CLASSIFIED i saw you m

V I saw you nII the gnll' L'IIIII\" lll l’IIInehr). 3.\Ia_\ MUN Yna \tIauheII} hlnnde accnunlanl .II l'lll\l and Ynung. (Ilasgtm .\Ie‘ the gIII \Ihn has been sending \nu \‘aIeIIIInex C.Il(l\ l'nI the past Ihiee years. IIn\ Nn [7333/l.

V I saw you linghsh/Axran gIII at the RIIersIde ('etltdh. I'I'Ida} l Ma) WW. Ynu: \Ihllel \IIII'I and gnrgenux. .\Ie: checked \hn‘t engineer unable ln dance and talk sIInIIIlaIIenuxlyl l'ane} a pint" [In\ Nn [7333/2.

V I saw you gnrgenux InIerInr student \\ IIII lIl}\IL‘I'lI)[I\ hlaek e_\e\. Surely )nunger than Int'ly',’ Wear hlaek Inr me and I'll pay .\Ie: .Iaek I).Inlel\. | alsn Itke dngx. I3n\ Nn [7333/3

V I saw you KIIkennys. 'I‘hurxday 3() Apt ll. hack enlner h) anIaIIIetal Inns. Ynu: InIIgIsh IIaII. glasses. laughtng Inls. Me: uIIahle In \Inp IIIInkIIIg ahnul _\nII :\hnul In take up naIl hIIIIIg, l)n these ads nnrk‘.’ [In\ Nn [7333/4.

V I saw you glittery Raphel readIIIg plk‘llh at Negm‘lants nn .3 Ma}. Me: hlnnd Nnrxxegian III III'sl Inu. enuldn't apprnaeh )nu heeame nl' ynuI I'I'Iendx. let's hang the DI III ()xln let me he _\nur nIuse lIn\ .\'n [7333/5.

V I saw you I “I” see _\nu III enuIl. Mark aka I)nIIaII (hay. dnnrce l\ arnund the enIIIeI. I dnn'l IIeIIeI e _\nu sleep III )nur nlllee Ihe IIIIIII lllll\l nIII..._\nur deInIed \\ II'e. Sarah \\\. 'l'he patnltng l\ \llll III the attic. InI' the IIInnIenI lIn\ .\'n

I 7 3 33/0

V I saw you 'l'hursda} 7 Ma} tuux. I‘IIII‘L‘\ IIIL‘llLIII I'InI. I dIdII'I lhqu \\ e \hnuld IelI names and I'm nnl 32. \Ittgle and gnrgenus. hut | InIghl need rescuing again. Interested? I)nII'I Ieplj. RI‘.I’I..-\Y I l June l‘)‘).\'. l3n\ Nn [7333/7.

V I saw you And}. III the .-\ItIIIeIa| Intelligence Department. I I‘eal|_\ hke _\nIII \e\_\ IaIuI Innk. ('an‘l \tnp dIeaIIIIng ahnut )nu since that day. \Vnn'l )IIII let me kiss ynu lust nIIee IIaI‘I'}. Hm \n

I 7 3.3 3/3

9 I saw you I-an. hull cnuldn‘t talk tn )nu 'I‘nn \h} In \a} yes In )nut In\IIaIInn II} again. please III In\ C III gII \HIII )nu In In\erness; ynu and the land Ne“) I I'estnnn Ynur (It'c‘c‘lx SIIL‘III I.II\ L'I' [In\ NI) [7333/9

V I saw you sew. datk haIred IIIaII III Mas. Argle Street nn \N'ednesday I3 Ma}. Ynu:

\\ eaIItIg a hghl hlue \ -neel\ tnp and dentin Jacket. eatI}I:Ig a \nll I‘llk'I-L‘.I\k' \Vlttlsl I \Ialehed )nu \Illtee/e the hint. I dreamed nl \guee/Ing ynu \Vh} nnI let me \Itate )nuI passrnn IIIIII and let the tuleex nI IIaIuIe I'lnu l3II\ NI) [7333/III

V I saw you nII Satulday 3 Ma} I‘NH at -I.III)pnI. \Illtng IIIII\IIlL‘ (iux IIUI\ haI'/I‘e\IauIaIII aI (ilasgnu '\ ('enlral Slattnn, _\nu had datk \hnulder length han‘ and were \\c‘;ll'lllg’ hlue learn and a (‘nn\erse tnp. IIIIIIIL‘I'\ and had a ('nnxerse hag. Ynu met a IIIL‘IIII .II -1 25pm \\III) \\.I\ “eating a green tuntper and \\.I\ IIIIL‘. I \\.l\ \Illlllg IIIL‘I'L‘ \Iear Ing hlaek Jeans and a hetge Iaekel. We \nIIIed and l ha\e heen kIc‘kIIIg In\sell e\et \Inee l'nI nnI asking )nu nul IN a meal nI dIInk. Please get III Inueh. Stuart l3n\ \n I 7 3 3 3/I l V I saw you at ()ptnnn at [he SIIII (‘llth \Ve daneed neat each nlher In(iaI_\ .\'unI.uI nII III .\I.I\ l‘)‘)t\’. I)n )nu \\.IIII It" HIM/I2.

V I saw you III lilaek IIn's. g'UIlL‘\\ \\ IIlI e_\e\ like the Ynu blinked. \hnnI. then tell In the IInnI I Innk _\nu hnnIe and made )nu happy I‘m I'nI real. ale )ntt” I 7 3 3 3/l 3

V I saw you III (‘.(3. I3Innltts. 8 May. Ynu \\ ere nunther SUI). I “as number tun. ()K. the chat up IIne \\;l\ a hit Cnrtl)‘. hut \IIIL'L‘I'C. \V'I'IIL‘? [7333/l-I.

V I saw you lI‘nIII the grasx} knnll. Ynu: IIII‘IuenlIaI statesman III npen tnp ear. ML"? [73.33/l5. V I saw you Ilans IrnIn Nnruay. Saturday ‘) May Iliurnx I\IUII night). I had In gn In (‘npenhagen IInII ahnul IIIeetIIIg up Inr \IIIIIL‘ Innre Nnru'egian lesxnns'.’ [7333/In. V I saw you (InI‘IlnII lets make It perIn...aneIII. Rnek (‘IIIck xx. an Nn [7333/17.

V I saw you l)L‘L‘. IIL‘W I'L‘KIIIL‘III III SI \‘Ineent ('reseenl. I've seen _\nu all n\ er the place: India. I’nllugal. Arran. IzdttIhngh. (ilasgnxx. I \au ynut I \au _\'nlt\ and Itnu I \\;lIII In \t‘L‘ .IlIIl IIIIII'e III )IIII. llnnte Is \IIIeIe the heart I\. 'I‘hank )nu IUI ennIIng In II\e and hue “fill me. IIIg In\e, Su, [In\ .\'n l'/.333/l.\'.

Edinburgh EH1 1TE



The List Classified 14 High Street or At the CCA

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Remember to write the box Number clearly in the TOP LEFT-HAND CORNER.

Replies Will be Ion~arded once a week I.‘ you send several replies, send them In One large envelope. Don't stamp the replies, but do write the appropriate 80x Number on each envelope.

350 Sauchiehall St Glasgow G1 310

98 TIIE LIST 28 May II Jun 1098

V I saw you me hnl Sunday aI'IeIIInnII. hu} Ing pelrnl nn I3I'IIIII\IIL‘I(I ‘I‘ertaee. Ynu \Inre a hlue} ‘green dress and you \IIIIIL'II. and then \\ e [lI'IH e aua} \Vhere dId )‘nu [ll'l\L' In [In\ Nn [7333/1‘).

V I saw you KIIL‘IIL‘IIL‘. YIIII \\ ere lnelnng up )nur htke al \VaII‘ender \\\ IIIIIIIIIIg halhs l.el\ gel chained up Ingelher. and Iuntp III the deep end l3n\ NI) [/3 33/31).

V I saw you (’hat Ice/ShaIee/ nu 'l‘uesda'x 5 Ma} nu Ihe \et} dela_\ed IllanI lzdlnhngh/Iilaxgnn II’aIII. \nu I‘L‘IIII'. hetge eheeked IIIIII\L‘I\. \IICIIL‘ IIIcle'I. \HIIK II] [he ‘nIedIa'. aIIIIn} ed In he \n late InI a nIeeIIng. .\Ie \IIUII l'L‘IlIll\lI halt. hlack Iaelxel. eteanI

leans. alsn unrk III the media.

We \pnke hrIeII}. Ynu \atd ‘l’erhaps. \Ie'll Ineel agatn nu Ihe (ilasgnxx lraIII'. I liked ynu Inn and thIIIk \\ e \Inuld ha\ e a InI III enlnntnn. l3n\ .\'n

[73 3 3/2 I.

V I saw you Rust} at Rentt‘eu l-eII}. I-I Ma} ('nuldn'l \ee _\nu at the end Int ehal. e\ en Ihnugh Iaeguehne ga\ e Ine [lll'L'L‘llIIII\. It's up In _\nII mm. [In\ .\'n

I 73.3 3/33

V I saw you l)e|ntnntea.\. _ .\Ia_\ l‘)‘).\' Ynu: I,Ighl hlue Y S l, \lIIll. ted casual/smart |.Ic‘k[‘l. lnllntse \llell glasxcx. IInIeI} hlue e)e\). III'InkIng l’eIrteI‘ \Ialer. .\Ie: ()aInIeal pnln IuIIIper and dark leans. I was \IIIIIIg nppnstle Iahle \\lIlI I'IIeIId. I Inund )nu In he very aIIuIIng and \Illl dn' Sn l‘nI nnl gtttllg II) he \ll}. lI‘I\ IIII‘I‘I. IIL‘IL'.\ lIIIpIIIg'. . I3U\ NI)

[7 3 3 3/33

V I saw you A eIgarelle tInIII In\ I‘.l(l\. I knelt IIII\\II. Queen .\I.IIgaIeI I had huIIII nul 00 IeaIs IeInenIl‘eIIng nnIIInIg hut I.I\IIIlf.' \IIauheII} \\\ eel I\I\\[‘\. .\l} \nhet apnlngles necessary I3n\ .\'n [73 33/2-I.

V I saw you I enuld hatdl} \ee _\nu hehInd Ihe erepe pans. Ynu. IIIIIII \e\pnl. nIe. ahxnlule spanner and nIange eat n“ net‘. I.eI\ share ehatnperx at Yes. I3n\ NI) [7333/35

V I saw you Ilayaal. III.\I \Ieek. at the Mitchell lIhI'aI'} \Iud}Ing InI )nIII gengraphy e\anI. (‘nuld \\ e e\ehange ntnle lhan lust a ten \Intds’.’ l’lease dn get III Inueh" [In\ .\'n [73.33/30

V I saw you nII I’I'Iday I7/-I. IIIII\I(lL‘ Stnekhridge llxl1\llt)p. Me \lIlI. )nu \IIIIIe enaI and again nn 24/4 InsIde. Ynu saw the Inn. lane} a drtnk'.’ [In\ Nn [7333/i.

O I saw you ll] ‘I‘exen .\IeIIn. .\'IenI\nn SIIeeI nII Salurdax 35 .-\I\l'll. Ynu laIl. hunk} ' headtuIneI. \Iealtng tempting IIghl Jeans and hlue eheeked‘ \lIlII. .\Ie small. In\)‘ eIIIek \Iearlng pInk 'lehlrl and jeans. l‘ane} \IIdl'llIg' Illltxe dnughnutx" l3n\ .\'n was/2.

I SAW you

Until further notice, I SAW YOU adverts are FREE of charge (Up to 30 words).

Just fill in the Classified form and send it off.

0 I saw you I’lg'x III Marehtnnnt. hlue eaI'e and the 'I’IaIeI'xe hat. l)eIIeInu\ III hlaek. .-\l\I.I}\ eaIIng. lIearIng _\nu talk IUIIIII} III-(nudge L‘IIL‘L‘\L‘. I)IIIIIL‘I‘ nII Salttnla}l' I’Igness and I’Iglteasl. I3n\ \n [7333/3.

V I saw you l)nuglax ('nupland readtng. Ynu: \\\ eel. IIIeIIdl) hlnnde III Iaded deIIIIII Iaeket .\IL'I IlIIIlL‘ III hlaek PUIUIICLIx \Vt‘ \pIIke lutell} Ynut hn} lIIend dnesn'l desene )nu 'l'allx again. n\et enllee [In\ .\'n [7 3 32,11 V I saw you (‘aInl .’\nn III IInIIls Il.n[lII.III Rnatl. lidtnhurghl and \\.I\ \II uek h_\ ynur \nl't \nIee. [[[llL'I dIgIIII} and ageless heaul}. I‘d Itke In lind nut InnI‘e ahnut )nu. I'ane) .I L'UIICL‘I.) l3Il\ NI) [7332/5

V I saw you .-\daln II. Ixearrng pllnl specs and II.I\\.IIIIIII \IIIII. Ynu IeII IIIe gagging Int Innre. )nu heartlexx IIeIIehI lltm ahnul \\ e eseape In II.I\\.III l'nI gnnd and hnnexl tun In\ e hlaek \laIlIIIII. [In\ XIII/33:10.

U I saw you .'\|I\nn. l’nln Inunge. I.\,"-ll")t\ ISaIuIda) I We I.lll\[‘Il. Il.lIIcL'Il \\ lIClC IllIl }Illl gt)" l. I3II\ \II [7333/7

0 I saw you Puss} (IalItle. Bumped Intn )nII. (i[ 'I .. Ynu \Iluee/ed }IIIII\L‘II heIIIeeII me and the \erIalx, Ynu; red haII and 'IIII/Itlg., .\IL'I ICII\ (lnlll .II [lIL‘ I'eall}. I.el\ IIIL'L'I III [II\C[I\\ Marc I'L‘c‘IIIIl\. l3II\ NI) [7.3 32/5 0 I saw you RWB. [III-\III‘. lt’ I‘d Lnnnn II \\.l\ (Ill I'I'II'II' rather than (I /tII’IIlrI/. I \\I)Ill[l hax e l|I\l\IL‘Il nII luneh KnnIx _\nu made a dtll'etenee \ I\e' l3n\ Nn [7332/0

V I saw you ,'\IIIIIL'\\_ helnte }IIIl lt‘ll I)k'I\'I\ I \II\ \I‘ll .Il\\.I)\ lea\ e aIIeI I ha\ e In\ haII eul' \nu kIInII l\\nIIIdn'I Iqut IIII}IIIIL' ['I\C I’lI'.I\t' eltlllltel [W 5 Need In \ee )nu \nnn l3n\ Nn l‘, 332/II)

V I saw you ~s'aI Ix .-\ptll. Ihe l’nln l,nIInge_ (Ilaxgmx \Ve danced and I ga\e )nII III} IIuIIIheIL \‘nu \xnIe \thIe Ieans. Ied Iaeket Ynu‘te tall and ealled IIIIan nl Ryan. l’lease ealI. lIn\ \n [7332/1 I.

0 I saw you Ihuee aI IIII‘ \IeddIng nl the century III

l3lalr .-\Ihnll I)I'\II\I.IIIII;_'I}. ynu In\l at Spnnl' I Ina}

IInI he III InnIII In .III_\IIIIIII‘. I‘lll dn gel III Inuch In: time

Ieellng and \ Ie\\III;_' nl IInlIe \IIIIelIne" l’.\' \nu Innketl gIeaI III _\nuI ktlt' I3n\ .\'n

[73 32/I2

V I saw you I’Innnte .I

SI "l3l.l.\ll'. \\.IIIII‘\\. Intt'te a In\ InI \hnuld that he a \I\en ’i ll _\nII'Ie single. I‘d \uIe like In I\IIU\\ ..,I3II\ NU [733.3/l3

V I saw you gIIIIHllI nn the de\ and ha\ Ing IIIII III the 'Stardusl Inunge' al \'l-.(i:\,\' Ynu II)Inn ’l Ittlpeecahle 7th \I}lee \\Illl Itltpmnlwle ll.lII‘\. ll‘lll) \hnl. lack) nIedallInn. I\II\L‘II}' \hades and \\ Icked alln \Hg'. .\Ie sh}. \III.IlII\lI hut perl'eell} InInIed. )nung '\I.'II'lL‘llL". l .I\I\[‘[l )IIII In pla} Shule} Hassey tune. )nu sinned. and then ynu dId. l \\.l\ Inn \h_\ In ask Int IIInIe I‘III III.I}I\I‘ _\nu \\ntlld eate In \pend a hllle tInIe \\lIlI nie l3n\ \n [73334-1

14 High Street Edtnhtu‘gh EHI ITE

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