I counsss/rumorr counses/Iumou



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Scottish writing, organisational skills,

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5. \ .i_ '. ' “5. 5.4.


the organisation promoting books, reading and writers see/<5 a

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We require someone With a genuine interest it: exceHent computer enjoyment of hard work Within a committed and

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Send a sae for a full job description. Closing date for applications is lst July 1008. SCOTTISH BOOK TRUST,


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the wow. of "e

communication and literacy and an

I Silk painting/dying eieare

your own unique (IL‘SIg‘lh on silk.

Stay in a loyely country horrse in a heautil'ul peacel'ul highland glen. (iood food and company. 'l‘el: (ll~15(i J l 53 l 7 for hrocliur'e I Cello and piano tuition hy' e\perrenced_ l'riendly. prolexxronal teacher and l‘ertorrner ('lirldren and adult heginners. lL‘-lt‘.tl'llt‘l\ and adyanced students all \yelcorne. (‘reatiycx run and supportiye learning. 'l‘el 0l.il 55l 45%|. BE COOL l)eye|op your cr'eaiiy rty hy learrnrrg guitar at The Iidirihur‘gh (iuitar Studio, Satisfaction and results guaranteed,

Bookings: 0131 553 1617.

I Edinburgh graduate weld eyening/yyeekerid turtion iii Quark .\pre\\ Ring Karl on

() | SS7 SlllS-I l.


Spanish in Cuba, Costa Rica, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico and Spain. French, German, Italian in Europe.

llamestay aeeommodation and cultural events included.

Spanish i latin Dance in (Zuha t()ctolier and l)eeerriher and (ioxta Rica iall year round;

Spanish r walking in .-\ndalut‘ia i()etoher to .\larch~ ltalran . painting in luseany all year round trench i \\‘atersports l July and August tiap year programmes. exam reyision courses

l-‘urr. riririyrrs r‘rroyr ().-\r.r;r)o.\'r.\ l..-\.\'(;u..\(;r-:s Arrrroiyn 20 Errnox S‘rrrrari'r, linrxrrurrrar [€113 SIU 'l‘r-ir.: 0131 5587118 e-mail: caledonia@mcmaiI.c0m

PIANO TUITION hy' enthusiastic. [‘t'ttlt‘\\ltlll.ll teacher. All grades and ages hegrnnerx \yelcorrre Including Saturdays. (’rty centre location irop ot l.ert|i Walk i. l’eter lli'earn (iR.\'(‘.\l Tel: 0131 556 5311.

GAELIC TUTOR learn Scotland\ (‘eltrc language. .-\ll Ieyelx. Introductory lesson and ady ice. (ilaxgoyy/ Krrkintrlloch area. 'l‘el: Kenneth McManus 0141 776 7757.

I Superb singing tuition oll'ered l‘y' pt‘olt‘xxtoltal oper'a singer lhar'rtone. ten years \\ ith Scottish ( )per'a l. All aspects ol technique. hegrnnerx to adyanced. Rela\ed lessons in central (ilaxgoyyi (llJl 045 4003. L30 per hour

92 THE LIST ll--25 Jun l998



2 week intensive courses

GERMAN for beginners and near beginners 29 June to 10 July 1998

Monday to Friday 9 30-12 45 and 13 45-1515

9 0141 332 2555

3 Park Circus. Glasgow G3 SAX

I Piano and violin tuition hy highly e\perrerrced. \yell- titralrlied prolessronal teacher. Izyeryhody \yelconre all age\ and all standards. litrual

serrxrtry rty guaranteed to each rndryrdual. i('entr'a|ly haxedt. Neil McPherson ll.\lu\ i IIttlhl. l.l.('.\l i'l’l)i. :\l.('.\l 'lel' 0| ‘1 32*) was

I Make movies the tttitlymioa nay. Izyening and \yeelcend cout\e\ lot all ach and leyelx Studentx' Illlll\ \ctt't'ttc‘tl at I’llllllltllht‘ crrienia. l’rolmoonal teachers \y rtli long-terrn l'ilrnrnalcirig e\perrence. ("all l-ll:l((‘lz I'll..\lS on lllil 55" 345".

I Piano lessons lll l’ollokxhieldx gryen hy L‘\[‘L'ltc'tlcc‘tl lt‘dc‘llc‘l'. (‘r'eatrye learning l'or cornnirtted I‘lll‘ll\ at all leyelx ‘l‘eleplione (ll-II 42.5 7-10)

I Singing tuition All \ly let including c'l.l\\lc‘dl. opera. lllll\lc‘. theatre I’r'olexsiorral one to one lexxorh l'rorn graduate RS:\.\II). .-\ll leyels including hegrnners and children All aspects ot lt'c‘lllllylllt‘ and

per IUI rnance coyered including preparation lor t‘\;llll\ and .llltllllUIIS, lessons ayailahle lll lidinhurgh and l'il'e. l-ree c‘tthllIdllUll lexxon. lllll ‘s-U (iSlT

ALL ABOUT ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE .-\ three hour introductory \\HII\\IlUI‘ e\p|arning the technique so that you can decide whether to deyelop your llllt‘lL‘SI lurtlrer Ilrllliead l.rhrary inornirig. Saturday lilune or eyening ‘l'uesday lo .luiie Tel: Isobel Anderson 0141 3341658.

PRINTMAKING SUMMER SCHOOL AT EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS WORKSHOP l5. lo. I7 August I‘NS .-\ci'y llL‘-l'L‘\I\I etching. lithography. \yater‘-ha\ed \creenprrntrng. £305 irricl \'.~\'l‘i 23 Union Street. Edinburgh, EH1 3LR. Tel: 0131 557 2479.

I Spanish lessons Ill (iltt\:_'\l\\ hy natrye speaker t‘iorn .ng‘c‘lllllltl liriroy creatiye learning at all leyelx 'l'elephorie or.“ .13: “.10:


I Flamenco and Belly Dance Suinrner’tirne classes. Izdrrihurgh Dance (critic. \Vesttield .-\\enue till 15 July. \Vednesdays T ‘lprn. (ila\go\\ ('ornrriunrty ('ential Halls. 30.1 .\laryhrll Road. Monday 0 "pin l~larnenco.

" hl‘lll llelly. Ilc'l.lll\ (it“l 530

30 3.

I Ceroc Pure Dance Addiction The original and hest t‘orrri ot' rrroderrr me

Now on the Web point your browser at: http://www.ceroc.u-net.com llegrnnerx \yelcorrie eyery \yeek at any night. ~15 lllllllllL‘\ I‘L‘E'lltllt‘h c'la\\ t'olloyy ed l‘} dancing to Ill. illprn learn to dance to any lllll\lc‘. cluh. l.atin. rock ‘n‘ roll. etc. .-\ licensed har l\ a\arlahle at most nights. (‘orne alone or \\ ith t'r'iendx ino need to hrrng a par‘tner'i. llooh open at " l5prii. llegrruierx‘ class at 7 30pm.

Aberdeen: ’l'hurxday \ at The l’alace Nightcluh. Bridge l’lace iolt' llrrdge Street t. .-\ttentiori: ;\herdeen only. doors open

(i -l5prri. hegrnnerx cla“ 7pm. l'reexlyle till lllprii,

Dundee: \\.L‘\IIIL‘\\IJI\\ .tl 'l'llc‘ Mirage ('luh. St .-\lldlt'\\\ lane Glasgow: .\lorrday\ at The (’lada (‘luh. S5 \Vestrnoreland Street. ()ueen\ l’ar'k. Southsrde, \Vetlttcvlay \ at the (ilaxgoyy l'rri\er\rty l'nron. i3 l'nryerxrty .-\\eiiue. \Vext land.

Edinburgh: .\Iotida_\\ arid

\\.L‘\IIlL'\\I.l'\\ .tl \Ittt'ay Iltllhc'. .57

Ilolyrood Road. ’l‘lttthdayx at St Stephen’s (‘hurcli Hall. St Stephen's Street thotlonl ol' Iloyy e Street l. Stockhridge. Note: (‘lasxes are open throughout the year including hank holidays. l'urllier details troin 0| ill (il330‘). li-rnail: iril'ot-r cerocu-net,coin I Dance With Attitude .la//ercr\e and |a///\treet dance lit-energy |a//-ha\ed dance (k e\eici\e classes Beginners \yelcoine no lycra required? Saturdays 10.15am ran/street (K' II -l5ain ia//er'cr\e at Northcote Hall. -1 \llc'torla (.Itc'lh. llyndland. Wednesdays "pin ran/street t\' Spin ra/ler‘crxe at I’artrck llrrrgh l.e\\er Ilall. .\lor‘e tIL'IdIIS.) Karen I’.l\| (ll-II 55‘) .1 l‘).5 I Learn to Lindy Hop - the original \yy ing dance yylirch changed the (‘harleslorr l'oreyer' \o e\per rence or partner necessary Workshops \\lIll (..IIUIL'IIL' t\' RIIS\L'II I ll) -l illpni. Llll Beginners Saturday. intermediates Sunday I- :5 June. :5 :ti July at \I‘IILU-S. ( III“ e Sllt't'l. lidirihuigli Weekly Thursday classes \\ iili lttc'al lt‘dc'llt‘h lll IIlL' (.tlIItlII (‘t-rrtre. lll \lontgornery Street. l-dirihurgh lleginrierx Spin. heg’irilerrnedratexS ‘lpni ‘4-1 last cla\\ Ul term 3 July lntorniatiori 0| il on] 6027. http‘xfiyy yyyy anacd.actrlc/Ile)S/ I Salsa Sabrosa .ii the I ‘~rli .\'ote i(‘lyde Streeti l'rrday\ lrorri Spin Ilegirrner and inter rnedrate classes in rnerengue and salsa lintr‘y LJ it ~ 50v. Beginners \yelcorne no need to hrrng a partner (‘oining rip cla\\ in curnhra \\llll guest teacher .\l.irrt/a Rodrrgue/. l.‘ .lune \arnha c lasses to he contii rned .\Iore \I‘c'l.rll\ Karen l’.i\i. lllll il‘) .1 pi:


Musicians & Singers

"Chi-HS from and rot banCS

some. .er rtieriioers are charged

o O'D\A ,A‘,‘ ,r,c.g' , o‘ q‘. tit Tltcill‘ 'ltci‘L‘x/‘l.


Ctlxer bands music related

adverts Will be charged at Standard rates.

.rw cl , :1”; {my r. i crass art on 996.

INDEPENDENT LABEL seeks neyy signings. Must he inyentrye. arnhitiotrs. tully coniniitted. “your hand has ‘lt' send derrro ty hrog. PO. Box 23012 Edinburgh, EH1 1WD

TRANSSEXUAL VOCALIST desired l'or' happening Scots hand. Raunchy pop/rock yorce L‘\\t‘llll;ll. (iurtar optional. .\lri\t he genuine 'l‘S/l‘(i trio 'l‘\'\. please). l)erno\/prc\/y ltIL‘U\ to: Janus Promotions, PO Box 3416, Glasgow 662 7Y6.

I Sax player and guitar

play er \yant toiorn or form hand ia/l-l'usion-l'unk-l.atin etc. (iior'gio 0| 3| 32‘) 7530. e-rnail: collo<<l hotrnailconi

I w.w.w.shiyogi.com

great tunes. deliyered direct to your door.

MUSICIANS WANTED lttlltllll songyyr'iter for an lidinhurgh-lmsed hand. iritlrrencex Beatles. Stone\ etc. All original material, Phone Steve on 0131 337 4886 after 6pm.

TRUMPET, KEYBOARD. GUITAR Ila“ ck I)tttttr\ needed to t‘orin Jan/liasy Listening hand lor' ('aharet/llotel \\t)ll\ in lidinhurgh.

Tel: 0131 332 2420.

I Trombone player seeks niodern IllllIy/MllII/Illll hop hand. (an also scratch rnry and drum (‘ontact (ioidon on 0| il ()0: (II—‘5 'c'\clltltg\l.

I Vocalist \y llll good \orcc and e\ce|lerit lyric \yrrtrng skills. ral\o play\ guitar l. ayarlahle to lorrii or tour hand \arrous rnusrcal rnlluencex. (‘ontact Niall on 0| ‘yl 554 5(iol.

DRUMMER looking tor practice space in (ilasgoyy area. (air you help" Tel: 0141 8891246 ask for Ray.

I Edinburgh Baritone seeks other socrahle \Ulc‘L‘S to sing inadrrgalx tor our my n ainuseinent. passing the part hooks round alter dinner lures. tt‘ctlttlc't\. \ItlIS L‘lc‘. alxo \M'lc'ttlllc‘. -\lllltldc‘ IllUlL' iriiportant than e\perrerice or ahilrty Willingness to cook the dinner iron and then an added adyantage, l’hone .\I;tl'llll on 0131 226 0350

I Singer/lyricist required. We \y ant you to \lllg/ldlly/l'dl‘ to our loud and last tunk ‘l‘alent. cornrnrnnent and imagination are c'\\c‘lllt;tl. ('ontact Sy 01505

()1575‘). Stuart ()lJl 557 5-127.