Scotland’s sexiest women

Kelly Macdonald

At tress

Age/availability: 2 trsrxn e

Prospects: UlXOTY‘rtl‘l; "no: es team vie: Lari". )t”s\1(<‘tl<ll‘(lt’ 't t’ (741‘) r‘ Fette and Cr'enn Close 2n [tr/aoetn /

Fatal attraction: l resh-tateo sup o" a <;:", 'etitrt l‘(} Rento'r to sat \ ,a‘.‘.e(i 'trst r‘ 7."arnsp<)ttr..'r(}

Chat-up line: Help you t" \(w 'ror"e‘.'.o'-\ Perfect date: Srtoqqrnt; to t"e ast song at We st hool (1' st o Favourite position: \v‘y'rth mum anu (rau’ next door

Sharleen Spiteri Singer wrth Texas Age/availability: BO/stepprnq out th a l)r(;\.'.'r() at [he Face.

Prospects: Gettrn' down wrt' her hornres on a srngle Wrth the Wu Tang Clan

Fatal attraction Chrselletl (heekhones, gorgeous eyes and a trarner (‘ollet tron that would redute Imelda Martos to tears of Jealous rage

Chat-up line: 'Why don't you want a Iover7’

Perfect date: Take her to new peaks of pleasure on a (:lrmbrng weekend (she's a keen mountarneerr

Favourite position: On a front (over Daniela Nardini A( tress and I((‘-( ream r’re/r'ess Age/availability: .30/srnqle

Prospects: Bat k on TV \.~.'r:h Fay \"VOIUOH'S 8K; Women rn June after post-Tins [.rfe iow protrte rn learns

Fatal atraction: Sextrailyk harqetl s( reen rmaqe suggests red hot romps rn West Coast towns and all the knr<kerbo<ker glory you (an eat

Chat-up line: 'Glast;ov.“s hetter tha" Mrles, hut ' Perfect date: A ;a/y sundae afte'noon by the seasrde

Favourite position: On a (()'u( h :r‘ a flat fall of mentysomethrnt; lawyers

Tilda Swinton


Age/availability: 36/attached, to wrrter John Byrne. Prospects: Combrnrng roles of mother and t'emrnrst arthouse iCOfl: Fatal attraction: Arrsto appeal when gender-crossrng rn Or/ano’o, Chat-up line: ’Weren’t you rn Derek Jarman's B/ue movre?’

Perfect date: Playrng Prrnce Charmrng to her Sleeprng Beauty rn Cornelra Parker’s glass case exhrbrt at the Serpentrne Gallery.

Favourite position: Tryrng out those Female Pervers/ons.

10 THE “ST 6-~l9 Fen 1998