'l‘raditinnal Japanese Drums "\Vadaiko”


.SI’I Rl'l‘ ()I’ 'I‘ll IC ICAR'I‘H

me Garage Iheatre ' " 3°“ °““e

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The first man 9 on Channel 4!

Mi A// guests every

./ W 7 l/ / aw ngéjffl n "w p j 7 //,"' 021/ Q /“ C / , \fj’f‘ ,7 g AL? (QC) @ I y 9L Ehrflailn ¢dtgraph

. ~ ~, Comedy .. I . o 3'00"“ \5” Festival

m , AUGUST 17-31 NOT 25 ' , _. . sfnnerangar 35% “1";5‘59"


Hair 8. Misezy of The Tract Reich subtime pleasure Starting Youth theatre Baby Love scary chaos pair. and dough! 'I‘nat GoIden Mow-ant Out of six biiiion {yams that inhabit the pianist. one bittsori have at this point died or are wttemplating damn. Two mum peopie are being ham or an; contampIaiing bringing It‘s into the worm. 'l'hrea biiiiort 3509 it out ca; to day “most were is he one who just smoky waits and waffles... My Mother passmnata 9001‘: a. Friends Teéheri wgvmnti'ic wow Activate Thaatre Co Quicksfivex’ Theatre Myeusi Theatre Co armc‘y and audience padtcioatsm Gem’szs doiigm Mastic meet"; ‘I’igger Mass Productions warm and intimate CoIIusIon Tho Man Wm; Thong??? He Was Going To 08 EXTRAGROENARY TRUE LIFE EVERTS wonderfci 953423;: We Opium Eatoa's Esszatamh Pug». Iecund nerdtoesw Bromarta K808 Theatre UK An haiiucinogeriic comet-y from an saiematsonatty acaigimac’ aii tomato comic 1m: meiciiess I‘m Not finished. ..Yot‘; Monkey Business Contracts. I-tamiet In the MirrLK'~H8!fP19{ am ed 535mm ma sum-alt axpomfica is defim’wy 8 vii: Caboose Momma-ms- The Men Who Thought He Was Gum To Dis Ont: Marx targex man are. masher. groin-x1 insido an i3>rzraonjimary metre of 919839.. A aocktaii of war-3's. wand and Ii-ght shaman out not stirred Mass productions swim»: dance The Woman Who Cooked He; Husband Iocai tribes poop»: C-ramta Baiiccmtm theatre Cc- I'z ' fioet Fascmmicns from the crew Maan Déomsfiqysr mound Ijegic

or g H i a?! know a stow. a o .. questiom. LOVE, SEX” DEATH Sex and misgson are the path to irtzvm' ammo homer) and ?=e==. one of this years most exceptEOrsaI arr-a“ scam theatre avams 12v: w»: dis-59 Our Ewes? Or does Eifo chose us? Who writes the onntracts‘? The astoz'sksrssng gnome/y of one giré's search for freedom from that Attained States

of America vmere onzy Iiai' dmsms keap her aiive. fighting for ((iwt‘ip?i. You dweiiers m the city come play With the chiidrm of the night. a detightflmy took at awkeiy. has. deceit and ioatauezy. that proves once and for an that 113:3 way to a man‘s heart is through hzs szomach An extraordinary dispiay oi physicat sicq‘tatting at I35 finest. Young eczrxs osmmiiteo gay and bimxuat {9” it from the facwsd Theatre 8 magic show of reasssh proportions Atty Ina-.er g; 'IW a czamc horror story wan axmessmnist smcmct ant: Bisid‘iws intimacy Omit-‘3 Smirnarskiii The days of DY‘KES «mama; on about humus. ham-3095185 on!) hatistsi', heating are met... The Lesbian of the is far more :ikséy to be into Iipsiim. samba (14' just main Susi? Bta‘katco Boudoir Amy Izoum a”? TW Gaming The kind of RAG-S that (my the dew! can '3ng A hedonistic max of Fatima Boudoir and Grammars Coftea House, Live music from Tim (Hoary. Edinburgh’s teasing tamer Wetd five who jockeys {mm {Jana Vadeo and masses of 01935;: games from baaygammcn to. Buckaroo. The Wise 0? the Fringe m the heart of tho New 7mm An award wsmirg venue including award winning and innovatth theme from 13mm 1::- Japan to Livatscoi so Spain to GIasgow to 13m USA. Caté- I no! open an c‘ey and especiatty for 3998 irzuodurxrsg Irate night ammo/ices of a wsiy diffmtmt sin-id.

sorted. 0131 226 5425. Theatre Workshop 9.3} August 1998



Immlnm JmIIII lmnnucmxiim ImuuuhnmI'tum lumunmlmlum


THE BOX OFFICE 0131 228 2428 OBSERVER FRINGE OFFICE 0131 226 5138

SEMI“ SIREN. Ellllllfll [H2 (VENUE 3)

461H£usr 6—13 Aug I998