxz rf we hear anythrng about that thrrd serres

'2‘“, .. yr: 21,... 1.,7,‘ $.42, IT “is. rrr ;_ r- if .,;t it; ft".

No: 94°/ Yes: 6% You heartless lot Maybe rf l’lton had shed a tear at the Joanna


(l. .1 -. 5, {N11 .l‘.‘ fit“

privacy laws? Yes: 62% No: 35% Don't know: 3%

The rntrusrve press (overage whrr h led to Drana's death wasn't lrmrted to the tablords, and many of you felt rt was trme to toughen up the rules But gurte a few of you were more worrred at the prospe(t of lrmrtrng freedom of spee( h



This Life: dead and buried, but not forgotten

rr 5: e" V r r we '7.':r::2= r 9% r: e‘t 9- T1. 1' l a :1 t7: r1: Yes: 63% No: 31% Didn't vote: 6%

The frgures speak for themselves

7w e If. ‘, r.r'rr",rw.,:-Tt wt 1': 3'-‘*fi5‘£l§3‘£7‘. rsr; L ltj s." W a; T Q.-

T 5% t6? r1: err '1." : No: 51% Yes: 24% Don't know/care: 25%

Poor lourse drdn't (onvrn(e many of you, though gurte a few rer koned she'd (ommrtted manslaughter or krlled baby Matthew by a( ( rdent

r». rt rt rtel No: 90% know/care: 10% fig};

Tavern? No: 67% Yes: 13% Don't know/care: 20%

T: T, T E: l «I57:

Not one of you expressed fart'n rn the former Tory MP exposed rn tne Downey Report on sleaze and Cash for questrons, or for hrs spouse, who played the

polrtrr ran's wrfe par exrel/enr e, str< krng wrth hrn‘ through thrrk, thrr: and Have/ Got News For You?

,.,,,3 .t t. .,:. rags”; l-r"._f luff: trt’fr‘r tr. 51.11, shalt-e; : :“rtt”'ri*~r tariff: y :C’ :.

Irl Power Whrrh proves that there Some Curls have ;e‘t therr mark, ever: r‘ tney are on. tee way out Other say.r‘gs of the year yor. nomrnated ‘rrrluoeo ’Ner. Lanotrr', ’Nex: Brrtasrr' 'Ne‘n. Ar‘ytn'ng' and 'Qaeer: o‘ Hearts'

r H;

72:737.:‘7‘ 5%"fi‘tf Y“ r 1 7

No: 58% Yes: 37% Don t care. 5% A (Fear result, oat ‘.'.’()tlr(i you be tempted to (t‘a'Xge yoa' 'rr1nds r‘ someone offered you a mrllron guro'7

One of yor. thought rt \.':ou|d be OK ‘rt they ran advertrse (annabrs as well', whrr h rs a farr pornt



f w. A: '7" Fr“: 'V ff?“ 'fl ; “i - Are rrre releruhl‘rrr, getter Tut mrldrerr. Yes: 63% No: 37% (rr'own-ups get bored wrth them berause they repeat therrrserves, but apparently (hrldren lrke that sort of thrng


good for students?

Yes: 68% No: 32%

'Not as good as a krr k up the arse would be,’ re( koned one of you sor ral analysts lnterestrng, thotrgh, tl‘at more of you t'rorrght students the dear Teletubbre audren< e (rror.'."- aps get bored wtn them berause t'rey 'epeat themselves, but appa'entl‘.« sttrdents lrke that sort of tnrng

We entered all your replies into a prize draw, and pulled ten winners at random from a stout cardboard box. A £10 token for Fopp records and a £10 Oddbins voucher go to:

Miss D.C. Atkinson,

Lisa Ball-Lechgar, H.M. Black, Margaret Colgan and Lesley-Anne McLeod of Glasgow: Yvonne Jones,

Lynsay Pitcairn and Emma Robinson of Edinburgh, A. Wallace of Dalgety Bay and a reader from Dundas Street, Edinburgh, who put The Cardigans as ‘gig of the year’

and 'best band', but forgot to put a name on the form. Phone to tell us your unusual 'man of the year' and we'll know you're the right person!

And yes, we're the real numpties of the year for failing to put a space for it the first time we ran the poll. Sorry.

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