listings FILM

I‘l'l & Sal Lilo. l I 40 Nothing To Lose - 15) I).llI}i ."10 Face/Off. Ix)

GLASGOW FILM confirmed


()0 I’uixlo} Rudd ()[)[)()\IIL' llgn‘i} Ruinsdon'x, 01.1] -IIH 0| I l

Inlu und (’(‘ I)t)()I\lllfJZ 0I-Il .1 IX 0H5. |I)] |I'.|, L135 “4‘35 Iiol'uio 5pm). Sindont/l '0“) Li (‘Inld/().-\I’: L350.

Supollut \L';II\III()L’()IIL'\)i 2.71 751L575

hotuio .5plni All \IdlltIdltI \outx L3 I‘L‘IUl't‘

nuun Sutuidn} I'.lll)lI} tickot ;i\;nl.iI\|o. Odeon at the Quay closed: (‘Iiiislmux I).i\

No'last show: ('Inixtinux I'.\ o. III)}.'lIl.lll.l_\

Tomorrow Never Dies 1 I2)

I'll Sun I00. I if). i~15. -1.I5. (til). 7'00. ‘) I5. ‘) ~15

I'll &' Sut Igito midnight,

.\I()Il \VotI I3 ‘0. I00. IIS. 54.5. ()00. (i i0

Mun &' Iuo. H -l5. 9 l5

Alien Resurrection I Ix.

I‘ll Sun: I~l5. -I I5. 0-15. 9 I5 I'll t\' Mun \Vod 3.00. -I it). 7’00 I'll t\' .\lun 'I'uo. 9 it)

I'll t\' Sui Lilo nndniylit

George Of The Junglett‘.

l).nI\ Jun. 2 it). Jun, .1 .15, “on

I);nl:\ lo\oopl I-iii‘ II i0. nuun

I).nI} Io\copt \Vod) 9 l5

Cop Land 1 I5)

I-ii Sun :00 -I i0. 700 ‘) if)

II) t\' 3100 “t'd. I ~15. ~I I5. (i-IS I'll & .\Iun 'I'uo 9 I5

I‘ll t\' 8.11 Into lllltIlllL'IlI.

The Borrowers : l 'i

I);ilI_\' .3 I5. ~1i0. (i,-I5.

Sui t\‘ Sun niul: nuun,

I Know What You Did Last Summer tl.\'i

I).ii|}: 3 ()0. ‘I. it). '7 ()0. Hill} Io\copl \Vod). 9 it) I’ll t\' 8.1! Into nndnipln. Home Alone 3 1 Hit

I).llI} I )5. Jun. it) I).nI} tout-pt \\'od»: 9 00 The Full Monty 1 IS) ILnI). 3 i0. .1 -l5. 700. I).llI_\ ‘L‘\c‘t'[‘l \VL‘tI), ‘) I5 I‘ll (\- Sdt Into: nndnigzlit. Sn! A’ Sun l3. l5 Face/Off « Ix.

I).III_\ It‘\c‘c‘[‘l \VL'LIII ‘).00. Seven Years In Tibet il’(; Dull}: 300, (YIIII

I).III} to\c‘c‘ )l \Vt'dli 9.00. L.A. Confi ential I IN) I);iil}' 0.00

I).III} It‘\c‘t‘[)l \Vt'tI) Hercules l t ‘» I).iiI}' l~l5. i-I5 Hull} Iowopl I'iii' II -I5


INV~I"v ./{) ErIldu'SL/V,KV(\I

l’iug..'i.nnnio likoI) iu Ito \nmlni tu llio I‘lo\ It)1l\ \xook I’Iiuno 0|.Il ‘IIS 0 H5 IUI' tIt‘I.llI\ .ind Illllt‘\.

.\'o\\ lilin duo lu upon un Iiuung.‘ I);i_\: Spiceworld The Movie II’( i)

.\'o\\ IlIlIl duo tu upon on I‘ll 3:

Starship Troopers I I5)

Key to Film Listings

[D] indicates that wheelchair access is available, though prior notification is advisable. [E] indicates the availability of an induction loop for the convenience of hearing aid users.

AMIPM is not given in Film Listings. 12.15 is between noon and 1pm.

00.30 is between midnight and 1am.

DAILY refers to screenings which take place on all seven days of the week.

MAT refers to an additional matinee screening, starting before 6pm.

EVE refers to an additional evening screening.

LATE refers to an additional late-night screening. starting after 10.30pm.



Slitmogixo I.oi\ui'o I’iIIk. Langmuir Rudd. ('u'iIIii'idgo. (0330 43-1-1 H,

Ililui (.‘I33fi 438830. ('(‘ Imuklligi 013 if) 438000. [D], [In]. {-1.35 US I‘L‘IUI'L‘ ()pni .\Iun I'll; l'iixl \II()\\ Sat/Sun t\' I)t)IltI;l_\\). (‘Inld/().-\I’/Studont: L3.

Showcase closed: (in l\llll;l\ In}.

No last show: ('Inistindx I'.\ o. IIUL'IIllllltl}.


Cop Land I IS;

I);n|_\: I335. 350. 5.|0. " i5 l);n|} toxcopt \Vod): 9.50,

I'll (\- Sgit Into: midnight,

Alien Resurrection 1 l8)

I);nI_\: Il..10. I50. I30. ‘x'.I0. 7.15 anI} to\oopt \Vod): 9 i0. l0.05 I'll & Sui Igiloxi |I.50. I330 The Borrowers tt'i

I);llI}I Il.00. nuun. I00. 300. I00. .500. 000. 7.00

IXiiI} towopl \Vod): 900.

I'll (k Sat Into: ll.00.

The Full Monty t Iii

l).n|_\: I335. 3.35. 4:10. ".10 Hull) to\oopt \Vod): 9-10.

I'l'l t\’ 8.11 Into: I |.40. Tomorrow Never Dies I ll. I);III_\'I ll.,i(). I330. 300, 300. .1 it). 5. i0. 7‘.|5. 7.55,

I);llI}' to\oopt \Vodi: 9-15. I030

I‘ll & Sui Into: I3. II).

Home Alone 3 ll’(i)

I);llI}I lI..i5. l3.|0_ 1.50. 3.30. .1 I5. 4:15. 7.00. 7.30.

I);iiI_\ toxoopt \Vod): 9 30. 9.50.

I‘ll & Sui lutox: l 1,30. midnight.

I Know What You Did Last Summer (15‘)

I);iiI}: lI.-l5. l3.l5. 3 I5. 530. 7.30. 750.

Had} to\oopt \Vod): 9-10. l0. l0




I‘ll & Sal Iulox: l|.55. I335 I Hercules I t ‘i ; I);itI\‘: Il..i0. H0. iii), <0)

Face/Off ( ix) I);llI)’I 7.35.

I);tII_\ Ic‘\c‘c‘pl \Vod): I005

I‘ll & Sui Izito: I335.

George Of The Jungle t t 'i l);nI_\‘: I305. 305. 4,30. 7.05. I);iiI_\‘ to\c‘opl Wod): 9. I5

I‘i‘i & Sat Into: I I.l5.

L.A. Confidential I I8)

Daily: 7.30.

I);nI_\ tou‘opt Wod): I0 05, Prince Valiant (PG) Hail}: 13 30. 3.30. 5. i5


l’iugiuinnio Iikol} tu Ito \uinlzn' tu tIio [Hm 10th \\ ook I’Iiulio 0 I .350 -I iXXXII I-ui' (IL‘I;III\ and tunox.

Non tilni duo tu upon on Boxing: I);i}: Spiceworld The Movie d’( u

.\'o\\ IlIlIl duo tu upon on I'll 3:

Starship Troopers t I5)


(deo Rogsiunul (‘onlio (’l}doI\;nik. 0H] ‘)5| I‘M‘)

lnl'u: 0H] 951 3033. (’(‘ booking: 0990 8.53 990, [D]. {-1 40 t Li. I0 IM‘IVUI'L‘ Jpn] )_ (’Inld/(MI’: L375. Studont: Li. H)

«Mun IIIU).

UCI closed: ('In'ixtinux I);i_\. .\'o\\ Youi'x l).i_\,

N0 last show: (‘Inistinus Iix o. lIugninnn}. v: R C P:Y_? L33

Home Alone 3 mm

0.111}: I-l5. -I I5. 0-15

0.10} to\oopt I'llil ll I5

I).llI_\ Ic‘\c‘t‘[)l \Vt‘tIIi ‘I I5

Prince Valiant ti’(;.

I).nI_\: l|.~l5. I55. I W

Tomorrow Never Dies t I2:

l);nI\: I3 50. l30. H5. -l00. () I5. Tut).

I).n|} 'o\c'opl I'i'i t\' .\Iun )i l).nl} Io\oopl \Vodu: 9 00. I'll .\ 8.1! Lilo: II.‘1_<. George Of The Jungle 1 1‘ Hail}: I3.l5. 3.30. 4:15. Hercules t t ' i

I);III}I II 30. |.-10,

The Borrowers I t I).nI}: 310. I30. (135. I);nl_\ ‘c‘\cc'pl I‘ll & Mun): Alien Resurrection « ix) I);nI_\: i 55

Hull) to\oopl Mun): " ()5 Hull} to\oopt \N'od». 9. i5 In & Sat Into: midnight.

I Know What You Did Last Summer tIK)

I);nI}: 0.50.

I);nl}' toxoopt Sun): 430,

Had) lo\c‘c‘[)l \VL'LI): 9.30.

E. 5i 33W. 2:3.

10:10. 1) .l5

5' ‘0


New releases are revuewed on pages 29-31. Short revnews of all other films showmg this fortnight are in the Film Index, pages 32---35.

I).itI} io\oopt \Vod), 9 .10 I'll k 8.11 Into: ll 50

The Full Monty I 15 »

I).nl_\' 3 50. 500. ".30,

Hull} io\oopt \Vodi l3 it). 9 ~10 Cop Land I lit

I);itI}‘ (i 35,

Hull) ‘L‘M‘L'i‘l \Vodi' ‘I I0

I'll tk Sui Lilo: II ‘0

Alflatoon t Pt}.

I).iil} 'o\oopt \Vod- 9 30

Sun ll).lI\ il 30. Hit)

\Vod ll 10

LA. Confidential l 1.x.

Dull) io\oopt \Vodi: 8 50

Miracle On 34th Street t l

Sat (k Sun that: 10. i0

\Votl nun: I030.

F RID/3K 2 ii. .I H.131. U W 8 I’tugiuninio likol) tu Ito \lllllIJl' tu tIio I’l‘o\ lt)ll\ \xook. I’Iiuno 0I~Il 951 3033 lui dot;nl\ .ind tinios

.\'o\\ liltn duo lu upon un litmng I).i}' Spiceworld The Movie (I’( i)

Continued over page

Programme changes,

When we went to press, some of the cinemas had not finalised their programmes for the weeks beginning Friday 26 December and Friday 2 January.

The following new release is likely to be opening on Friday 26. This will replace some of the films running until Thursday 25 December. SpiceWorld: The Movie (PG).

The following new release is likely to be opening on Friday 2 January. This will replace some of the films running until Thursday 1 January.

Starship Trooper (15).

19 [)0t 199/ 8 Jan I998 THE UST 39