

Exhibitions are listed by city and category, then alphabetically by venue. Please send details to our office at least ten days before publication. Art listings compiled by Helen Monaghan.



l‘) I’arnre Street. 727‘). Mon Ilain (1pm.

Jamie O'Dea l'ntil Mon 27 'll. Narrative figurative paintings by this Ayrshire-based artist.

Evelyn Peffers t?1111l \liili .17 Jul. Sculpture.



Regent House. I l West Regent Street. 22b 5‘11“ Mon I'll l0.1rn 5pm Glasgow Style r'nrrt war in Sep.

An exhibition or work by Annie

I'renclr. Jessie .\l Kitty. l‘..«\. 'l‘.t_‘. ltrr. (‘harles Rennie Mackintosh. 'l‘alwiii Morris and contemporary artists .\'or man Iidgar. Norman Is'ii'kliam and WJ Maskell.


()(l All‘ltlll Street. ‘2; i ali’Tl noon midnight.

Alex Hetherington Tire 2t .Iul Tire ll Atig. l’liotograplne installation based on the experiences of l .iiida Blair ‘s stririt double iii the filiii 'li're litunrsl.

Marie Lennie Tue 2t .lul l'ut- ll Aug. Recent paintings.

.\lori Sun


I54 lilylllsyytrtitl Street. i5: -lll2':i .\lon l-i‘r 9.30.1111 5.30pm: Sat l0alll lpill.

Object As Subject l‘ntil .\lon i! Aiig. A group show of still life paintings Contemporary Applied Arts l 11t1l

Mon .il Atig. Displays ofceiaiiiics.

jewellery. sily er arid glass by various

artists. Tom Elliot and Jacqui Ramrayka t'nril .\lon ‘yl Aug. ('erarnits.


3-10 354 Sattcl‘iieliall Street. 532 752 I. .‘ylon Wed llaiii (rpm; llltl a; lit Harri-Spin; Siiii noon 5pm. (ale. ID}. When Worlds Collide t‘nrrl .s’nr 25 Jul. Artists l’ret'i'e Iluyglie. .ltrlldll (igrriionpre/ arid John Waters explore the relationship between dociiriieritary filrri. t'lll:‘lll.l and visual art.


l'niversrty of Sti‘atlit lyde. 22 Richiriond Sheet. 552 ‘I-lllllcxt 2032 .\ltlll I'll Illam 5pm; Sat noon -ipni. [D]

The House Of Discourse: Marlene lvey lilllll Sat 25 Jul Marlene Ixcy '~ iristallatron t‘\.‘l'lrllte\ the lt‘l..lltt:lullll‘\ between the domestic and the natural world


l7.\’ \y'est Regent Street. ill ‘s’r‘lt.

.\lon Sat I0ani 5.“);2rir,

New Generation Show 8:11 It

.ltrl .\lon il Aug (iradirate work from four Scottish art colleges. (ilasgow School of Art. I-idiiiburglr ('ollege of Art. Duncan ol Jordanstone ('ollege (Dundee) and (iiay s Art (‘ollcgc

t Aberdeen ).


22 Academy Street. 20I ‘.’.\2o. .\loii Sat ‘)atn~5.30pni.

Tom Neil l‘iitil Sun 2o .l‘ill. New paintings by this (ilasgow based at tist.


228a Langlantls Road. 4-15 I047. Mon. Tue iv Tliu Ilani 7pm; Wed. I-ri Sat 9am 5pm.

Overdue l'nttl In 2-1 Jul. An exhibition of work by recent (iiasgow School of Art graduates.


22I West George Street. 248 9755. Morel-ii Warn—5.30pm.

Summer Exhibition Until I‘ri 3t Jul. A selection of oils. watercolours and drawings by various artists including John Bellaiiy'. IiIi/abeth Blackadder‘. I-.(‘.B. ('adell. DY. Cameron. Anne Redpath and many more.

FLY 322 Duke Street. 55l 8810. Wed—I‘ii noon-(rpm: Sat I0am«lpm: Stiii

noon 4pm.

How To Build A Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart Two Days Later Until 26 Jul. An exhibition of architectural could have beens. including overlooked projects. unrealised proposals and errors in final

construction. I’eatured artists include

Lindsey ()rr. Iiva Rothschild and guest artists from l.os (iatos arid l.os Angeles. FRINGE GALLERY IS ('asllcliiilk Arcade. MI 2003.

.\Ion ~Sat l0am 5pm.

Domestic Amsterdam l‘ri t7 Jul Mon Ill Aug. Iilaine (.ii‘eig’s installation and video performances explore the relationship between modern day sexual and domestic rituals and their effect on attitudes to women.

GALLERY OF MODERN ART Queen Street. 22‘) l‘)‘)(). Mon Sat

l0ain 5pm (closed Tue); Stiii

llain 5pm. The gallery has four thematic floors based on the elements: earth. air. fire and water. featuring the work of llowson. Hockney. (‘aiiipbell Bellany and By'rne.

Joan Rix Tebbutt: Artist And Calligrapher l’ntil Sun 20 Sep. A display of books dating from the late 70s and early .S0s. resulting from a creatty e collaboration between designer Joan 'lebbntt and bookbinder Sydnev (‘ockerell

Original Animation Until Mon 28 Sep. ()riginal artwork by artist Iwao 'I‘akamoto. who is responsible for sotne of the world's best-known cartoon characters.


-I I’arnie Street. 552 J5S’5. Tue Sat I0ain 5pm; Sun r1oon~lpin Animal All Sorts Until Wed 3‘) Jul. ('ciarnics based on animals by various artists.

CYRIL GERBER FINE ART I435 \Vesl Regent Street. 22l 3095.

Mon Sat 9.30am 5.30pm.

Recent Acquisitions l’ei'ttlatlelit exhibition of works by leading British artists including the (ilasgow Boys. Seollisll (‘olotlrlslsg .‘ylel'aggart. (‘oyy'lth Redpath and many more.

Making Waves L'iitil Stiii I2 Jul. Land and seascapes from the west of Scotland and other new oil paintings by Francis .\‘tlt)lt;tltl.

GLASGOW FILM 81 VIDEO WORKSHOP .iltl Hour. 34 Albion Street. 553 2020. Mon I‘l'l 9.30am 0pm; Sat l0atn (rpm. Her Story: Kathleen Little l‘ri .‘~-- I'ii 3| In]. The results of seyeial months of photographic workshops held with

\ arious groups of women in Dundee. GLASGOW FILM THEATRE ('afe ('tlslltt). l2 Rose Street. 552 «Sl2b. Sarajevo: A Child's View yy'etl I—l-‘n .‘sl .liil. An exhibition of black and \1 hile photography resulting from a project run by (‘hris Leslie. a psychology graduate and amateur photographer. Working iri arr orphanage in Sarajevo. Leslie taught photography to children ages ()~-l(). who then documented their life in the city four years after the war.


Jth Floor. ()4 ()sbourne Street. 552 l-I72. Mon—Sun Ham-«4pm.

Home Town lintil Thu ‘) Jul. This new series of visual arts projects opens with a group show curated by Patrick Jameson. The (.ilasgow-based artists‘ work compares their home towti with their

current residence in (ilasgow.

Heroes Of Our Time Sat ll——Wed I5 Jul. Digital and photographic-based work by Niall Walker.

Aint On Canvas Sat l8~Tl1u 23 Jul. A group show by nine artists from Glasgow and London. exploring painting and drawing and its continuing relevance.


25 King Street. 552 0704. Mon-Sat Wain—5.30pm.

Jazz Until Sat 25 Jul. A series of printed images by Matisse. based on his paper cut-outs created in I946.

Adrian Wiszniewski ttritil Sat 25 Jul. Recent works by Adrian Wis/niewski featuring The (‘rirr'k ()l The Ru]! ()ir .llfl/t’llllfll/ Rut/st arid .S/rrtllr'rt'rl. See review.

Scottish Landscapes entil Sat 35 Jul. .-\ studio members exhibition of Scottish landscapes.

HOUSE FOR AN ART LOVER Bellahouston Park. It) Dumbreck Road. 353-1770 Sal-Sun I0ain 5pm. Mon I‘ll. call the info line on 353 444‘).

Sava lllllll Thu (r Aug, Air exhibition ol work by the South (ilasgow-based community artists' group.


University of (ilasgow. l’iiiversily Avenue. 330 5430. Mon -Sat *).30am-—5pm.

Printmaking In Paris: Picasso And His Contemporaries l'ntil Mon 2S Sep, An exhibition of prints on loan from the British Museum. organised through the South Bank (‘entre See review.

Tools For The Shaman ()ii permanent display in the refurbished Sculpture Courtyard. Jake Harvey shows monumental works carved from Irish basalt.


(formerly l8 King Street Gallery). IX King Street. Mon Hi I Iatii -5pm; Sat noon- «I rm.

Pickle Pets and Flat Art ttnril Sat l8 Jul. Two shows from the Iixidore artists including 200 pickled pets (of the fluffy toy variety) and everyday objects flattened by cars and underfoot. KELVINGROVE GALLERY 8: MUSEUM 287 209‘). Mon Sat l0am- 5pm: Sun llatii 5pm. (‘afe. [D]. \"oluntary guides are available free ofcharge to conduct parties or individuals around the main galleries. Ask at the enquiry desk. Scrolls From The Dead Sea tinril Sun 30 Aug. £2.50 til i. The only British showing of these manuscripts. relating to both the Jewish and ('Iir‘istian faiths. The parchment. leather and copper scrolls are considered to be one of the most important archaeological finds of the 20th century and are believed to have been written 2000 years ago by the Iissenes. The Flower Fairies Litllll Sun In Aug. ()riginal yyalel'colour's by Cicely .\Iary Barker from her famous l'frtllr’l' ran-m books. which were first published 75 years ago. See Kids listings.


Station Road. Milngavie. ()45' 32-17. Tue—Hi I0ani Iprn. 2- 5pm; Sat A; Stiii 2-5pm.

Scottish Landscapes l‘ntil Sat is Aug. A themed exhibition of paintings by well- ktlowii Scottish artists.


200 Bath Street. NI 0722. Tue Sat 9am—6pm; Thu Ham-Rpm. Christine Goodman Lintil I‘ll 3! Jul. Abstract. conceptual paintings by Christine Goodman. MCLELLAN GALLERIES

270 Sauchiehall Street. 33l IS5-l.

Mons Sun l0arn--5..‘s0pm.

Movie Magic L'ntil Sun 30 Aug. £3.50 H.250). An exhibition for film fanatics with props from some of the biggest films ever tirade. including Kate Winslet's life-jacket from 'Iilruir'r' and the 7ft creature from Alien which has never been displayed before.

listings ART


Robert Capa The man who delivered irorn the world's frontlrnes some of the bleakest memorials to 20th century warfare is given a retrospective that proves his credentials as one of photography's greatest practitioners. Edinburgh: National Gallery of Modern Art until 72 Jul.

When Worlds Collide Johan Grimonprez's extraordinary footage of airline hijacks through the ages is shown alongside John Waters' film stills of Divrne playing the late but great Jackie Kennedy in a show that tackles the intermarriage of film and art. Glasgow CCA until Sat 25 Jul. I

Bernard Moninot Pondering space, perspective and perception, French artist Moninot gives you not iusr food for thought but a visual banquet. Edinburgh: Fruitmarket until 2! Jul. MFA In celebration of the tenth anniversary of Glasgow School of Art's MFA course, artists take over the vast Tramway and prove that the city is hot on the art front. Glasgow; Tramway i until 4 Jul

lntelligible Lies A trio of artists ~ Graeme Todd, Carol Rhodes and Victoria Morton - show paintings that offer good looks and a vrsual tease. Edinburgh. Talbot Rice until 7 Aug

MNS GALLERY 26a St Vincent Street. 22(r 4600.

Mon- Fri Harri (rpm,

The Book l'ntil Sat 25 Jul. The Scottish Branch of the Association of Photographers launch their new publication The lino/t. which features the very best Ill Scottish professional photography.


l-l-I West Regent Street. 204 0708. .‘ylon-I‘ri llanr-(rpm‘. Sat llani~2prn. Scottish Contemporary Art Until In 3! Jul. A selection of paintings. drawings and prints by John Byrne. ('raig .‘ylulhollaiid. John Kingsley. Douglas Swan. l’eter Ilouson and many others.

PEARCE INSTITUTE 840 (jovan Road. Govan. 445 I94 I.

Mon -I5ri 8.30am—9pm; Sat 9am—5pm. Man In A Bottle Until li‘ri 3t Jul. Photography by Jim McCann.

PROJECT ABILITY Centre For Developmental Arts. IX Albion Street. 552 2822. Mon—l‘ri l0ain—5pin.

Heads Of Grey Matter Until I‘i'i I7 Jul. Large-scale paintings by members of North Tyneside Art Studio.

Continued over page

9—23 Jul 1998 THE LIST71