FILM listings



'l‘lie l-Iii‘ge. l’.‘n'kl)e;1d.0l-ll 556 4283. Info and (’C' hooking: 05-1) 555 I30 [1)]. [lil Isci‘eens I. 3.1nd 5I {-1 I0 IL'3

.'\1IIn 'l'lIn I. Student L3 I.\IIIn 'l‘lIuI ("llllIl/UAI’. LIV) I‘ll-ll) £2.30

‘.\l()ll l'i‘i lIeIIIIe 5pnII.

Virgin closed: (‘IIrIsImIIs In}. New Year's l);1}.

N0 last show: (‘lIIIsInLIs l:\ e. IIIIgInnnn}

Tomorrow Never Dies I III l).nl\‘ l30. 400. (I50, mi); IL‘\L‘L'[‘I II'I-III; «I. 30.

SIII l.IIci l3 l5

Home Alone 3 II’(;I

l);nl\: l.l5. 335. (I30. 1).”); IL‘\CL‘I‘I mm: 000

I Know What You Did Last Summer I ISI

Dull}: l.50. 4.30.055,

l).lll_\ Ic‘\L‘L‘[‘l \Vt‘tl): 9 :ll.

SIII lillt‘I ll.50

Cop Land I )SI

l);nl} Ie\cept WedI' .\.-l5.

Snt lute: ll.|5.

The Borrowers II'I

l);nl): llll). 2 l0. -l.l5. (I.-l0. George Of The Jungle I I‘ I Hail}: 310. (III).

I);nl} InuI Ie\cept Mon): I00. Alien Resurrection I )xI l);nl_\i (I.-l5.

I);n|'\‘ Ie\cept Wed I: 9. I 5.

FILM REVIEWS New releases are rewewc-zd on pages 29-3 1.

Joy to the world: James Stewart in It's A Wonderful Life

SIII lute: nndniglit Face/OffI Ix.

l).IIl_\ IL‘\CL‘[\I \Vt‘Il I’ I\ .5” Sat lute: ll.50_

The Full MontyI ISI l);nl_\: I30. 345. ".00 Hull} Ie\cept \\eIlI: 9 l0 Hercules I I ' I

l);nl_\: l3.30. 2.40. Muppet Christmas Carol I I ‘I S;II IIIIII: |l_I)()

l’i'nginnnne likel} III he \lllllldl III the l‘I'ex IIIns \xeelc. Phone 05-11 500 50: Int details .Ind Innes

Ne“ Iilln due III Iipen IIn liImng: l).I}’ Spiceworld The Movie I M II

l);nl\‘. nIIIIn. lI)II_ 3 It). I §l)_ .1 .uI 0.15: 700. .\ 30_ 030

.\'e\s liln) due III open III) III." Starship TroopersI ISI

Short reviews of all other INNS showing this fortnight are In the Flllll Index, pages 32-35

American—Style Coffee House

on the Mound Speciality Coffeee & Teae Eepreeeo Cappueino Lattee Food Served All Day

Take Awaye

Live Mueie Eveninge

2/5 North Bank Street The Mound Edinburgh


M - F Sam - 11pm S - S 10am - llprn

en a z = c a: :5 z c E E o o

40 THELIST 1.90m 109/ 8 Jan 1998



Film Listings are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Helen Monaghan.


l30 l.IIIln.In RIIIId. 0| 3| 335' I(I3.\‘.

llllI) lll3l 23‘) 303” ((5 l‘IIIIKIIIg‘ (ll 3l ISIS 1(I3.\ lint [l)]c1nen).1s I Ik 3L-1 )0 It: SI) l‘L‘lIllL‘ (IpnII Student L3 10 I.\lIIn 'l‘liu .ItIeI (IpnII (‘lnld/().-\l’

L3 80. l’nllnmn seats cinenm l. H St) IL3 50 ('lnldI .II'IeI' (Ipin; L3 HI)

I('lnld/( ).-\l’ L330I heI'IIIe (Ipni

ABC Film Centre closed: (‘IIINIIIIIs l).l_\. .\'e\\ Yen) \ l);I\_

N0 last show: (‘lnistnins l:\ e. llIIgInnnn}

‘53. '2? EC: \E 513')“ .43. Tomorrow Never Dies I III

l).nl} Ie\cept S.III III). 5 )0

l);n|} Ie\cepl S.II Ik WedI' 5 l0

SLII: )3 III. 300, III. (I III)

Home Alone 3 I)’(;I

l).nl_\. l .15. .100, () III

Alien Resurrection I |.\'I

lXIIl} IL‘\L‘L‘[‘I \Vt‘d'i I5 3.5

The Borrowers II'I

Dad}. 2 35. .1 .10. (I55

The Full Monty I ISI l).nl_\ Ie\cept WedI .\ 50

{F .17 W .215...“ i ELESQEY- 5.7.

Spiceworld The Movie I I’( i) l).lll_\ 2 III. I. III

l).nl} Ie\cept WedI. IS 50

The Borrowers I II

l).IIl} -I 3()

l);nl_\ Ie\cept SIInI' I: ll) Tomorrow Never Dies I III l).lll} Iech-III SIIII: 2 III. 5 l0 l).lll} It‘\c't‘|‘l Sdl (K \Vt'tll. I\ ll) S.II: I2.III. 300. (I00, 000 Home Alone 3 mm

l).nl_\: I .15. .100, (I It).

The Full Monty I ISI

l).nl} Incept WedI‘ .\ 50

"'\ “IV 2 'fu't5_u\‘/ cs

I’IIILYIHIIIIIIL‘ likt'l} III he sinnlgn III the Pin iIIus Week. Phone 0 l 3l 23‘) 3030 ll‘l' IleI.nls .Ind lIIllL‘\.

.\'e\\ llllll due to open on l'll 3‘ Starship TroopersI ISI


\\-L‘\l\ltlk‘ l’lII/II. l3” \VLWIL‘I ll;ltlt‘\ RIKIII. Westei ll.nles. 0| 3l ~l53 l5(I‘)

lIIIII (NH-14.33300 (‘(' honking} 05-ll 550505 [1)] III Adults L-l ZIIIL3 l‘t'ltllk‘ (I;\IIII Student L3 ZIIISnn ’l‘linI (‘lnld’( )_-\l’ L3 l’ullnmn sents. Adults L5 IL 3 (I0 l‘L'lUIL‘ (Ipin I. (‘lnlIl L3 (II)

ABC closed: (‘lnistnins l).I_\. .\'e\\ Ye.” \ l).l}

NO last show: (‘lnistnms li\e. llngnmnuy

Key to Film Listings

[D] indicates that wheelchair access is available, though prior notification is advisable. [E] indicates the availability of an induction loop for the convenience of hearing aid users.

AM/PM is not given in Film Listings. 12.15 is between noon and 1pm.

00.30 is between midnight and 1am.

DAILY refers to screenings which take place on all seven days of the week.

MAT refers to an additional matinee screening, starting before 6pm.

EVE refers to an additional evening screening.

LATE refers to an additional late-night screening, starting after 10.30pm.


Tomorrow Never Dies I I2I l);nl_\: 100. 2.15. 3.30. 5.15. l);1)l_\ Ic‘\c‘L‘I‘I \Ved): (I 05. IS l5. l‘l'l Ik Sat lute: ll 00.

I Know What You Did Last Summer I IS)

l).nl_\. 1.30. 3.40. 5.50.

Dad} Ie\cept Wed): 850.

I‘ll Ik Snt lute: 11.25.

Home Alone 3 ll’(i)

l);lll_\l I I5. 3.35. 55 l).nl_\ Ie\cept Wed) 8. Cop Land I IFI

l);nly 3 30. 5 5t) l).nl_\ nmt Ie\cept S.III: l l l);nl_\ Ie\cept Wed): 000. I'll Ik SIII late: I l 15

The Borrowers II'I

l);nl_\: 2.00. 3.50. (I55 George Of The Jungle II'I Hull}: 2 II), III). (I II) Alien Resurrection I IS) l);nl} Ie\cept Wed): 5‘ 30 The Full Monty I ISI

Hull}. 3 55.

l);lll_\ lL'\Ct‘ )l \Vt‘dl. XIII) LA. Confi ential I )xI

l);IIl} Ic‘\c‘t‘[‘l \Vt‘d): IS 35. Hercules II' I

l).nl_\: I50. (I05.

Miracle On 34th Street II‘I

Sat nmt: nIIIIn.

IS 50

5 l


‘35}? BY. 26.___’.:‘L23 DAY 8

l’IIIgInnnne likely to he \llllllill' III the plenum \NL'L‘h. l’liIIne 0I3l 4.13 2300101 details and lllllL‘\.

New l'IlnIs due to open on Boxing l);l_\i Spiceworld The Movie (l’(il

Ne“ I'IlnI due to open on I'll 2

Starship TrooperSI l5)


38 “mile SIIL'L‘I. (ll3l :28 4 III I.

(‘(' honking: ()I3l 328 -l l‘Il.lllll'. [l)]. Scieen l, .IlternIIIIns {.150IL‘3.50);e;nl} melting. L~1.5()I£.3I; nunn ewmng 9.11.95. Screen 3 IN 3: IIIIeInIIIIns {-1 (L3); ezn‘l) exening L11 (£2.50); nignn exening 1.1150. .\lIIn: Screen I: gIl'Iei‘nIIIIns £3.50; exenings L 3. Screen 3 IN 3: illlL‘l'llIHHk L2; exenings L3 50. Wed: LI cIIncs I'III' Inst slIIm Ill each scIeen. I.;1Ie night slIIsts‘ late night 'lldlll L11 (£3.50); midnight mm Ie L350l£35fll l)IIulIle hills (Sun matinee/lute night I: £4.50 (£3.50 c‘ullc‘s).

Cameo closed: (‘ln'IsInIns Dan}:

No last show: ('lIIIsInIIIs lix e. llngnmnn).

E' 3' 3:51-13. _ WK. Q ’\' ? ED @243.

I Know What You Did Last Summer IS)

Hull}: )3 50. 3 III). (I 50

DJ”) IL‘\L‘L'[‘I \Vk'fl). 9

l'll Ik Snl lute: ll 55.

It's A Wonderful Life Il’( ; I

l);nl}' I: II). 305. (Ill)

l);nl} Iexcept Wed): ‘) ()0

Nil By Mouth I Its')

Hail} niuts Ie\cept Sun): I3 30. 335 Hull} Ie\cepI WedI' (I II)

Chasing Amy I )3)

Hall} (L‘XCCI‘I \Vc‘dll 9. lll

\Vc‘dl ().3().

I'll IK' Sgit lute: ll.-l5.

The Full MontyI l5)

l'l'l lute: midnight.

Star Trek: First Contact I IZI

Sat Illuli midnight.

Austin Powers I III

Sun nint: I30.

Mars Attacks! I )3I

Sun :nnt: 3 l0,


I Know What You Did Last Summer IS)

l);lll}I 3-10. (I50.

l)llll)' inut (except I'll II: Tim): I250, Daily (except Wed): 925.

Sal Ik 'l'hu lute: ll.55.

It's A Wonderful Life II’(}I

l);lll)'f 3.05. 6.10.

l);lll} Inut (except l‘rI &'l‘l1u): I2. II). l);nl_\ Ie\cepI Wed): 9.00.