would have fled to in the event of such global devastation.


Samten Kelsang (‘)u.iker.\1eeting House. Victoria Terrace. info: 0122‘) 584029). li\perienced iiteditator arid principle teacher at the Maniushri Mahayana Buddhist Centre. Kelsang gives a talk on peace. happiness. contentment. all that stuff. Practical. direct. no-nonsense techniques are explained to reduce stress.



Grassroots Autumn Classes Grassroots, Woodlands Road. Cltarittg Cross. 35.3 3278. until Sun 13Sep. l0am-«1pm. £50. From Tlte Village Bakery iii Cumbria. the splendidly- named Paul Merry presents a weekend bread-making course. The season continues on Sat 1‘) Sep. with Kathryn Hamilton on pasta-making.

Glasgow Book Market iiillltcad Baptist Church. Cresswell Street. info: 01560 60034”. 10aiit-5pnt. l‘ree. Books. maps. prints and y intage film magazines are on sale and you can also get valuations oti your ow it possessions. The nest matket happens oti Sat 1‘) Sep at .-\llow.t_\ Village Hall IIl.-\}1'.

This section gives details of special selected events taking place within Edinburgh and Glasgow and around the Central Belt this fortnight. Listin s are compiled by date, place and t en event. Extra Time listings compiled by Brian Donaldson.



Glasgow City Walks Various venues. info: (~37 2701. ttiitil 30 Sep. Allow tlte members of the Scottish Tourist Guides Association to lead you astray iit either The Heart of Glasgow around (jeorge Square and the Merchant City (Mon «Fri 0pm; Stiti 10.30am) -- or The Cathedral llitlk ‘— Strathclyde University Campus and Cathedral l’recinct (Sun. Wed 2.15pm).


Scottish Tennis Championships Craiglockhart Tennis Centre. info: 444 1984. until Stiii 13 Sep. The climax to this year‘s highlight in the Scottish tennis calendar is heightened by the presence of names such as .leremy Bates". Chris Wilkinson and the irrepressible llie 'Nasty' Nastase.

St Andrews

The Secret Bunker The Secret Hunkei. Crown Buildings. 01333 310301. tiiitil Nov. 10am-5pm. £5.95 (£4.‘)5/£3.25i fatttily ticket £10.50. The threat of a nuclear holocaust seems to have abated iii recent times. though w hen blokes like Sadaant get that glint in their eye. you never know w hat might happen. Here is a chance to see wltere our beloved lea-let‘s


Balloon Festival The Meadow .s. info; 40‘) 5427. until Sun 13 Sep. (until/1.30pm. The launch ()llllh year's liestival ()fThe Environment iw hiclt runs

THE CRAFT MOVEMENT CONTEMPORARY CRAFTS FAIR Assembly Rooms, George Street, Edinburgh, info: 01373 813333. Fri 18—Sun 20 Sep. 10am. £3 (under-14 children free). Another event in The Craft Movement‘s campaign to promoting fresh young talent within the arts and crafts industry in the UK. A range of crafts will be represented including ceramics, furniture, jewellery, glassware, metal, textiles, furnishings and wood. Among the artists is Jenny Rumens and her wooden sculptures (Gypsy Rose above), whose work utilises materials such as beach breakwater and timber.



listings EXTRA TIME

RAF LEUCHARS INTERNATIONAL AIRSHOW RAF Leuchars, St Andrews, 01334 839000. Sat 12 Sep. 8am. £4—E29. Scotland's only international airshow has a highly impressive line-up for the 60,000 folk expected to attend. The flying kicks off at 10am with the debut Scottish appearance of the Eurofighter to mark the 58th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, as its centrepiece. Also making their first swathes into Celtic clouds are the USA’s C-17 Globemaster Ill

and the Russian-built MiG-29 Fulcrum. No air event would be complete with- out the Red Arrows whose aeronautical skills will be on show, as will those of

the French acrobatic display team the Patrouille de France.

until Sat 1‘) Sep.) is a spectacular weekend of hot air with 30 of the largest balloons iii the UK. including the Piper. Action Man. Ordnance Survey and the Michelin Man. Otlter delights include dance troupes. kids' funfair. a craft fair. jugglers. face painting as well as exhibitions aitd workshops to remind everyone what the event is really about.

St Andrews

RAF Leuchars International Airshow R.-\1“1.euc_hai's. St Andrews. 01334 839000. 8am. ill-£29. Over (30,000 people will be watching the skies on Saturday. for this annual event cotitbinimy over 100 of the world's fittest aircraft with some entertainment for. yup you guessed it. all the fatnily. See photo caption.


Ayr Festival Various venues. inlo; 01393 885777. until Mon 21 Sep. The main draw for this year's .-\y‘r beanfeast are the Scottish pop celebrities appearing Ricky Ross, Dougie \'ipottd. llue «K (it). Tonnny Smith. James Grant and a reunion of(iallagher t\' |.y'le are all due to turn up. Other highlights are the samba workshops and the samba carnival iii :\yi High Street tSat 12). Scottish ()pera‘s

I The .UttA/‘uptui/os ('me at the (iaiety

I Theatre (Tue 15) attd the regular ( )cean Defender open days at ('oitipass l’iet'.

South Lanarkshire

Doors Open Day Various- y'enucs. into; 01098 455939. Another chance for the public to get inside some of the historic and/or unusual buildings which allow little or tto access most of the year round Among the buildings opening tlteir doors today are Rutherglen Town Hall. the Scots Mining Company House in l.eadhills attd the Sancta Sophias Chapel iti Douglas. ()thers opening their doors are Stirling on Sat 12 8' Sun 13 Sep ((11780 4424531. (ilasgow oti Sat 1‘) & Sun 2()Sep1221 6001). and lidinburgh

on Sat 20 Sep1557 9387).

.r*-FlilliAI/*18 2 Edinburgh

The Craft Movement Contemporary Crafts Fair Assembly Rooms. George Street. info: 01373 813333. until 20 Sep. 10am. £3 (under- 14 children free). Over 50 top designers will be displaying their wares with ceramics. furniture. jewellery and glassware all involved. See photo capuon.

' ssuuniiiiv 19 -


National Archaeology Days '98 Govan Old Parish Church. Govan Road. info: 01505 850638. 10ani--4pitt. As part of this year‘s celebrations of the past. this magnificent old buildittg is opened for a guided tour. For ftill information on what's going on iit arid around your area this montlt. call the Council For SCottish .»\i'chaeo1ogy on (1131 :47 41 19.


Renfrew Horticultural Society Annual

Show Renfrew Town Hall. info: 0141 501 0501. 3 5pm. 50p (30pt. This year's event includes grand llowers. fruit attd veg aitd a floral arrangetitent show with the top prizes handed out at 3pm.


The Great British Pet Walk (‘ul/eait Castle. info: 0181 5808080. tiiitil Sun 20 Sep. Whether you see the itotioii of taking your pet fora walk as an invigorating activity or a chore as dtill as dog-water. at least now you cart do it for a good cause. A target of 500.000 has been set with the likes of l’etsavers. The National Trust for Scotland and the National Canine Defence league looking to benefit. And. although pooches are the obvious companions. the organisers want you to know that there is no bar to your pet goose or pot-bellied pig making a guest appearance. Or maybe that bloke who was walking his ferret along Bristo Square the other week will turn tip. Who knows'.’ Anyway. call the number above for details of local venues.

10—24 Sep 1998 THE LIST75