ART listings



5 Northumberland Street Lane. 557 5454.

Mon-Sat Ilarii 4.30pm.

Anne Wegmuller Until t—t-i 2t» Jun. Hold. abstract Iaridscape paintings.

William Littlejohn Until Fri 26 Jun. Bold paintings ol fish. dragonflies and birds.

Simon Manby Until Fri 26 Jtrii. Sculpture in bronze and stone.

Emilio Coia Until Fri 26 Jtrii. Caricature drawings by the late liiiiilio Coia.


4‘) Bernard Street. I.eith. 467 7392. Tues—Fri llani~6pinz Sat & Sun |laiii—3.30piii.

Mike Biagt Until Fri 26 Jun. (‘olour photographs taken in Peru and Borneo by Mike Biagi. LEITH GALLERY 65 The Shore. 553 5255. 'I‘ueul-i'i

I lain—6pm; Sat Ilttlll-wlplll.

Gallery Artists 'l‘ue I6-Sat 27 Jun. A mixed exhibition of work by gallery artists on the theme of music and dance. Peter Graham 8: James McDonald Tue lb—Sat 27 Jun. Recent paintings.


3 High Street. Musselburgh. 653 4432. Tue-Sat 10am-5pm; Sun noon—5pm. Bitter Confrontation 0r Holy Union Until Thu l8 Jtrii. Contemporary works by Colin Black in oil. pastels. printmaking and collage.


4 Dundas Street. 558 9544/5. Mon—I‘ll I0aiii—6pm; Sat l()am--lpiii.

Masters Of The Press Until Sat I3 Jun. Topographical and sporting prints dating from I700 to the present day.

MORNINGSIDE BRAID CHURCH HALL Nile Grove. htlorningside. Fri & Sat I0ani—7pin; Sun l—5pm.

Casciani Art Exhibition Fri I‘)—Sun 2I .lun. Mixed media works in this annual art exhibition.

NATIONAL GALLERY OF MODERN ART Bell‘ord Road. 624 6200. Mon—Sat I0am—5pm; Sirii 2—»5pni. Ari inipt'essiy'e Collection or 20th century art. including works by Picasso. Matisse. Moore. Hockney and Bellany. pltis a selection ot‘ Dada and Surrealist paintings.

Sacred And Profane: Calum Colvin lintil Stiii 28 Inn. (The (iy ninasiuiii). 'I‘en specially commissioned 'constructcd‘ photographic pieces by acclaimed Scottish artist (‘alum (‘oly'tii

Robert Capa: Photographs Until Sun I2 Jtil. £2.50 ii I .50). An otitstatidiiig i'etiospcctiye highlighting the work ol‘ one ol the century's greatest photographers.

NATIONAL {Ali‘s—EB? scoriKiio—m

The Mound. 624 6200. Mon—Sat l0ani-—5pni; Sun 2--5pni.

A line collection of works limit the Renaissance to Post-liiipi'essionisni. including Rembrandt. Degas and \‘an Cogh.

Effigies And Ecstasies: Roman Baroque Sculpture And Design In The Age Of Bernini Thu 25 Jan Sun 20 Sep. A celebration marking the 400th anniyersary ol the births ol the two greatest sculptors ol the Italian Baroque. Gianloren/o lsernini and Alessandro Algardi.


Queen Street. 624 6200. Mon—Sat I0aiii~5pmz Stiii 2--5pni. A stunning collection of portraits ol‘ t'aiiious laces from the l6th century to present day. plus the national photography collection.

The Science Of The Face Until Sun 2 Atig. An e\hibition which examines the lace from a number or scientific angles. I’m'l u/ Iz't/rIi/iure/i III/t'i'IiuIiu/rtt/ Site/ire I'it’UlI'tll.

Scottish Music Now t'nnt Sun 5 Jul. An exhibition ol portraits ol' sorrzc til

85 THE LIST II-s-Z‘) Itin I998

II Ilari in the tilt Ill " Illester lattes

WHALE: plans are afoot to illuminate the Edinburgh district of Wester Hailes with a £200,000 Scottish Arts Council Lottery Award. The project will also focus on arts training, education and performance. For information call 0131 458 3267

Scotland's leading musicians and composers including Aly Bain. Jimmy

Shand. James MacMillan and Turn White.

Edward Piper: Circles Of Stone t'ntil Sun 5 Jul. Photographs by lidward Piper. featuring y iews ol stone circles in Scotland. including Stenness. (‘laya Cairns and Corriniony.


I3a I)undas Street. 557 5222. Mon -l"i'i ‘)ani—lpiii; 2 -5piii.

The Building Stones 0f Edinburgh Until Tue 30 Jun. Aii eshibition which shows w here the building stones came from in constructing the New Town area of Edinburgh.


75—7‘) Cumberland Street. 557 I020. Mott—Fri IUttlIltipllll Sat l0arii 4pm. Sandy Murphy t'ntil Thu 25 .lun. Abstract oil paintings ot landscapes and still life.

Fiona Thompson l'ntrl Thu 25 .ltrri. Ceramics.

Paul Barnes l'ntil Thu 25 Jun. ()ils oti shellac along an animal theme.

Linda MacDonald t'ntil Thu 25 Jun. Contemporary jewellery.


21 St I.eoitard's latte. 662 I6I2.

Mon Sat Illam 5pm. Stiri noon 4pm. From The Steppes Of Central Asia l'ritil Stiii I4 Jon. A selling eshtbitiori ol' rugs. kihtiis. bags atid tent bands l'ioin Central Asia.


(WASPSI. Patriothall Studios. oil 4.\‘ Hamilton Place. 225 I2.\")

OOOh My Darling I’ll l2 \Ved l'.’ .ltin. Paintings by Juliana Marie (‘apes


4.3 ('andleniaker Row. 220 W! I. Inc Sat noon 6pm.

Through Fire And Water t'nul Sal In Jun. John Day ies's black and w litre photographs I'ollow the course ol the Riyer Tall. pio\ iding a commentary ol the changing power ol' industry and its el'l'ects on people


23 l'iiion Street. 557 247‘) Tue Sat I0ani 6pm.

Impressions 0f Edinburgh Sat :6 .Itiii Sat 25 Jul. Prints on the theme ol Iidinburgh by iiieiiibeis ot‘ the workshop along with my rted artists.


I5 RutIand Sqtiaie. 22‘) .7545. Mon I‘ll 911111-5pm.

Fragments 0f Utopia Mon I5 .Iun I'll l0 .ItlI. (‘ollages by I);|\‘ltl \\'rld.


Inyerlerth llotise. Inyerleitli Row. 5. _ 7I7l.'I‘tie Strii I0ant 5pm.

Indian Botanical Drawings 1790- 1850 l'ritrI Sun 26 Jul. To mark the 50th

aiiiiiyersary or Indian independence. oyer 70 drawings on show for the first time troni the gardens e\tensiye collection.

Myron Stout Sat l3 Jun—Sun 26 Jul. liarly landscape studies. drawings in pencil and black and white oil paintings by Myron Stout. Producing only a small amount or paintings during liis lil‘etinie. he would work on some paintings lor ten and twenty years in the pursuit ol per‘t‘ection in hunt. See re\ iew. Revenge Of The Cereal Killers Until Sun I6 Aug. tlishibition Hall I. A major eshibitron which highlights some of the world's most deyastating plant diseases. THE ROYAL EDINBURGH HOSPITAL The link (ialler‘y. .‘ylorningside Place. 22‘) 3555.

Fusion I'ntil Tue 28 .IUI. The results of a special arts pi'oiect run by Kate Gray and Dale Rowe.


'I‘he Pelican Gallery. I I.atii'iston Place. 22‘) 3555.

Poems By Prescription l'ntil Wed 3‘) Jul. ('ontempoiary Scottish poetry created in collaboration with graphic design students l'roiii lidiiibui'gh (‘ollege ol'Ait and (ilasgow School ol Art.

ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE landings (iallery. I00 Princes Street. 225 150]. Daily I0am 6pm.

More Of The Same t'nul I'l'l l7 .luI. A group show or work by two Singaporean artists. Ming Wong and 'I'ien Wei \\'oon. \Vong creates prints and paintings w hich are reproduced oy er and oy er again. and \\'oon produces electronically generated laces.


’I‘he Mound. 225 667 I. Mon-Sat

I0ain -5pni; Sun 2 5pm. £2 til I.

RSA’s Annual Exhibition t'iittt Sun 5 lid. The l72nd annual eshibition or painting. sculpture. ptiritiiiaking aiid architecture


2“ (‘.t\IIc‘ 'IL‘II'JL‘L‘. 3-1.3 25-“). .\Itlll I'll Illam 6pm

The Scottish Telecom World Of Communications Permanent. 't‘lus i‘ully interactiye eshibition looks at the history ol'communrcation. teaturing e\ei'y thing I'I‘tittt Morse (‘Utlt' .ltltl old-sly Ie telephones to computerised display s.


l6 I)untlas Street. 55S I200. Mon I‘ll Illaiii 6pm; Sat IIIain 4pm.

Sir William Gillies l'iitil \\'etl l lid. The Sir \Villiarii (irIIIes ('entenaty touring eshibitioii. w 1th a selection ol in et 40 iii his landscape paintings.

Edmund De Waal t'unl mu 1 Jul. ('eiatiiics.

Mizuko Yamada I'iitil \\ ed I .Ittl. Metalwork

Myles Auchinleck t’ntil war I .lul. Metalwork.

Garden Exhibition Until w'etl t Jul. Ceramics. furniture and l'oiintaiiis by I y ariotis artists.

STILLS 2.3 C‘ockburn Street. 622 6200. Tue Sat 10am 76pm.

Geoff Weston Until Sat 20 .ltrii. A retrospectiye ot allegorical works by

Geo” Weston which address ideas about

class and the crisis ol masculinity in contemporary Britain. See i'eyiew.


Be Prepared Tue 23 Jun-Sat l Atig. A series of large colour images by photographer John Duncan which locus on the urban CllVlt‘titllllc‘llI around his home in Belfast.

36 Dundas Street. 556 6366. Mon~Sat |Iaiti~6pmz Sat l0.30ani 4pm. Kathleen Conboy Sat 20 .ltrii. A summer collection of paintings.

Donald Craig Sat 20 Jun. Recent paintings.


(‘Ily All Centre. 2 .\IiIIlsCI Street. 52‘) .1682. I0aiii--5pni.

Dream Cloud A new exhibition tor the 'I'i'ayelling Gallery by artist /.oe Walker. The show will be touring to (‘ity Art Centre on Tue I6 Inn. and at lriyerIeith House. Royal Botanic Garden on Sat 20 Jun.



I42 (thongate. 52‘) 4 I43. Mon Sat I0ani~5piir Packed with historic ttt'lc‘ldc‘ls. this museum tells the story ol l-'.drnbuigh's past and its people. MUSEUM OF CHILDHOOD

42 High Street. 52‘) 4I42. Moti Stiir I0aiii -.5brii. All manner ol archiye iiiatei‘ral and old toys telatirig to childhood throuin the ages.

The Lovett Doli Collection t’nut Sat 13 Inn. A unique collection ol ethnographic dolls illustrating the iliyeisity ol'culttrres and traditions across the globe.

remiss starry"

I63 (‘anongate 52‘) 4057. Mon Sat I0aiii- 5pm. The sights. sounds and exert smells of Iidrnbui'gh I'olk I'rom the lSth i

century onwards.


2 (‘hanibers Street. 225 7534, Moll Sat I0aiii~5prii (Spin Tue); Sun noon 5pm. £3 (E l .50); children tree.

5 Art 8: Industry An educational and ten

interactiy'e gallery that leattires

e\erytIirng from an lilton .lohn stage suit

to a ('harles Rennie Mackintoin bookcase.

The Ivy Wu Gallery This permanent gallery leatures a superb collection ol artworks lrom China. Japan and Korea.