Long Sleeve (M, L, XL) £10.99

Win friends attract lovers

Standard Cut (M, L, XL) £7.50 £11.99

Body Fit (M, L, XL)

Ditch that Dolce & Gabbana, bin that Ben de Lisi, part with those Patrick Cox's . . . the ultimate fashion accessory of this and every season is, as they say, 'pret a porter’.

To propel yourself into the fashion elite of Central Scotland with one of these highly desirable List T-Shirts, stick a cheque in the post or fill out the credit card form below (price includes post & packaging) made out to The List Ltd, stating size (M,L,XL) and colour . . . pure white or devilish black.

The List accepts no responsibility for the untold hordes of lovely young things who might be attracted to you after buying The List T-shirt.


T Method of Payment The C] I enclose a cheque/postal order made payable to The List Ltd 14 Street or Cl MasterCard Cl Visa Ed'nburgh Card Number Expiry Date Please send me Total Value Please state quantity Circle as appropriate . D Long Sleeve M L XL S'gnature Date £10.99 each Name D Standard Cut M L XL Address £7.50 each C] Body Fit M L XL £11.99 each Postcode Tel

Go on . . . Spoil yourself, they’ll suit you to a T . . .

70 THE usr 23 Jul—6 Aug 1998