A star is born

Hollywood has thrown a spotlight on its child stars since the cameras first started to roll, but early success doesn't always mean long-term happiness.

Words: Alan Morrison

Christina Ricci Temple has also turned illicectrntr :tl‘r’not all

y, : hrrc;ht, thouczh rn 1?,‘01,,lclllllltrllthlc‘V

tr'red to assassrnate E‘resrrlertt Reacwn to attract her attentrrrr and .r lrrotrraphy t)v her estranged brr lther added fuel to the debate over he: smualrty

River Phoenix

Born: 23 Aug 1970

Died: 31 Oct 1993

Key films: Stand By Me r 1986), My Own Prrvate/dalrot1991r, Sneakers r1992'

The story so far: A tr rre 'rt'o;)li‘,’c'.'trf)cl tragedy, Phoean lr\.'ecl .rn rrnaoe of a clean- Bom: 23 Apr 1928 lrvrno, Vedan, anzrrral rrcrhts ac il‘."lSl, hut

. dred outsrdel rhnn' Den :rrc htc lul: of Key films: Cur/y Top cr935>, He/dr (1937), l '

drug-rnduced heart t'arlure Oscar h r" ) rm 1 m. a T 0 L [NC P (05“ 939) nornrnated rn 190/ for ht/nnrnc} On Empty,

The Story so far: '” the daY‘J Whel‘ k'd5 he had the looks and ahrlrty to become a preferred the Good Shrp Lollrpop to tr-ert- major player b(?l(}.’(? the pressures of the flavoured alc‘OpOps, Temple rergned mduwy 100k mm- mrr

supreme She recerved a specral Oscar for the nrne frlms she made. rn 1934, but later Macaulay rn lrfe moved rnto polrtrcs, belng appornted US Chref of Protocol rn 1976 and US Ambassador to Czec hoslovalcra rn 1989

Elljah Wood

Born: 28 Jan 1981

Key films: The War (1994), F/rpper11996), The Ice Storm (1997)

The story so far: Wrth erghteen frlrrrs under hrs belt, Wood has already establrshecl ~ I hrmself as the actor of hrs qeneratron, easrly outclassrng hrs adult stars at every

4 (W'W’fi‘; I turn Next he rorrrs a werghty cast rn meteor ' drsaster movre Deep Irrrpact Hrs level- headed approach wrll pay drvrdends rn later “to Born: 26 Auc; 1980 Key films: HomeA/orrel1990), My Grr/

(1991), Rich/e ch fr (199% The story so far: The only 11rd ac tor whose

.‘ name could open a rrrovre, Ctrllzrn's career ' stalled rn adolescence and wasn't helped by

Jodie Foster

frnanCIal and dornestrc vrranoles that saw hrs frnances handed to an accc‘runtant and custody fouoht over by hrs parents For Home A/one, he rec c-rvecl $100,000, for the seduel, rt was SE rrrrllrcrn Recently hecornrno oodfafher to lrlrchael Jac kson's son doesn't really lrelr; wrth credrbrlrty Drew Barrymore

Born: 22 Feb 1975

Key films: ET ( ‘r 982 Batman Forever (1995), Scream r1996»

The story so far: Born to a famous ac trnc;

' I farnrly rn Los Anqeles, Barrymore rrrade 80m: 19 NOV 1962 mrllrons blubher' when she watched ET

Key films: Taxr Drrver 11976), The Accused head to'the bro starshrp rrr the sky A (1988). Sl/GNCG Of The £80005 (1991) sustarned perrocl of drug and alcohol abuse The story so far: A hrgh profrle chrld star, frlled her early teens, brrt a return to the Foster ducked out of Hollywood and actrng fold rn the 90s has seen her re- returned Wrth a degree from Yale establrsh her credentrals Anyone who‘s Unrversrty The frrst actress to Wrn two Best Stephen Sprelbero’s ooddaughter has to go Actress Oscars before the age of 30, she far

6— 1 9 Feb 1998 THE LIST 21