coiiiic/t‘otnaittic lead to ioctised killer eiiortlessly and believably. lidinburgh: U(’l. l-Iast Kilbride: [7(‘l.

He Got Game ( l Si (Spike Lee. US. 19981 Den/cl Washington. Rosario Dawson. Ray Allen. l.“ mins. The latest collaboration betvveen Spike Lee and Den/cl Washington has produced perhaps their iinest lilin. Washington is excellent as convict Jake Shuttlevvorth vxlio is doing time tor the accidental manslaughter oi his vs iie some years belore. .\lean\v lnle his son. Jesus. has become the hottest high school basketball prospect iii the countiy. vslnch is vvhy Jake is prevailed upon by the state governor to sigit Jextis to his alma mater. and receive his mercy in return. (ilaxgovv: ()deon Quay. lidinburgh: ('ameo.

Hell in the Pacific 1 l2) (John Boorinan. US. l‘Jot’.) Lee Marvin. 'l'oshiro Miiune. It).i mins. 'l‘he intriguing premise oi a [S Marine pilot and Japanese naval oiiicer stranded together on a desert island degeneratex into a series oi macho stand- oiis and unsatislying allegory Strong performances irom the tvso leads. tliotigh (ilaxgovv; (il’li.

Home Alone 3 mm tRala (ioxliell. t'S‘. l‘)‘)7iAle\ i) luv. ()lek Krupa. Rya Kililstedt. 95 miux liixtcad oi Macaulay (’ulkin. here comes Alex I). Luv (Michelle l’ieiller'x kid in ()m' lane l)tl\ 1. bill tlnx lilm is not a patch on the ttn-l’(' slapstick arid reckless stunting oi the original. Stuck at home vs itli the chicken pox. Ales discovers a gang oi hi-tech international criminals trying to locate a top secret microchip. so he xetx up increasingly elaborate and sadistic traps. Ay'r: ()deon.

Homicide 1 151 (David Mamet. l'S. lWIi Joe Mantegna. William H. Macy. Nataliia Noguhch. Rebbeca l’idgeon. ltll minx. Dedicated cop Bobby (iold t.\lantegiiai begins to xti'tiggle \vith ltts conscience and rellect on his Jevs isli background vs hen a murder investigation piitx him on the track oi an anti-Semitic terrorist group and a connter-tirganixation oi '/.iomst vigilaiitex, Mamet‘x tlnrd iiltn is as tnucli about iaith in a lost society as racist tensions in New York.

John Mayer’s

Thursdagltith September '98 8pm, £6/£4. Upstairs 2

and is certainly head and shoulders above iiioxt conventional police piziceduials, (ilasgovv: (ill

The Horse Whisperer l Robell Retlitird. US. l‘)‘)8) Robert redlord. Kirstin Scott 'l‘homas. Sma Neil. loS‘ mins. Redloid indulges several oi liix iavouritc passions at once in British author Nicholas livaux' best- selling tale oi an equine shrink. As vv Illl Redl'ord's‘ previous directorial ellortx tlnx is a line looktiig and intelligent itlm. pitting the yuppie values oi east coast maga/ine editor Scott 'l‘honias against the v ii'tuoux all- American qualities oi Midvsexterner Rediord. See rev ievv. (ieneral release.

The Ice Storm (IS) (Aug lee. l'S‘. l‘)‘)7i Kevin Kline. Joan Allen. Sigourney Weaver. ll2 mins. In Nixon era ('onnecticnt. Kline‘s dying aiiair vvith neighbour \\'e;iv er pushes vsiie Alleti iurtlier into a numbed trigidtty. just as both iatnilies' teenage children are making their iirst sexual ioray x. lee'x satiric eye may be acute bttt he has a compassionate vision oi human vveaknesx. and beneath the humour is a sense oi proioutid unease. Scene alter xcciie. deitly directed and beautilully acted by the cast. sends a chill into the heart. (ilaxgovv (ll-'l It’s Tough To Be A Kid 1l’( i) t t 'K/liiic. 1995 ()71 71) iiiiiix. 'l ln‘ee lilinx /il//.\ .Vt'u I'im k. ."S‘Angltlf and [him e l.t’\l(‘ [him 1' explore themes oi dilietence. bully ing and alienation. and illustrate vvhy it‘s not alvvays great being a kid. Stirling: .‘ylacRobert,

The James Gang 1 IS» (Mike Barker. t'is'. l‘)‘)7) llelen .\lc(’rory. John Hannah. .laxon l‘lemyng. 9‘) mins. Burnt otit oi her council ilat by loan sharks. stoic lidinburgh mum Bernadette t.‘vlc(‘rory i begins a ciinie spree. desperately trying to keep her iatnily together. Despite the strong social themes inherent in the story. there's more than a sprinkling oi humour too. and some line acting. notably irom .\lc('rory. Not great. btit not that bad either Stirling: MacRobert.

The Jerk 1 l5) 1(‘arl Reiner. l'S. IUSI 1 Steve

Martin. ltH nuns llll and iiiixx comedy as .\lartin goes irom rags to riches to rags again. vvhen liix groundbreaking invention that stops spectacles slipping dovv n the

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\\ carer's nose lttrnx otit to have disastrous side ell'ectx, Watch out lot the classic cat- ‘luggling sequence. and Martin‘s usual command oi the physical gag. lidinburgh: Cameo.

Kundun 1 15) (Martin Scorsese. l'S. l‘)‘)7i l-ltl nuns. Scorsese's biography oi the lourteenth l)alai Lama ix also a painstaking record oi a culture close to e\tinction. 'l‘lie beauty ol libel and gentle nature oi the people is disrupted by invasion by (Irina. but the l)alai lama remains true to the ideal oi non-violence. A highly cinematic. though heavily \vrouglit iilin. Kumlim also ieatures a pulsating music score by Philip (ilass. 'l‘he lirst hour. \vhile beautiitil to vvatch. does xeein to pass very slovv ly. but. by the end. it has a curious calming energy all oi its ovvti. lidtnburgh: liilnihonxe.

Kurt And Courtney 1 IS) ifx'ick- Iii-ooiuiield.

l‘K/l'S. NW) 03 mins. Was Nirvana inamman Knit (‘obain‘x death suicide or something more sinister".’ ('oui'tney Love's lather reckons (‘ont'lney liersell had a hand in her husband's untimely detnixe and that allegation vsas enough to get Brooinlield‘x documentary into a lot oi liot vvater on both sides til the Atlantic. lltiyv t‘\et'. tlle

Interv ievveex are too drug-addled to be coherent. let alone convincing and Btoottilield xeetiix too keen to get lttx ovv n tanned mug into the shot. lidinburgh: l'ilnihouxe.

The Last Days Of Disco I 151 Mini Stillman. l‘S. l‘NSi (‘hloe Sevigiiy. Kate Beckinsale. ('hrts liigeman. Ill mins. \N'riter-director Stillman has carved out a cinematic niche ior himseli vv itli liix urbane comedies oi mannerx .llt'li‘o,m:!iluii and [Jim (’lH/lrl. and ltix latext ix no exception. Sev igny and Becktnsale play publishing axxistaiitx vv ho irequent a trendy club in early Slls Nevv York. vvhere they and their male yuppie ii'iends wary about relationships. careerx arid the reactionary xtibte\t oi l)ixney ‘x /.m/\ shit] The Train/t. lt'x glorious xtuli. See previevv and rev tevv. (ilasgovv: (il-‘l'. lidiuburgh; l‘ilnihouxe, The Lifejacket ls Under Your Seat 1 151 tleonardo Ricagni. l'ruguay. l‘NS) Jorge

index FILM

lisnioriv. l’astor Vega. Ruben Rada. ()5 miux. llilarioux comic strip-style comedy about a musician named ’l‘uleque. vv'ho attempts to reunite his band aiter he ix released irom prison. Dynamic camera work. iast pacing and oilbeat humour combine in a movie surely destined ior cult status. See previevv l’art oi the Latin Amerian l‘ilm Festival. (ilasgovv: (ill.

The Little Mermaid (to 1John .‘yltisker/Ron (’lenienis. l'S. I‘JX‘H 82 mins. Disney's ailing iorttttiex quickly reversed when this delightiul animated ieature lirst came otit in Wh“). There's the universal appealling story oi the mermaid Ariel's love ior handsome l’rince liric. ()sear-vvinning songs. huinanised animal .sidekicks and some colouriul set-pieces. Novv vvith electronically cleaned-up colours and digital sound. (ieneral release.

Live Flesh 1 l8) tl’edro Almodovar. Spain. l‘)()7) Javier Bardem. liberto Rabal. lirancexca Neri. l()() minx. Based on a Rutli Reiidell story. .-\lmodov'ar’s most rounded attempt to enter the mainstream iollovvs the late oi a vsheelchair-bourid policeman. the young man responsible ior the bullet that put him there. and liix vv iie. vvith vvhom the recently released convict is in love. Any message vvaiting to be read is drovv tied in the brightest and deepest oi cinematographic experiences. and the pleasures here are several. Btit there‘s a hint that the director has slipped into middle-ground mediocrity. lidinburgh: Cameo.

Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels (Guy Ritchie. UK. l‘)‘)7) Nick Moran. Jason Statham. Vinnie Jones. l()7 mins. A cocky young bunch oi ‘enti'epreneurs' set up a card game with east end London criminal Hatchet llai'ry. ()i course. things don’t vvork otit in their iav'otir and they iind themselves ovving the gangster plenty oi dosh. Witty homage to the British crime thrillers oi the l‘)()()s. vvith appropriately seedy. undervvorld locations and slt'L‘L‘lwGC dialogue. See previevv and revievv. (ienei‘al release.

Continued over page


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2/ Aug 10 Sep 1998 THELIST 102