

Exhibitions are listed by city and category, then alphabetical y by venue. Please send details to our office at least ten days before publication. Art listings compiled by Helen Monaghan.



7 Bow'rnont Gardens. 33‘) 428 l. Mort-Thu ‘).3()arrr~(i.30pm (6pm Fri); Sat 9.30am— l .30pm.

Bande Dessinee Until Sat 2 May. An exhibition of posters relating to the history of French comic strips. See Lectures & liy'errts.

ART EXPOSURE GALLERY l‘) Parnie Street. 552 777‘) Mon Sat llarn-bpm.

Scape ljntil Mon 30 Mar. landscapes and cityscapes by yat'rtrtls' artists including James .‘ylacatrlay. .ltrtlitlr Bridglarrd and Joyce Bor‘land.

BARCLAY LENNIE FINE ART Regent llotrse. ll3 West Regent Street. 220 54l3. Morr— l-ri l0arn- 5pm. Glasgow Style l'ntil Tue 3| Mar. An exhibition of work by Annie French. Jessie M. King. Ii.x\. 'l‘aylol‘. ('har'les Rennie Mackintosh. labs in Morris and contemporary artists Norman lidgar. Norman Kirklram and \\’..l. .\laske||. BARGO

80 Albion Street. .553 477 l. Batmacumba L’nlil Thu 20 Mar. A photography e\lribition from the Quartin catalogue which is a rare Brazilian ia/z label featuring musicians from the Bossa Nova period. Alongside this show. award-winning graphic designer Swtfty is creating a mtrlti-media installation witlr reference to (i0s Brazilian design.


I34 Iilytllswotrtl Street. 3.32 4027.

Mon- Fri 9.30am —-5.30prrr; Sat ltlanr—lprn.

David Martin l’ntil Tue 3| Mar. Recent paintings.

Marianne Forest Until 'l‘tre 3t Mar. (.‘locks and watches.

Lorna Graves t'ntil 'l‘tre .‘il .\ Ceramics.

CCA .340 354 Sauclrielrall Street. 332 752 I. Mon~Sat llarn—(iprrr: Strrr noon-5pm. ('afe. [I)l.

Jean-Pierre Perreault l’ntil Sat 3! Mar. The first British slrow mg of work. including drawings and sketches. by this French chtireographer

COLLINS GALLERY Liniyersity of Strathclyde. 22 Richmond Street. 552 4400 est 2(it\'2. Mon- Fri l0am--5prn: Sat noon-4pm. [I)I. Chocolate Sat 2| Mar Sat 2 May. An exhibition focusing on the nation's

l to wean/— a e


' Tel: 0141 423 4466 Opening hours 9.00 to 5.30 Monday to Friday 10.00 to 4.00 Saturday

Exhibitions of Prints &’ Paintings 21st to 28th March. 1998 la ANDREWl DICKSON 8C MARY MORTIMER

78 THE LIST 20 Mar—2 Apr 1998

Jifiv‘k’fiflxq > -~. ..-’«"-»k‘\ . . -' ‘3‘5‘ :3 gm.

Layer upon Layer : detail from Monument by Jo Ganter on show at Glasgow Print Studio Gallery

fay'otrr'ite snack. ’l‘lrrotrgh rntrlti-rnedia installations. sculpture. photography. paintings arid confectionery. artists explore the rnatry isstres relating to chocolate. from its use as a source of

; comfort. to the pleasures tler‘ryetl from its consumption.


I78 “est Regent Street. 22l (i370. Mon- Sat lllalll-~5.3|lptll.

Michael Agnew Until w'etl I Apr. Paintings and prints.


lS King Street. 552 2540. Daily

rrootr tipm.

Strike Home L‘rrtil Sat 28 Mar. A grotrp show of lens-based work by wonrerr artists comprising photography. film installation and perforrrrance. centred around the tlrerrre of exploration of female aggression. Artists incltrde Tara Babel. Louise ('r‘aw ford. Anne lilllot. Lin/.i Perth. Gillian Steel. lseult 'I‘inrnrerrnans and Ann Vance. See lectures tk li\'entsp


221 West George Street. 248 0755. Morr-I‘ri l0am--(ipm; Sat l0arn—2prn. 20th Century Scottish Paintings t'ntil TUC 3| Mar. A selection of works by \ariotrs artists including Peploe. I).Y Cameron. l-ergtrson and Hunter.


3| (‘lrislrolrrr Street. lentrarrce through l-‘ree Hairdressing). 552 7 l0(). Mon—Sat l0arnv5.30pm.

Salte Fisk Sat 2| Sat 2S .\|ar. Photographic installation by Kaorr Korrrro and Nikolas 'l‘hielgaard. FRINGE GALLERY (.‘astlemilk Shopping (‘entre (‘asrlemilk Arcade. 634 2603. Mon- Sat ltlarn 5pm. Scale l.’ntr| lit 27 Mar. The results of a work-in-progress project by rnerrrbers of (‘astlemilk's Pensioners' Action (‘entre art club. The group has created a drawing-based site-specrlic display. GALLERY OF MODERN ART

Queen Street. 22‘) l‘)‘)(i. .\Iorr- Sat ltlarn-5pm (closed 'l'tre l'. Strtr Ham-5pm. ()ne of Glasgow's newest galleries. with fotrr thematic floors based on the elements: earth. air. fire and water. Featured artists irrcltrde Ilowson. Hockney. Campbell. Bellany and Byrrre. Britannia Life Lord Provost's Prize L‘rrtil Strrr l7 May. An eylribition of recent work submitted by the shortlisted artists rrotrrinated for the Lord Proyost Pr'i/e. irr order that \ isitors can yore for their fay-otlr'ite. Artists include Peter llowsorr. Harry More-Gordon. Gordon .‘ylitclrell. Iiionna (‘arlrsle. 'l'ommy Mason and Dawson Murray. See review.


4 Parrrie Street. 552 4585. Tue Sal l0arn—5pm: Strn noon~4pm.

Ken Ryan and Andrew Hill t'nril Tue 3| Mar. Greek/Egyptian style sculpture by Ken Ryan and raktr pots by Andrew Hill.


Rouken Glen Road. ()20 0235. Daily lclosed Tue) l.30—5..30prn.

Kenneth A. Burns Until \y'etl t Apr. Paintings inspired by the Outer Isles and Victorian Glasgow architecture.


I48 West Regent Street. 22l 3095. Mon-Sat 9.30am—5.3()pm.

Scottie Wilson (1888-1972) Until Sat

28 Mar. Drawings and watercolours.


22 King Street. 552 0704. Mon—Sat l0am—5.30 in.

Meeting P aces Until Sat 4 Apr. 'l‘liree series of rtrtrlti-plate colour etchings. inspired by arclritecttrral spaces and the creation of light and space. by Jo Garrter. Breaking Symmetry t'ntil Sat 4 Apt”, Unusually shaped etchings by l-"iona “'tttstill. inspired by her scientific background.


The Mackintosh Gallery. l(i7 Rerrfrew Street. 35.3 4500. Mon «'I’lrtr

l0anr 3.30pm; l-‘r‘i I0arn--5prn; Sat

ltlanr noon.

Fine Art Photography Until Hi 27 Mar. An e\|ribitton of student work.

Colin St John Wilson Until lit-i 3 Apr. A look at the career of this rntrlti-talented arclrrtect. cetrtrirrg on the completion of the new British library.

HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY llrriyersity of Glasgow. l’niyersity Ayentre. 330 5430. Mon Sat

9.30am- 5pm.

Tools For The Shaman ()n permanent display in the refurbished Sculpture Courtyard. Jake llaryey show s monumental works car'yed front Irish basalt.


ll7 Batlr Street. 42.3 4466. .‘ylorr~l"r'i Uam~ 5.30pm; Sat l0am--4pm.

Tucan Do Sat 2| Sat 28 Mar. Prints and paintings by Andrew Dickson and Mary Mortimer.

Open Sesame Until Still 2‘) Mar. A large

display of ethnographic and artistic

oblecls front the world of Islam which haye treyer been on show before. Part of a city -wide series of eshibitions and entertainment celebrating the art and culture of the .‘ylttslinr world.

LILLIE ART GALLERY Station Road. Milngayie. ()43 3247.

Tue-7 I‘ri l0am~ | pnr. 2 5pm; Sat-Sun 2--5 int.

Bearsden Art Club l'ntil Still 5 Apr. A large selection of works by both professional and amateur artists.

THE LLOYD JEROME GALLERY 200 Bath Street. 33l 0722. 'I‘tte-Sat

‘lanr (iptrr;'flrtr l|anr~Sprrr.

Glasgow Society Of Women Artists Annual Exhibition l'ntil Thu 2 Apr. Annual show of applied art and paintings by m er I30 contributors. MCLELLAN GALLERIES

270 Satrchrehall Street. 33| l.\‘54. l)ai|y Itlarrr (ipirr. £3.05 tt‘320l; famin ticket E l 3.

The World Of 007: The Official James Bond Exhibition l’ntil Strrr l‘) Apr. (‘inerna's most famous secret agent. James Bond. is the strbiect of this exciting e\lribitlon from the creators of the recent .Sltll‘ 'Il‘t'lt shim. (Siatlgets‘ galore. props. costumes. film action and rrrerrrorabrlia. plus the Aston Martin I)B5 featured III the current Bond frlrrr arid

cornputer-based (‘|) workstations to test

your know ledge on 007 my ra. MITCHELL LIBRARY North Street (Kent Street entralrcel. 287 290‘). Mon -'|‘|rtr ‘lanr hpnr; |-'ri tk Sal ‘latrr 5pm.

Darkness On Towns & (Lights By The Seas) L'ntrl Tue 3| Mar. A series of photographs by .\latrro Marlon Beretta taken in Glasgow. Milan and Rorrre. focusing on the neglected parts of these


Hit List

The best exhibitions this fortnight.

" an.

Dominque Blain Boots that were made for walking and much more paraded in a show that gets real with militarism and gender warfare. See prevrew. Edinburgh. Stills Gallery, 28 Mar—9 May: lnbreeder Classy Sassenachs ~ Hadrian Pigott, Bob and Roberta Smith, and Simon Patterson are arrrong the line-up explore ’some English aristocractes’.

Put on your best RP accent. See preview.

Edinburgh: Collective Gallery, 27 Mar-25 Apr.

Chocolate According to statistics 90% of the UK population downs 1709 a week of the stuff. Here 28 artists bump up 'consurnptron’ with chocolate (both milk and dark) artworks Glasgow; Collins Gallery, 27 Mar-2 May

Avi Holtzman Barren stretches of Israel photographed by Israeli-born Holtzman, Neighbouring Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt the land rs disputed, fought over and killed forfdinburgh; Portfolio Gallery until 28 Mar.

Strike Home Women hit back. Tara

Babel, Anne Elliot, Linzi Perth and others

tackle female aggression in a multi— media show. Glasgow: 78 King Street until 28 Mar.

Sale Or Return A brilliant browse or the perfeCI purchase artists show multiples, printed works and text rn an exhibition that debunks art show reverence. Edinburgh: Fro/(market Gallery, until 25 Mar.


Centre For |)e\e|opnienta| Arts. IS Albion Street. 552 2822. .‘ylon—l‘rr ltlarn~~-5pm.

Mary Barnes Until l-‘r-i l7 Apr. A retrospective exhibition of paintings in rrierrrory of Dr RI). |.aing for lrts contribution to the understanding of

. sclri/oplrrenia.


2nd I‘loor. l4 King Street. 552 7080. Sat

tk Srrrr noon 4pm. A l‘L‘I‘tllallent collection of kinetic


sculptures by lidtrar'd Berstrdsky.

|00 Rerrfrew Street. 332 5057. Mon-Hi

‘larrr 0pm; Sat ‘)arrr ~5pm.

Mary Batchelor t'nril Hi 37 Mar.

()riginal paintings ilr acrylic by Mary

Batchelor. mainly landscapes.


26 King Street. 552 2|5I. Daily l0arrr—5.30pm.

London Photographic Awards t'nril Sat 23 Mar An exhibition of the winning


entries florrr this atrrrtral international photographic competition.

23" King Street. 552 JSI 3. 'l‘tre -Sal


l Something AHH! Nothing Until Sat 4

Apr. A season of live eyents including bands. performance and readrrrgs. in

collaboration with the l3th Note Bar.

Contact gallery for further details.