l t

I Gastr Del Sol and Appendix Out The l3th Note ('al‘e. King Street. 553 I638. 9pm. £3. A tactile night out Mr those \\ ho like to have their sensibilities stroked by a inaudlin. gracel'ul soundtrack featuring l)a\ id (iruhhs ol‘ (jastr Del Sol perl'oruiing material l'roni their most recent album.

I Nerve, Soft Porn Eddie and Jade 'l‘lie ('atltottse. Union Street. 348 6606. 8pm. £3. Unsigned band night.

I Cheap Seats Grand Ole ()pry. Paisley Road loll. 43‘) 5396. 7.30pm. l; l .50 0.3.50 itieitiherst. ('ountry layourttes.

I Volley Missing Records. Wellington Street. «lllll 9783. 5pm. l‘it'c‘c‘. Wliippersnappers Volley promote their latest release with an exuberant instore electric set.

I Cortez, Strangecrazy, Skinni and The Landys Strawberry l‘ields. ()swald Street. 33| 787 I. Will]. £3. Another celebration of the \enue's lirst hirthday. suhtttled ‘the best hands ol' the year night.

I Smudge Dolby, The Third Way and The Kennedys l‘ury Murrys. Maxwell Street. 33l 651 l. 0pm. £3 tadyance); £4 ttloot'). including entry to post-gig club. I Big Rain Kilkenny's. .lohn Street. 553 3505. 9.30pm. l‘ree.

I The Blues Poets ('lutha Vaults. Stockyyell Street. 553 7530. 0pm. liree. Residency.

I unplugged 'l‘he llttll littt'. \Vtititllttlttls Road. 564 I537. Split. l'il'ee. ()pett stage. I Live Music Nice 'u' Slea/y. Sauchieltall Street. 333 0637. 9pm.

I Live Music (‘ayern Bar. Strathclyde l'niyersity l'nion. .lohn Street. 553 IX‘)5. 8pm. Free. Students and guests.

Edinburgh .

I David Dickson (‘oiunion (irounds. North Bank Street. 336 H 16. 7.30pm. l't’c‘c‘. See 'lilltl ll.

I El Cometa Kulu's .la/./ .loint. llenry‘s ('ellar liar. Morrison Street. 33| l3SS.

Dylan jams wi

l l0pm—3atn. £4. Jazzy action \yith contemporary dancelloor gt'ooycs.

I Transister La Belle Angele. llasties Close. Cowgate. 335 3774. 8pm. L5 in advance from Ripping Records and Virgin Records. New Virgin signing \\ ho look promisingThe line-up includes (jury ('larke from Danny Wilson.

I Bernard Butler Virgin Megastore. I35 Princes Street. 330 3330. S30pm. Free. See ahoye.

I Smiler (‘anon‘s (iait. (‘anongate. 556 448 l. Split. Free. Local rock comho.



I Transister King Tut's Walt Walt llut. St Vincent Street. 33| 537‘). 3.30pm. £5. See Sat IS.

I Counselled Out Deep lind ('luh. The Old Church Street Baths. liyrcs Road. 8pm. £6. Blues Brothers’ style soul at this cabaret club night that's part of the West lind liestiyal.

I Bikini State Nice 'n’ Slea/y. Sauchiehall Street. 333 9637. 9pm.

I Texas Express Grand Ole ()pry. l’aisley Road To“. 43‘) 5396. 7.30pm. £1.50 (£3.50 members). Country.

I Pumpkin Nuts, Swedger and Under The Sun (‘ayern liar. Strathclyde l,'tii\'ei‘sity l'nion. John Street. 553 lS‘)5. Spin. l5ree. Students and guests.

I The Perfect Body, The Chain and Sunset Sundays l'ury .\lurry's. .\la\\\ ell Street. 33| 651 l. 9pm. £3.50 tadyancet. £4 tdoori. including entry to post-gig club.

I Hoochie Coochie Band .\te(‘tiuitt‘s. High Street. 553 3505. 10pm. l-‘ree. Balool. explosion.

I Black Eyes Peas .\te(‘tiuilt\ Way Out West. Kelyinhaugh Street. 33l 556‘). <)_30pni. liree.

Continued over page

th Van Morrison at Glasgow’s SECC. Sun 21 Jun.

O m MUSIC presents

rock & pop MUSIC

t i’ Reader

in (0mm

Glaigow Royal (0mm Hall

2.5m September oH-t 7-37 mt

Uinmrgli Fettivnl Theatre

17th September 0|}! SM 6000

11—25 Jun 1998 THE llST53