blues poignancy. Anderson is a former member of .\herdeen's l)ee l)elta Daddies.

I Jazz JOiflt .‘lenry '\ (‘ellar Hat. Morrison Street. 33l lZSS. See Mon 3”


I Average White Band King ‘riii‘s \y'ati Wah llut. St Vincent Street. 231 52“). H.3(Jpru. L'lt). See Mon 27.

I Napoleon 4, Cornerstone (tbc) tllltl The Story The i3th Note (’al‘e. King Street. 553 INS. 0pm. L‘ l.

I Casino, Oswald, Rigsby tttlrl Ian McVie (ilory Hm. ('iirleis. Hyres Road. 338 ()5! l. Spin. l-ree.

I Nimbus Hrel. Ashton Lane. 1.134%!» ‘)prn. l'ree. See Tue fl.

I Glasgow Songwriters featuring Jim Lynch Bliieki‘riai». Hell Sim-i. 552 5‘l34 ‘), itlpin. l'ree. ls’eggaest} le twrlorrtter'. l’lus open rnfe guest spot :\rr‘r\e early to hook you: plaee

priorin \\'|ll he gixen to liist-tirire [X'rl'orineis


I Groop Dogdrill, Backyard Babies and Lumber The Venue. (‘alto i Road. 557 3073. 8pm. £5. (ii'oop l)o;'.ilrill hail from l)oneaster. They ha\c been trying to rid thernselyes ol the shame eyer sinee. mainly through their mail. ker-ay-lee l';t\\k tltlltc‘s. l.()()l\ iitil lUl material lt'UITl their dehtit alhurn Hit/l Nelson (Mantra) which is out n. ~u.. Think Nir'yana nieets (‘hillr l’eppeis meets liMl” See albums.

I Songwriters’ Showcase 'l'iiiii Taxern. llunter Square. S3Hprn (I. lnl'orrnatron: (itil 5375. Wet-Hy torurn lor lidinhur'gh hased singersongxxzite; s. urth anyhody \xeleonie to perloi in .i lil'teen rninnte set.

I Grant MBCBSkill ('tttttltiittt (ilttlltlt'S 2/3 North Bank Street. The Mound. 23o H It). See Tue 2 l.

I Jazz Joint llenr'y \ ('t-Har liar. Morrison Street. le IZSS. See 'l are 3|.

mumm- Glasgow

I The Jamm and Combat Rock The ('athouse. l‘nion Street. :43 (intro. Spin. H». No age restriction. Tyyo post-punk tr'ihute aets lot the lads. Sing along at the top ol your lungs to the angry young Jain arid (‘lash eoyers hands.

I Cartoon, The Sneak Attack Tigers and Breeze King Tut‘s \Vah Wah lltit. St Vincent Street. 3:! 527‘). S, ittpin. £3.50. The headliners are power pop i'rom .-\l‘eryst\\yth.

I Workshy, Starsail and Shifter .\‘iee 'i‘.‘ Slea/y. Sauelnehall Street. 5 ‘3 9017. ‘)pm. Seeond heat ol~ the liattle ol' the litllltlS.

I Justice Well l‘lar'es. Bath Street. “I 5 lot). ‘)pnr, l‘i’ee. 70s sounds.

I Big George And The Business Kilkenny's. John Street. 552 3505 ‘Ipin. l'r'ee. llearty hlues sounds.

I Gulliver llarleys. Quarry Street. Hamilton. Hl(i‘).\’ J53 it ‘)prn l'i'ee.


Tura Sutaria's Tairrie B frightens the horses at Glasgow's Cathouse, Mon 27 Apr.


I The Average White Band|llltl Room. Vietorrii Street. 325 2564. L' It) 7.30pm. lilaek soul/innit as \el'\ ed up by “line boys in in Dundee and (ilasgoyy. Did you know :ha . White Band rnernhers ()rinie Melntyre and Rohhie Melntosh sessioned on ('huek Be rry ‘s ‘My l)ing-.-\".’ And did you knmi that in W75. their classic tr'aek ‘l’rek l 't‘ The l’reees’ “en! to number one in the l S charts'.’ You do non

I Supers’tai' Belle Angeli: Hasiie's (lose. ( orig ate. :25 2’74. Spin. to ill ad\anee lTHlll Ripping and Virgin. Joe .\lL‘.'\llll(lL'll strums his \yay through more heart-renders This l\ inusre tor melancholy loyeis.

I Dieter Laueeoiiiiiioii(hounds.2/1 North Haul Street. The Mound. 2.?!»

l4 lh. See \ \t‘tl 33

I Jazz Joint Henry's (‘elliii liar. Mttl'tlxtttt Street. ZZl lZXtS. See Wed 2:. I Junior llackshaw Baiirieririiuis. ('oyygate..‘ 5o i25-1,Sprn l~ree, (‘onternpoi'ary iii/l.


I Live Music Tron 'l‘ayern. Hunter Square. J78 3146. 9pm. Prices vary with hands. Nev. hands get the chance to slit)“ oil their original material. Tonight. it's Dangerous Saints



I Money Mark and Buffalo Daughter King Tut‘s Walt Walt Hut. St Vincent Street. 231 527‘). 8.30pm. £7. See feature for Beasties‘ keyboard man Money Mark. Support from a Grand Royale act. a posse of female Japanese Iunky hip-hop )ers.

I The Golden our and Johnstone (‘ontaet High. The l3th Note (Kile. King Street. 55‘ low. Uprn. Ll Strong melodies and hits Hammond organ \UlllNlS lVUI'lll the haekhone ()l The (ioldetthour e\per renee.

Continued over page

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