Case?" : titrzers '7lieg‘;17e,Tt5e l--Sat

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one of I‘L'rDCIlil it (lltlllilll’JUS the corrrp—my, rs ,rf.r-.=;‘a'sr‘.tt to stage a new - $l2a-tesrx‘u22e's t'agedv, for \\":. 3‘, ar‘ \fri‘ fetter famus Brrrrrrzg has :rvatr-ge crew from an}? l‘eyond are 8:1;ttzsh enept for ,r‘lavs Othello -- the outsider rs :rnpor‘tant

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"We ha‘. 1 Haitian of dorng tlasSICs,' Titltt'S Brrn.-:;:, art-.1 :t's four years srnce our last Slltlltt‘rz'l' ire So it seemed appropriate tn to an trier one, and I've been r'rtt>:-.>s‘.<‘-': .a {Jr/wt») for a .vhrle, its z-l‘erer'llidl rrrterrSrt'y. it has ,re Cast, which makes rt

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Cllrlllt'ldiif “rounr; people are less likely THEATRE PREVIEW


in atreflhu 3—Sat l2

ComrlDC-r'rra'siti Sep; then to S’.-‘Zl.-‘:"r’2 onus r Cartwrrgnt. Alter The Art h-‘gs' suit ess ‘.'.rth his expertly per‘rned v' trckte l a Stan’s Deodorant - both rn Clara/tin. ar‘r'l at '.l‘.lS year's Edrn'ourgh

Ernie r’fart<s.r:glrts black comedy Two :s revrxvi i a syrircate of Scottish and lrrs‘lr venues led by Cumbernatrld


Character-building: Sandra McNeely and John Stahl in Two

Green-eyed monster: Ross Dunsmore as the malevolent Iago

to repress therr drslrke or rrrrtatron with a prece; the responsrbrlrty rs to create a productron that's eXCrtrng and truthful, and not patronrsrng.’

Part of the exCrtement of thrs productron rs an orrgrnal soundtrack by Brran Docher'ty, who records for Glasgow label Creeprng Bent. ’The style of the mUSIC rs gurte sexy, rhythmrc and drrven,’ Brrnrng says. ’T'ne style rs gurte abstract. To be specnrc 'rmrts the play.’

Thrs phrlosOphy will extend to TAG’s next protect, a productron of ju/r'us Caesar aimed at eight and nrne-year- olds. Brinrng has no patrence mth the Shakespeare purrsts‘ who would keep the Bard for an rnforrned elite. ’These great storres have relevance, and can hold the rnterest ot audrences from frve to 93' (Hannah McCrrlh

The play follows the ups and downs of a headstrong landlord and hrs wife, along wrth therr myriad ol customers Interestrng enough but where's the rnnovatron, the twrs't rn thrs tale?

There are only two actors. Sandra McNeely rorns High Road’s John Stahl to grapple wrth the complexrtres of the rnultrple roles srx or seven rn all ’It’s an actor's dream, albert rt a drflrcult one,’ explains Stahr, ’I play a range of folk, from a nrne-year-old krd to an 85-year- old man, and each rs a vrgnette.’

Cartwrrght's play lays down a dauntrng gauntlet to the actors - the audrence must believe rn every role. ’lt's certarnly a challenge,’ concurs Stahl. ’Wrth the exceptron of the landlord and hrs tx'rfe, each character has no more than two and a hall pages of scrrpt in which to authentrcate himself.'

The play rs drffrcult for actors and drrector alike. ’Simon Sharkey, as drrector, has to make rt seamless,’ Stahl says. 'We have to sculpt and burlcl every character. It’s not a guestron of dorng a stereotype, lrke revue.’

The goal rs to make the audience laugh and cry with each character. ‘Basically, rf they see John Stahl at any point during the show, then we've failed,’ he states. ’Except for the case of the nine-year-old,’ he adds. 'I might not commrt suicide if they don’t believe in him.’ (Nicky Agate)

in concert

Sat Monte Cristo/Paragon 558‘” Ensemble with Tommy Smith

Eduardo Niebla Guitar Duo

Sun 6 Sep

Heraid Angel winner

Terry Neason

the 1998 Fringe hit Screams 8c Kisses

Sep lS-l9

Also com ng upm'. Astrid o Sinead Lohan 0 Phil Kay 0 Babybird Nils Lofgren 9 Opera on a Shoestring 0 Tom Paxton


oterti Theatre "


OR FROM COTTIER THEATRE Ol4l 357 3868 (4-8pm only)

I I! 1")! '-' I LLAFLLA ‘11.

31831 . 361 \R . \‘I w

27 Aug—10 Sep 1998 THE “ST“