Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate. credits. brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Alan Morrison.

Accattone r .5) . l’ier l’arilo 1’asoliiu. Italy. 19(ii )1'l‘tlllv‘ttkirlti. .‘ranca i’asut. Roberto Scai'iiigella. Adriana Astr .20 lllltls, liarly l’asolim. set in the slea/y underworld of Rome. where (‘itti's .v\ccattone struggles

w ith the dilemma of lioorly paid work or an easier life of crime. liitelligerit and subtle exploration of a world the director knew all too well. (ilasgow (i171:

Afterglow r 15) (Alan Rudolph. 1S. 1997)

Nick Nolte. Julie ('hristic. Jonny Lee Miller.

113 mins. 1)) Montreal. the lives of two

couples intersect when the neglected w ife of

.i voting esecutrve embarks upon an affair vsrtli an older handyman. l-tii'tliet' complications ensue when their respective partners also begin a relationship. Muclt of .-1flt're/mv works as farce. albeit .1 slow - rnov mg one. However an echo of sweet. unidentifiable sadness lingers long after you re-eiiierge outside world. 1"alkirk: 1"1‘11. Stirling; MacRobert.

Anastasia (t‘)(1)on Blutli/(iary- (ioldman. 1S. 1997) Voices of Meg Ryan. ('hrtstopher 1.1oyt1. John (’usack. 9-1 mins. With this

vv idesci'eeri romantic musical adventure. animator Don Bluth offers.) film that rivals Disney. Rewriting history sortiewhat. evil magician Rasputin ptrts a curse on the 'l‘sar's family and causes the 1917 Revolution. The child princessAnastasia .sttr'y )ves. but grow s as an orphan. unable to remember her past. With esti'aordiiiary action sequences. esquisite character)sations and beautiful songs. Kilmarnock: ()deon.

Animated Animals/Fred. Gromit And Friends Workshop introducing 7 -1 1 year olds to the art of animation. organised to coriiphiiient the screening of the anothology Package I'il‘r’rI. (inmrrl xlm/ I'Al'lt'lltlt (ilasgow;(i1"l'.

The Apostle (13) (Robert 1)tt\;lll. 1.5. 1997) Robert l)uvall. l‘arrah l-awcett. Miranda Richardson. 1-18 mins. Actor l)uvall turns writer-director for this gently absorbing tale of a charismatic Pentecostal preacher”s fall from grace and search for redemption. Duvall's acknowledged inspiration is Ken 1.oach. with whose work this shares a generous. non-.rudgemental naturalism. Slightly overlong. but moving and thought-provoking nonetheless. lidiiiburgh: Cameo. Kirkcaldy; Adam Smith. Stirling: .‘ylacRobert.

Armageddon f 12) (Michael Bay. IS. 1988) Bruce Willis. Billy Bob 'lhornton. Steve Buscemr. 1-1-1mins. Billed as "l'lir' Dir/v Dorm in space. Michael Bay 's sci-fi movie delivers \s 11:11 this year's other event movies Deep Impact. (im/Ir/lrr. l.ovI In Spur e - only promised: $135 million worth of relentless. retiiia-scorchmg. high- testosterone action. Bruce Willis leads a team of roughneck orl drillers who mtrst

sas e the world from an asteroid the size of Texas that's on collision course with liarth. We are not talking reality here; we are talking superior formula film-making. (iener'al release.

The Avengers (12) (Jeremiah ('hechik. LS 1998) Ralph 1-‘iennes. l'ma 'lhurman. Sean Connery. 90 mins. A camp ‘n' kitsch 1960s and 7()s television show w ith a strong cult following. The Avengers might seem like prime material for adaptation to the big screen. Certainly the casting is inspired with heartthrobs lirennes and 'lihiirman replacing 1’atrick Mac.\'ee and Diana Rigg as John Steed and linima l’eel. Furthermore. we get to see the future King of Scotland play a dastardly v illain hell-bent on world destruction and Mrs l’eel's seduction. (ilasgow. ()deon City Centre. Showcase. L'('1(‘lydebank. 1iast Kilbride: L'Cl. Paisley: Showcase.

Babe (15) (Chris Noonai). Australia. 1995) James Cromwell. with the voices of Christine ('avanaugh. Miriam Margoly'es. lltigo Weaving. 92 mins. An orphaned pig falls under the eye of a kindly collie and begins to think he's destined for glory at the regional trials. 'l'alking animals suggest that

103 THE LIST 27 Aug—(0 Sep 1998

this is a kids' movie. to an estent it is and a great one but theres enough skewered humour (hail the psycho mice?) for adults to discover an unexpected cult hit. A triumph for the underpig. lidinburgh: ()deon. Barcelona ( l5) (Whit Stillman. 1S. 1991) 'laylor Nichols. ('hrrs liigeman. 'l'ushka Bergen. 100 mins. As a follow -up to .llr'u'u/m/rtun. writer-director-producer Stillman focusses on another group of young people who seem to converse solely through witty dialogue. The backdrop is interesting a pair of American cousins get or) each other's nerves in Barcelona during the 70s. a time when their country men were unpopular because of anti-NAN) tensions. lidiribtirgh. l'iilttihottse.

Barney's Great Adventure (1‘) 272 lllllts. .\ kids 'l‘\' phenomenon. Barney the purple dinosaur's big screen debut finds him down on a farni with a trio of kids 11) search of a magic egg. The all singrn'. all dancin‘ Barney struts his way through the simple story with regular siiigalorigs. making the film perfect for under-fives.

Blonde Cobra/Flaming Creatures ( )8) (Jack Smith/Ken Jacobs, l'S. 19o} and 1958) Jack Smith. -13 and 33 mins. lisperimental lilmmaking from the ()(1s New York scene. If/rntr/t‘ (in/mt sees Smith looting around in a low er liast Side apartment in the style of a cheesy monster- movie. while l-‘lunture ('rr'rilurr's is a mock- documentary about androgy nes and tranvestites. (ilasgow. (ilfli.

Le Bossu ( l5) (Philippe De Broca. l-rarice. 1997) Daniel Auteuil. Vincent 1’erel. liabrice 1.uchini) 128 mins. ()riginally written in the forth of a nineteenth century serialised novel. [.4- [1m sit has an abundance of plot. with the action centering on the exposure of an aristocrat's dastardly bastard brother. and the restoration to wealth of an heiress. It‘s never easy to engage w ith characters who have less dimensionality than a Walt Disney cartoon - only an tindemanding audience would let this go and be satisfied with the film overall. (ilasgow. Sltovvcase. l'(‘l (‘lydebank lidmburgh: l‘ilmhouse. [7(‘1. Ay r: ()deon. liast Krlbride. L'Cl. Kilmarnock. ()deon. l’aisley. Showcase.

The Boy Who Stopped Talking (t’( i) (Holland. 1996) A Kurdish boy is uprooted from his friends and life in 'l‘urkey when his lather finds a new Job in Holland. Stirling: MacRobert.

The Castle ( 15) (Rob Such. Australia. 1997) Michael (‘aton. Anne 'leniiey. Stephen Curry. 86 mins. In this rough-and-ready but surprisingly engaging comedy. a naive Australian family take on the might of a faceless corporation when their suburban home is threatened by an airport development. The film is dramatically awkward in places and runs otrt of steam before its admittedly brief running time is up. btit the filmmakers' affection for their characters pulls it through. lrvine: Magnum. The Cross ( 15) (Alejandro Agresti. Argentina. 1997) Norman Briski. Mirta

Basket cases: the cast of He Got Game

Brrsiielli. (‘arlos Rolle 90 turns liasy-going comedy tron) renowned Argentinian director Agrestt. is a portrait of a hard drinking film critic. Alfredo. who life goes from bad to worse when he looses his rob .iiid his family when his w ife leaves him for a celebrated painter. But Alfredo has a plan tip his sleave. Part of the Latin American 1’11111 l’estival. See prev iew (ilttsgoyy (i171.

Dona Barbara t IS) (Betty Kaplai). ('8. I997) listher (ioris. Jorge l’crugori'ia. Ruth (iabriel. 130 iririis. l.pic tale set in |S50s Verie/irela. and based on a pri/e-w iiiiiig novel in wlircli an attorney returns to his rich family ranch after being absent for many years Back home. his troubles hegiii when he is torn between two women. the young. attractive Marisela and her beautiful. scheming riiothei'. Doria Barbara. Part of the l.atiii Amerran film festival Sec prev ievs. (ilasgow. (111

Dr Dolittle (l’(i) (Betty ‘l’homas. l'S. 199R) liddie Murphy. ()sste l)a\ies. ()livci' l’latt. S5 mins. A turkey with Res Harrison in its original form. and still pretty due this time rotind.'11us wild family adventure offers crude bottom humour for the Ifrr/u- audience. but the talking animals gimmick battles with cheesy morality and nothing comes together. Overall. the frliii might have benefitted from a simpler. less snappy and more family orientated tale. w hile Murphy 's comic Judgement has again become decidedly questionable. (iener'al release.

The Exorcist ( IS) (William 1*riedkin. 1S. 1973) Linda Blair. lilleii Burstyn. Mas \‘ou Sydow. 110 mins. liai'nest priest Von Sydow steps in to save poor little possessed girl in this hugely effective scat'efest. Now it'- released in r'erriastered form. with a super stereo soundtrack (so you can hear those obsceiiities in full). Dead good. dead scary. dead priest. (ilasgow: ()deon (‘ity (’eiitre. ()deon ()tiay. t'('l (‘lydebank lidmburgh: ()deon. t'(‘l, liast Kilbride [(1.

The First Night ( I5) (.-\|e|andro (iamboa. Mesico. 1993) ()svaldo Beriavides. Mariana Avila. Xavier Massimi. 100 mins. Winner of the International ('ritics l’rr/e at the (iuadalarara festival of Mesican ('inema. this Meucatt teelt-ttiov ie. \sltich revolves around a group of teenage friends. their girlfriends and their families. w as also a smash hit in its home territory. Part of the l.atiii Aiiierian l‘ilm l‘estrval. See preview. (ilasgow. til-'1‘.

Gaelic Broadcasting Debate Debate aims to evaluate the last ten years of (iaelic broadcasting with a view towards the future of the industry. (ilasgow (i171:

Gang Related ( IS) (Jim Korit‘. l'S‘. 1998) ’l‘upac Shakur. James Belushi. Dennis ()uaid. 111 mins. In his last film murdered rap star 'l‘upac Shakur brings a degree of

sy mpathy to Rodriguez a corrupt detective driven to crime to pay off gambling debts. then desperately backtracking when things go awry. Aside from the curiosity value giver) it by Shakur's death iii a drive-by shooting which occurred just days after principal photography ended (hurt:

Rt'lum.’ follows a tight dramatic course as it weaves its way to a nicely ironic conclusion. (ilasgow: Showcase.

The General (15) (John Boorman. UK. 1998) Brendan (ileeson. Adrian Dunbar. Jon Voight. 124 mins. Controversy and ambiguity surrounds the story of one of Ireland‘s most notorious gangsters. Martin (‘ahill ()n one hand. he's a Robiri Hood figure who shares out the spoils of his theft; on the other. he is vicious. brutal and amoral. (ileeson's performance is compelling. while the black and white photography hardens the edges of the Irish landscape by making very simple things stark and beautiful. Kirkcaldy: Adam Smith. George Of The Jungle (U) (Sam Weisman. tFS. 1997) Brendan Fraser. Leslie Mann. Holland Taylor. 91 mins. l.oinc1oth-clad hero (ieroge (1‘raser) saves San 15ransican socialite l’rsual (Mann). but his trip to the urban Jungle is shortlived when he hears of the kidnap of his hairy sidekick. Ape (voiced by John (‘leese). 'lhe plot is the usual blend of humour. action. slapstick. adventure and. of course. romance. while the knowing and punchy script is easily tip with the best of modern Disney. (ilasgow: ()deon Quay. l-Zdinburgh: ()deon. Kilmarnock: ()deon. Girls' Night (15) (Nick Hurran. UK/US. 1997) Brenda Blethyn. Julie Walters. Kris Kristotferson. 102 mins. When l.ancashire lasses Jackie and Dawn win £100.000 playing bingo. they split the money and take off for his Vegas. attempting to leavie their problems behind them: a loveless marriage and terminal cancer. There's a little of the rebellious The/mu .Ilm/ [nurse spirit in the adventures ofthe two worrien. although the film has a distinctly small screen feel to it. (ilasgow, ()deon Quay.

The Godfather ( IS) (lirancis liot'd ('oppoltl. l'S. 1971) Marlon Brando. Al Pacino. James (‘aarr 175 mins. Malia epic that follows the collapse of the ('orleone empire under the old l)on (Brando) and the struggle for power this causes between rival families and his ow ti sorts. Al Pacino is magnificent as the good sort who has to turn had in order to regain family honour. Hugely enjoyable. violent movie is a landmark in American lilriimaking. Kirkcaldy: Adam Smith. Godzilla (l’(i) (Roland limmerich. US. 1998) Matthew Broderick. Jean Reno. Maria l’itillo. 1-10 mins. Nuclear testing causes a hand to grow to an enormous size. reproduce asesually and head to New York to lay some eggs When the military take the offensiv e. it‘s time for the rampaging reptile to demolish Manhattan. (lot/zillu goes beyond insulting its audience and makes the gtav e error of forcing our sympathy away from the monster and onto the non-descript humans. When a film like this fails to thrill w ith its effects it's Jurassic Park all over again it can only fall flat on its over-sized Hollywood ass. (ieneral release.

Good Burger (l’(i) (Brian Robbins. US. 1997) Kel Mitchell. Kenan 'l'hompson. Sinbad. 95 mins. A spin-off from US cable channel Nickelodeon's daytime series All That. tlits kids comedy struggles through unfamiliarity. ’l'wo blokes working in a burger joint fight off the advances of the fast-food chain across the road with their new sauce recipe. The next Big A’ighl‘.’ 1 don‘t think so. Stirling: Allanpark.

Grease (l’(i) (Randal Kleiser. US. 1978) John 'l‘ravolta. Olivia Newton John. Stockar'd Charming. 110 mins. 'l'he colourful goings-on at Rydell High particularly the romance of square out-of-towner Sandy and tough guy Danny is the stuff ofelassie movie escapism. In addition to a plot which groans with frustrated passion. bristles with gang tensions and swings with teen verve. the songs are the soundtrack fora generation. 'l'wenty years on. Grease is still the word. and still the way we are feeling. (ilasgow: ()deon Quay. Edinburgh: Dominion. UCl. Irvine: Magnum. l.args: Barrtields.

Grosse Pointe Blank ( 15) (George Armitage. US. 1996) John Cusaek. Minnie Driver. Alan Arkin. 108 mins. Depressed freelance hitman Martin 0. Blank (Cusack) returns to his home town for a high-school reunion. bttt finds his past private life and current profession are about to overlap. Armitage turns in a fair post-Woo action sequence here and there. while Cusack positively inhabits Martin. switching from