Scotland’s hottest men

Sean Connery

A< {0/

Age/availability: 67/”‘a'v 0:: f1) (3‘0 (we

Prospects: Ewe v": Dlav "<; " s ""s‘. s< we" mam: 0 0mm» it: Ra

P ("Wes " 71w Avengers

Fatal attraction: 0 (10' statwv‘a" a‘ St or: x" \(‘xx "0w max a .13 w '."a’.

< t S: .. :.:.(,\

Chat-up line: ‘Aro you two man 31:10 now: no - - Wing" Perfect date: \Vlnskod off In an Aston Martin to an IHCiODOHdOHI Scotland

Favourite position: Sw'w‘q a l‘o'v " (we


Joe McFadden

Age/availability: 22/ ."<; ~ .<>"::<:~ Suffix" a< tress Knsty M ’.< "M Prospects: Anma' "r; t" Sm: Yrm's Pat' (\ Sir-nta'f l‘ ("0 "‘0‘; 0 [Earl Smaqv ate" f"‘x yea' "‘v s :00

Fl". Fatal attraction: 530;; < Eye avm to (l 0 ‘0' Chat-up line: 'Vix. {aw '31» ring“ can, I" :aw ’J‘O "man it's motto" ‘.'.l‘("\ j,<>..'v0 ()0 t<>;)' Ewan MCGregor The perfect date: .\ ("a v‘ ‘v'om A m,- ‘<)"<:<>"1:2”:a'r‘oua - - ~ . . . K 5’ Age/availablllty: 26/v‘a" m if) Ew :anyxm C a'a Prospects: C10 '10 qlam "\ VP/t/(‘i Gold/7mm go ."(; ‘0" wow as \i ( K Leeso" " Rogue Trader, (yolv‘t; stellar as Obi-Wa" Kwot) n t‘w K)"(“(}1.‘(‘S :0 Star '//ars

Favourite position: 0" We to

Fatal attraction: Loss omn‘a'y ’J‘a" yoa' awwagv

9(‘I'TI‘Sli‘l't‘ lam

Chat-up line: ‘I‘ you" 1 {)rassou 0“, " now you"

“0'” '

Perfect date: A <)"(‘ 1"“<>a<:<), I" a (‘alaxv ‘a', ‘a' ' l , l , /

azaay, possum P'F"(("SS .(na's sang (;'a"<:"‘a .

Favourite position: m: f"0'“ a v‘ 17w Manx 80m

:><>(1y:)ar‘t"q onions

Robert Carlyle

/‘< :7)!

Age/availability: .3‘6/‘0: 0": "atom "is "yaw-an a". 81 Prospects: ‘<>""‘(‘-' il Q" a":: wimp" Haws" I'.‘,a< 1:01" 5 ::(>"‘a"z: "t; Wow“; 0' you ‘0 as a 7/t" (()"t..!"/

" <;" .'.a{,r"'w‘:" " 19%;me And "flat/vane

Fatal attraction: C; ' s on“ a "‘a" 2"

x t :. a' '.'."<"‘ "0 st' :15 f (1“

Chat-up line: C) <: 1.9:. 3:: z) "1 "

Perfect date: Rca'“ " f"(‘- q 0am

Favourite position: 303'." We Sta: 0", "a"{:< ..“s at 0‘0

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