listings FILM

CUMBERNAULD THEATRE ifiLUBITDfiYMQ' MAY 1 ) GREENOCK: THE WATERFRONT Kildrum. 01236 732887. £3.50 (£9 for P - a; 99 “'3‘ “2‘30” Off Container Wa ,01475 73220,_ three films) ""3 e “5”” 8"” CC hookin 014 5737701 [D] £4 THURSDAY 30 APR SUNDAY 10 MAY (cones: £2.50). i 3 n . ' Amis‘ad ( '5) 7-45 igzilgg'gfgrlmgill 148' 15 w R AY mom“ MAY " gs. Marshal: (‘15) 5.15. 8.15.

. rea x ec a 10115 (15 7.00. The Man In The Iron Mask 1 12) 7.45. “Al-AsmH-s' THE PAV'l-lou JaCkie 3.7%“!!! (15) 8.00.) SATURDAY 2 MAY 51411101511661-“1896 573631 Maggsglathnnilflzdi' l5910. FairytalezA true Story (PG) 2.00. Into and 0C hooking: 01896 752767. Anastasia (U) 5.10. titanic ('2) 7 00 .., . ~ Cate. [1)] 1.350113 before 6pm). Titanic (12) 7.15 ' ' " - Child/()AP: £2. UB40: £2.201Moii—Thu DUNFERMLINE' ROBINS ' ~ “m”- JFR' AY 1-THURSDAY 7 1n the running: Tommy Lee Jone TH! tRSDAy 3Q fiftfamszzg 8g ‘0 a . a1 : . .. . .. . haig-fiiiriisglgfi Zislggé'booking- 01383 '" "5 Ma'Sl‘a" U..S.Marsha15115) 5.21). 8.20. Mr a ootPG) ' ' _ : . Sat—Mon mat: 11.45. Titan1c112) 7.31). Dail : .00. 67489814—10pm) 1.3 30 (cones P) No - - r K can“ gm “fin.” 1' _ H q _ 't" {1' Titanic (12) Scream 2118) 11.30, i Sat— 1oi1 mats: 12.30. 3.00. - 1 ‘~ ' 1r 0"- a 13“ -- Daily: 12.40. 4.35. 8.31). Hard Rain115) (1.11). A5 500d A5" 59351”) ) ‘1 Dailvz 8.00 TH! lRSQAY 3Q MrMagoo (PO) Mousehunt 11 (i. 5.11). ' , Daily: 2.00. 4.111. Mrs BrowntPU) 5.111. "-5.7“315113'51151 giaTgShaISHfi) 600‘ 845- ( Sat—Mon mat: 11.50. Great Expectation5115) 8.30. “any: 5‘15' 8'15' pectations ( 15) 6.15. ).00. m h 2 Mousehunt (PG) rt . p 7% eManlnT elronMask11-1 g. \ .. s 1

' am“ ") 0' Sat—M011 mat: noon. FRlDAY lr—THURSDAY 7 A‘sg‘sgé’gig‘fb‘)‘ l~-45~ ~45 FRIDAY 1—THURSDAfl 3318511195 Scream 211*) Dani; 5.10. screamzfléfl 93' Y- -- ~'- . l‘)i“l.\'i ~20”. “:0- Sat— on mats: 1.00. 3.15.

Daily: 6'00 830. .at-Mon 111211. 11.35. Sat 511111 111211: _.00. Good Burger (PG) Sm & MO" I‘m“: noon Jackie Brown (15) Titanic 1 12) Sui—Mon mat: 2.45. Sathon "m. '100 Daily: 9.00. D2111): 7.30. Paws(PG) S'iding Dear-s i is)' As Good As It Gets (15) us. Marshals 1 15) Sgt-M011 mat: 100. Dan , mo 9 06 Fri—Tue&Thu: 3.30. 6.30. 9.25. 11.111): 8.10. T'tan'U'?) MoufiehunfiPG)‘ gcgsmo. 9.10. Good Will Huntin9115) Da'l)’: 7-l5- . 7 u er (U) Daily: 8.20. {630' Sat—Mon mat: 11.55. Mr Magoo (PG) FRDAY 8TTHURSDAY l4 . ‘05 M l- - Great gxpectations ( [5) Dam; 5‘30. Programme likely to be sunilar to the D- .3873: $1 . ) Daily. 6.25. Sulfl'MU” mm. 3.30. previous week. Phone 01475 732201 for M211 $39.“; .( PG) Jude ( l5) Mousehunt (PG) (letails and times.

. _ Wed: 6.35. Hail}: 5.50. hg’bllfmm. p H Good Burger (PG) .8211- Mon mat: 3.31). HAMILTON: 0050"

_ . ' "’ " Sat & Sun mat: 10.30. Mrs Brown (PG)

Sat Mon mat. 3.15. R Daily: (1m. Ttlfinheati StrejetgLO‘lfl)? 2828026 FRIDAY 8-THURSDAY 14 : IDAY 8_THL_JRSDAY 1A4 . 99mg? 01 The Jungle 1U) 1Ad80383886156782i Prngmmmc likdy m be Similar to (he [(Bgrdlihiiil‘lhcly 101M: 511110;" [(1) 1116 Sat—Mott 1111112 l.3(l. UB4” £2.6()/£2). A” seals £2.20/£L85. p":va week Phone 0mm 6,” “S for prunious “Lek. Phone 01355- 4 )6‘)‘) lor Flubber 1U) an day Mun details 'ind lint-cg - I h details and times. Sub-Mon 111211: 3.50. ' " New film due to open on Fri 8: Anastasia (l?) THURSDAY SQ Ma ' ~. ,, , .

- FRIDAY 8__THUR$DAY M Great Exgectations (15) 12.05. 2.50. Old Coach Road. East Mains. 013552 . . . 5.40. 8-2 - 610000. Programme likely to be similar to the jackie Brown ([5) i 55 7 20

. . H .7 ' previous week. Phone 01896 752767 for Anastasia U s S u H u .

[D] “21‘ £3 (coms' Ll' Princess Street. 01324 (131731. details and times. ( ) i .1“ TUESDAY 12 MAY Info: 01324 623 8051f hooking: 01324 FRIDAY l—THURSDAY 7 Mrs Dauoway (PG) 8.00. 631731. 13. Student: 1.2.20 (Muir-"11111). Breakdown (15)

Child/OAR i1 (1' I s (NW NW) Daily: 3.15. 5.55. 8.35. . itirc 1 . treet. . 2 . ' . US. Marshals (15 EAST KllBRIDE. UOI T_H.LJ_R.$_LEQAY £2.601Chiltl/()AP: £1.60). Daily: 12.50. 7.55). OIYInPiaMalHH3552 49621 U.S.Mar.shals115) 2.20. 5.25. 8.15. TH R DAY Great ExpectationsHS) 111111: 013552 49699. CC booking' 0990 Hard “3'” ('5) f" '0' M “a”? “’5' 888 990 [D] £4 ,5 (£3 beforc‘: 'm) Great Expectations 1 15) 2.31). 8.35. 11tan1c1121 7.31). Anastasia (U) Child/()AP/Uma‘p 60a” da p ' As Good As It Gets 1 15) 2.21). 5.15. Hard Rain 1151 8.00. Fri-Mon mat: 12.35. - -' y- 810, Mr Magoo1PG) TH! WSQAY 39 FRIDAY 1 THURSDAY 7 FRIDAY l-‘THURSDAY 7 Fri—Mon mats: 12.05. 2.55. Titanic1 12) TUC—Tl‘lUZ . . 7 . . gilMarshalsUS) 1-30. 3.30. 0.30. Sl'dmg 0005(5) Daily. 7mm. [S)cr_lean182|(()18) The Rainmak r 5 2. S x S [)aily: 2.20. 5.25. 8.15. Sat—$11111 mat: 2.00. -‘2‘ y: -. - (“0. e (I l l l“ “l” ("'5‘ Scream 2118) Great Expectations 1 15) H'TMO’L 5'20- Hard Rain ( '5) 2.05 4.25 6 40 9 00 {)aily: 5.45. 8.25.‘ 11.111): 8.00. TUL‘Th“ "W “’5- Mousehum P 2.25 S ' ' )aily mat (except Sun): 240. Anastasia (L?) _ Grea‘ Expecltgtjiims ( l‘sgi'llat‘S-l'gofi'o Sun 111211: 3.15. Sat-Mon 111211: 2.30. FRlDAY 8 THURSDAY 14 . 6 so 9 K ~ - ~ 1 -- . Us. Marshals ( '5) Programme likely to be Similar to the Ahagtagigw) 7 m 4 40 Daily. 5.25. 8. l5. FRIDAY 8--THURSDAY 14 previous week. Phone 01698 283802 for titanic (12) I516 ‘4 is '8 ‘0 Fri & Wed—Thu 111211: 2.20. Programme likely to be similar to the dam“ and “mcs' Good ( ' MOUSQhunt pl‘CVlUlls \VL‘L‘k. l’liUliL‘ (“592 750980 for Continued over page Jackie stow" (H) I is 8 H Sat & Mon—Tue 111211: 1230. details and times. A56 "‘ 55‘ '5' Su11111at:.1.15. . .. 6 as 0311:8115 It Gets ( 15) 1-.-5. 3-5. Anastas'a (U)

""‘ " " Sat & Mon—Tue mats: 12.15 7.45

screamzum 6'55‘ )"0' Sun mats: 1.40. 3.30. FRIDAY 1—THURSDAY 7 9 Scream 2 ('8) FRIDAY 8—THURSDAY 14 W aterstone S Daily: L20 4 OS 6 4S 9 10 Programme likely to be similar to the Fri & Sm Inge. ‘lg‘os' " ' previous week. Phone 01324 623805 for Sliding Dow's ( ' details and times. _ Ema/282.110. 4.??‘3700‘ 920. Film due to open on 1‘11 8:. for ticket Offer

r1 at ate: .. 0. 6.5, mm...s ( .5) 0111111111: r111 0111511111 Dail : 12.50. 3.55. 6.5 . . . - - . theitainmaker (is) 0 9 4" 3211111 Town Hall. Bridge BRUCE ROBINSON Daily: 6.15. 9.10 '~ 2“ 506850-

- ,, -' -, £3 (£2.50). We ‘kdav 111211111 £1.50. . - - - - - ' - gaféigmthgydnlsht Children “5; ' “3 Director of Withnail 81 1 in conversation With The 1151 Editor 5.00.5210. 9.35. SUNDAY 3 MAY

' e: .. . . Mousehu War Of Ihe Buttons (PG) 2.30. Daily: 2 011159) s. "663625st Never Weaken 101 ASSEMBLY ROOMS, 6TH MAY, 7.0091111 ' 3 ' _ 'T’ ' + e ameraman U 7.30. - - - SalrMothtal- “50 l ) Take this voucher to Waterstone’s, East End, Princes Street, Edinburgh Anastasua (U) FRIDAY 8 MAY Daily: 1.55. 4.15. o . £3 £1 50 concession Boogie Night5(18) 7.30. ' '

30 Apr—14 May 1998 THE U8T35