rock & pop


Gigs are listed by date, then by cit . Performances Will be listed, provi ed that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication. Rock and Pop listings compiled by Fiona Sheperd (Glasgow) Jim Bytes (Edinburgh).

Ticket information

Tickets for most mediumllarge concerts can be bought from the following;

Vtrgln, Argyle Street. 204 5l5l Tower Records Argyle Street. 204 2500.

Credit card bookings from: Ticket Link: 227 551).

Virgin Princes Street. 220 3234. Ripping Records South Bridge. 226 7010.

Assembly Rooms George Street.

220 4349



I Envoy and Les Rhythmes Digitales Slam. The Arches. Midland Street. 22l 4001. llpm—3am. £8 (£6). Slam play host to the Vapour tour which features Envoy and/(tut Frenchman Jacques l)u Cont live. plus a DJ linetup including Jon Carter of Monkey Mafia fame. Derek Dahlarge. Sitnon Lee from Pha/e Action and a cast of thousands.

I Genic, Cuba and The Commercials King Tut‘s Walt Wah Hut. St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). S.3()pttt. t3. (iettic merge. self—styled ‘eclcctic guitar styles' with hard house and dub.

I Lies Damned Lies and Juliet Turner Lansdow he Parish Church. Great Western Road. 8pm. lnfo: 33‘) 2794. The Glaswegian trio with a low profile surface for a special performance of their new album Iumentutions. based on the Old Testament book fttll of wailing. gnashing of teeth. wearing of sackcloth and scattering of ashes. so it's no surprise to discover its actrustic/electric arrangements are sparse. moody altaits. Support from the ltish sittgett’sottgwritet Juliet Turner.

I Psychedelia Smith The l3!lt Note Club. Clyde Street. 221 U4l4 Info: 553 I638. l().3()pm. 1.5. An Athletico night with DJ sets from Dean Meredith. Alex Sparrow and Kristy McCara. but also featuring a live performance front Psychedelia Stnith.

I Route 55 (hand t)le t lory. Paisley Road Toll. 42‘) 5")“ . 7p .i 12 5‘) 151.5“). Country rock.

I Glimmer Nice 'n' Siva/y. Saut‘lnchall Street. 333 0637. “pm.

I Colossal, Hemispheres and The Cause The Arena. Oswald Street. 22l 3010. 0pm. £3.50 tadvance); L-l (door). ittcluding etttry to )ost-gig club.

I Gringo, Blue P anet and The Hardy Boys (‘avertt liar. Stratltclyde l'nivet'stty Utttott. John Street. 552 iSQ5. 0pm. Free. Students attd guests.

I The Radoos Mct‘huill's. High Street. 552 2l35. 9pm. Free

I Touch And Go MacSorley 's‘. Jatuaica Street. 572 01‘)”. ‘lpm, Free.


I Gwen Dickie Cavendish. \Vest 'l‘ollcross. 228 3252. 9pm 3am. £5. The former Rose Royce. diva warms up those SOs classics like '(‘anvaslr and ‘ls lt Love You‘re .-\fter'"

I Vanilla Pod, Jane Doe, Turtlehead and Consumed (fias Rock. West Port. 2294341. 9pm. Ll. .-\ Fat Wreck Chords night featuring the poppy-punk sounds of Vatula Pod. With ‘ttt‘tporl from a trio of local bands one ol whom 'l‘attleltead v— hail from central Scotland

15 CALTON ROAD,EDINBURGH 01 '31'2'557 3073'

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50 THE “ST 6—19 Mar 1998


Tickets Virin & Ri -- '

r 6...

Annie Christian love this life at the Gallery, Edinburgh, Sat 7 Mar ; Glasgow, King

and have a deal with Swedish label Bad Taste. Not a night for the faint-hearted. I Ugly Groove Movement The Gallery. 36‘) Cowgate. 225 5583.

8.30 tn. Free. A thirteen piece funk band. I 8 ocko Vomit and Maggot Colony The Tap ()‘l.auriston. Lautiston Place. 22‘) 404 l. 9pm. Free. Check these tWo out for weird names! Blocko Vomit mix satnba drtuns and punk covers. while Maggot Colony ttsed to be iii a band called Sawn ()ff(no. seriously). Pttttk mayhetn beckons.

I Midnight Blue Cafe Graffiti. Mansfield Place Church. Corner of lit’ottgltttttt Street. 557 S003. ltlpm. £5 tf4). Vibing night of livejau. soul and blues with sotne of the country's most talented players. With [Us and an appreciative crowd.

I La Boum! The Bongo Club. New Street. 556 5204. 10.30pm. L5 in advance from Fl liar. l4 Blackfriars Street. 558 913‘). lil Bar celebrate their third birthday with a live set from La Boum! attd l).ling frotn Joseph (Liz/.ard Lounge). Simon Hodge (Big Beat) and the Slack club spinners. Free food and drink (w liile stocks last!) at F.l Bar frotn b.3(lpttt.

I Jazz Joint Henry's Cellar Bar. Morrison Street. 22] 1288. 10pm. £4. Soul jazz outfit Basic Collective play live iii this vibing little venue. Look out for Nicola King on vocals. l)J Fh'.’ Wun! supports.

I Holly Tomas Comtnon Grounds. 2/3 North Bank Street. 226 1416. 7.30pm. Free. Singer/songwriter who was a joint winner at the Edinburgh Festival.


I Martin Stephenson and Tom Ovans 'l'olbooth Theatre. Stirling. (H786 473544. 8pm. £6 (£4). Tire es-l)aiutee regales Stirling with his tales of loving and losing



I Leo Sayer Pavilion Theatre. Renfield Street. 332 l846. 8pm. £l4.5()/£l2.5(). The aft'o-haired balladeet‘ is allegedly making a return to cult appreciation after all that Pierrot stttff in the late 70s (or whenever it was). The acid test was his appearance on S/motine Sluts. bttt does one ribbing courtesy of Reeves and Mortimer constitute a revival”? We think not.

I Snug, Speeder and Tantrum King Tut's Walt Wah Hut. St Vincent Street. 22l 5279. 8.30pm. £3.50. South London punk pop quartet who can boast a coup in getting page three stutina Melinda Messenger to appear in their video shoot at the Battersea Power Station Bungee Jump in Chelsea. supported by a local

Tut’s, Sat 14 Mar

garage pop combo attd a touted Edinburgh bunch.

I Ballroom and Push The Cathouse. Union Street. 248 (i606. Spm. 1.4

I Backclash, The Alkahounds and Red Eyes Nice 'n' Sleazy. Sauchiehal Street. 333 9637. 9pm. Clash tribute u. it!) suitably )unky support.

I MacFloyd Bourbon Street. George Street. 552 (ll-ll. 7pm. £5 (£19.50 with dinner). Pink Floyd tribute band with a Scottish spin on the prog giants -- does that tttean flying sleep over the City Chatnbers'.’

I Stealaway (.irattd J JR ()pty. Paisley Road Toll. 42‘) 53"“. 7pm. 135') t f l .5 l) Country hoedown-a-go-go.

I Roxx, leg and Torino Cavern liar. Stratltclytle Uniyersity Student Union. John Street. 552 ISU5. ‘iptn. Free. Students and guests.

I Nimbus McChuils Way Out West. Kely inhaugh Street. 22l 556‘). ()pm. Free. Acid jazz. groovers.

I The Vagabonds Waxys, Catttlleriggs. 552 87 I7. 9.30pm. Free.

I Jinx MacSorley 's. Jamaica Street. 572 t)l‘)‘). 6—8pm. Free.

I Tin Tiers MacSorleyN. Jamaica Street. 572 010‘). 9pm. Free.

I Station 212 .Vlc‘Cll‘liil‘s. lltylt Street. 552 2l35. 9pm. Free.

I The Nimmo Brothers Kilkettny's. John Street. 552 35l)5. 5 7pm. Free. Acoustic set.

I Die Happy Kilkenny "s. John Street. 552 3505. 9.30pm. Free.

I Soundtown 98 Cumbet‘nauld 'l'heatre. Kildrum. Cumbernauld. ()1236 732887. 2ptn~-late. £8 t£5). A day of live music. organised by the students on Cumbernauld College's Maxie Technology course. taking place in the theatre. studio and bar. 'l he musical litte- ttp features The llumpff Family. The Pearllishers. Hugh Reed. Landslide. Coaster. Fly Agaric. Randy and the Lunar 7 and spans styles from pop to Celtic to Latitt. There's also stand-up comedy and karaoke (fall-over comedy. really).

I Capricorn One The Hall liar. Woodlands Road. 5o4 I527. 9pm. Free.


I Martin Stephenson and Tom Ovans The Liquid Room. Victoria Street. 225 2564. 7pm. L7 in advance. more oti the door. Folk rock frotu County Durham's favourite ex-Daintee. Listen out for material from last year's critically- acclatmed Bern/til 'I'ltt' Leap, Bl'tnfltl The Law album. lixpect a heartfelt. colourful display of nmsicianship.

I The Kings Of Infinite Space, Anakin and Motor Life Co. Cas Rock. West Port. 229 434i. 9pm. £3. The Kings Of lnftnite Space are a hotly-upped four

piece lrotn Lnerpool signed to V2. They