the main tloor. Ix a smaller har which actx ax a kind ol lounge area. Straight ahead Ix the xecond room with Itx own xound .xyxteIII and Identity. A couple ol' steps lead you up Into a hack coI'I'IdoI‘ which :rlxo ltax onIIc xcatx and tahlex. and on the right Ix the main room with the DJ hooth oyerlookrng the wooden lloor. The most popular niglItx arc garage/xpeed .xexxron (irooxe Theory tt'or‘tniglrtly Saturdany. hip hop hoedow I: Seen rmonthly l‘ir'idayx‘) and llarnhoyant. lull—on mixed/gay party lone 'l'axtc tStIrrdany :\ltrllllC Hahy tlor'tnrglrlly Saturdany concentrates le.xx on the ‘coolnexx' ot Itx rnnxrc and tips the party quotient hrg time.

I, C

2‘ Kllt’g"\ Slétlilt‘x Rt‘Jtl. :2“ 7950 Capacrty I (run/Itn-et- llotrt x

Entry on Saturdays LF.

“5' 3. plnx hottle har dow nxtarrx.


lillectne on all tluec |c\elx.

\’ 2.

i [3.2” is

.-\rnple on all three lcxelx. catering

tor'ahout -15()h;rcerdex. t? In.

it :\ reputatron tor heIIIg well run and xale, ll Ix particularly xtudent- lIreIrdly.

.‘3 (\(lili/L I.

The .lal'lacakc III lrax tln'ce le\elx called the ltrxcnrt lx’tttrltl. the 'l'angerrrre Room arid the (‘hocolatc lx‘oom geddrt'r ltax proyidcdl1durhnrghix xlndent population wrth a well -\tll|;llt‘rl trirxt along hour The (iraxxnrarket I. xate and xpac roux name to party III. The muxrc tendx to take xecond place to the trxrral glut ot drink promox and auxrliar'y attractrorrx. hut ax itx popularity pIo\ ex. thix Ix no had thing. Buxrcxt rrrglrtx are Itx two rotating t'orlnrglrtly \‘atnrtlaxx l H l. a long running Indie l‘axtr and |.o\ exhack. a more lighthearted Inrxh-Inaxlr ot xtylex. .-\lxo popular Ix ltrg ll'Irdayxr. though tlrIx may haxc a lot to do w Ith the cheap hoo/c.

C, H, G, F. HH, Ra, S Queenxlerry Street. 2]» (MN. Capacity Wt

Entry on Saturdays LS

WI ‘9‘! Wu TF9...

1'» llre I am tlonhiex ax a har and .

clnh. xo plenty [‘l.l\L'\ to xrt


ji Inc/L |.

iii Quite. The Grind on Sundays tendx to appeal more to a relaxed. younger crowd.

The Lane sulTers somewhat from Itx location III the middle of the \Vc‘xt lind traditionally an area populated hy guys III hright shirts and suits. and girls in take tans and high heels. lt has potential. though. The Grind on Sundays ol‘l‘ers the serious hip hop tan a chance to hear every-thing l‘rom swing to ragga and R&B. The other nights tend to attract a reasonably dressy. older crowd. It that sounds like your cup of tea. you'll he line. It' not. it's perhaps best axoided.

C, H, G. F, D, S

.‘s Semple Street. 22‘) 7733. Capacity 750.

Entry on Saturdays £5.

‘7 2. ‘2' I. W st. i £3.10. Ti? £1. +9 Yes.

Q Sits over 4()() people around the dance floor.

i? 0.

iii ()Ver 3 | x. no denrmx. no trainers.

A 4t)t)+/L' I.

.|.l’.'.x is the new name for w hat used to he known as The Red Hot Pepper (‘luh l.rke ('entury 2()()() and The Cavendish. it Is aimed primarily at the older market. with a dr'esx code atrd ttrtrsic policy to deter any stray cluhher who might wander III hy accident. lt otters ol'tice workers cheap drrnkx. 5 ltlpm (tree hottle ot' hirhhly to the tirxt dozen partrex M \l\ or more). That apart. l‘orth l-M lontx the latter hall or the Friday night. ochr‘ing a tun and \ar‘ied mix of music.

. THE U | U") ROOM

H, I, C

\Ictorra Street. 325 ZSoJ. Capacity sun.

Entry on Saturdays u».

h? 2. ‘.~' I. ?I .-\ whopping Zttk. 3 c2.



l{\cellent in the main room downxtau‘x.

. 3:9 l’lc‘ltly til \c‘dltllf.‘ xpr‘ead tt\'c‘t lltc‘ l\\tr

t'lr rorx. E (). CR.)

iii Smart hut caxual. Student-tirendly


The l.lqlll(l Room stands on the xIte or what iIxcd to he The .\ltrxrc Boy \thn It

opened ltx Iltmlx laxt l‘axtct. It look a while to get going. hut thexe dayx It Ix one ol~ the most popular dextIIratronx tor xtudentx and localx. .\loxt ot‘ its Irrglrtx arc coIIxix'tently huxy. although Indie mecca liyol {l‘r'idayxr which hax heerr operating for eonx. deer \ex particular praIxe -\lxo worth it \ lxtt arc The l)k‘L‘P litltl IThurxdany and l rtrnrd (Saturdays) tor a more dance orientated play lrxt. llIe \enue alxo regularly prorrrotex lr\c rII'IxIc l ocated quI up trorn l'lIe ( naxerIaIket. thix ix an ideal place to end your night


R, HH, W

\chI ‘liollct'oxx. .333 L“: Capacity Sin.

Entry on Saturdays ct

9?: \9 .‘ i Ll .\‘r|


NEGOCIANTS basement bar

as mm



TE? it. he ‘. . (Ictx \ery hot. expecrally III the xrnaller upxtarrx room. CD .w: l’lenty ot tahlex and charrx on hoth lilUUl\


i1} '\ t‘rrrn hut polite xecurrty team make xtrre that there Ix no tronhle at thrx

» hih‘llp

l‘lre Mamho Ix Scotland'x longest- rtrnnrng world rntrxrc and reggae cluh. Sn ()xxie drops the tunex horn around the world while hrx loyal crowd getx on w tilt the tl.tllc‘llt‘_' llot. l‘ux\ .rtrrl c\lrcrricl\ popular.

The underground sound of Edinburgh

Open 9am till 3am

Special Festive Licence Dec 26th, 27th, Jan 2nd 8. 3rd till 5am

Free clubs every night from 9pm featuring respected DJ’s

New Years Eve open till 3am

New Years Day 11.30am till 3am

19 Dec 1997 8 Jan1998 THE LIST 87