
theatre - dance 0 comedy


Jenny EClair Will be wearing her 'vmriky actress hat' this year. She's abandoned stand-up for all but one night, to make way for this solo play, which sire to- wrote. 'lt's to stop bunging up the pipeline for all the other female comics trying to emerge,’ she says. 'After all, you can overdose On Eclarr'

In the play, her character \.'v'd1(l‘:r"s the perfect family next door and spits venom at them. 'She's another hard faced blonde With a bad allrtude,’ admits Eclarr, who says she's uncertain

Belladonna Productions Observer Assembly ' a Plain Breed :rrodurmn

'y Jackie Kan , d by Michael Ru 1;

Critics' Choice

9 Aug- 5 Sep 1998

You e de rather than miss rt. It's a gem.I A o'elrgnt... crackling/y funny...

Ohms wrtn astute detail won

A tarented cast. . faultless performances bex. itched the audience

Int. or’vrng, richly funny and even (lea/T- L‘Jal'r’illlig m." s On Wildman Room Observer Assembly

.h -- ~.; {HAW-{V 5;: turban" tell? 0131 226 2428 \‘ ' '

Born to be blonde: Jenny Eclair

of lli'l range as an actress. 'I would never write a play that didn‘t rnvolve me tit-.ear‘rng) red lipstick and heinr; lilonde,’ she confides.

’t's irnant rally tlrarnrmi,’ she adds, 'and if it's a larlure, I'll be kicking myself for a year It'll be very (:b‘nous that I've worked my arse off on this. At one point I'm doing housework on cocaine, and line-dancing. In tact, I’m worried about t}(?iilli(} Wrnded (Rory Ford)

553552 Mrs r'JUstF,‘ Parker lrrrrrytsr jenny

Et fair; Phrasa/rte ("centre 33) 556 6550,

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THEAIRE PREV! “w Forbidden Games

Sassy and sexy at 70, Fran lanrresman rs some lady Sell-dubbed 'the people's poet’, she combines her talents wrth those of leading razz composer Srrnon Wallace to produce this magical study of love and sex

In the bar of a transatlantic lrner in I962, a marrred couple begin to experiment wrth drugs and other people, aided by the ship's steward, a Prick-like (lrg‘rracter' \yh-r slips the travellers a little potion to keep the slrrw-xhaat sv-xiriqrrir;

'lt's a very heartening) sliovr,’ explains Landesrnar‘ "Ne all get a little bit damaged, and this. .s atrarrl not being afraid to ‘.ll()‘.‘.’ your s; .rrs It's about


Adam Bloom

What are you wearing?

A pair of grey boxer shorts that are so baggy they look like a skirt. Like those ones they wore in Fame.

A ra-ra skirt?

Well, it’s only one layer, so let's call it a re.

Complete this sentence: Doing standoup is like . . .

Being the kid in a game of charades who won’t let anyone else have a 90. What‘s the best method of getting through the crowds during the Festival?

Holding a clipboard and shouting,

’Can I ask you a few questions?’ What‘s the best excuse someone‘s given for not turning up to your show?

'l‘m sorry, I've got a bad stomach and I don’t want to do anything that will make it hurt more.‘

Why shoutd we come and see your show?

Because there is a five minute segment which is unarguably the most original piece of comedy that has ever been written. And i will logically prove what happens when you die.

(Compiled by Kirsty Knaggs)

a Adam Bloom (Fringe) The Pleasance, (Venue 33) 556 6550, 7-37 Aug, 6.45pm, £8. 50/15 750 (£7. 50/£6. 50). Previews 5 & ‘6 Aug, £3.

havrng fun- "Let’s open up to each other and see if sex can be fun. Try not to think of your mother, and I won’t think of my son,

A heady mixture of Jazz, poetry and song, Forbidden Games is swimming With sensuality and erotrc underCurrents. This is definitely one show that won’t sink Without a trace.

(Kirst Knaggs)

a Forbidden Games (Fringe) Fran Landesman, Pleasance (Venue 33) 556 6550, 6-76 Aug (not 77) 7pm, £6.50/t’6 (£5.50/f5). Preview 5 Aug, [5.

STAR RATINGS *tttt Unrrirssahle tent Very oood Worth seeing Below average

*t‘k it * Yoir'w her-n mirntid


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HMI. ii BEGK’S niciisniiui mm on EEK?» GABRIED MIMW run THE PRIBE or A TIP



so me usr 6— 13 Aug I998