CLASSIFIED i saw you

O I saw you jogging in Holyrood Park Saturday 19/9. We passed twice. I said. ‘You made it?‘ by the car park. Tall. dark-haired guy. Who are you'.’ Work out with the.) Box No L7344/l.

O I saw you nice boy iii CCA cafe (3 I/9/98‘i. You forgot my coffee and gave me a freebie? I'd love to buy you one back get in touch. Box .\'o [7344/]. O I saw you Bernadette in Safeway. Byres Road. 5 minutes next to the frozen pizzas just wasn't enough. Let‘s drink cof- fee iii Kelv'ingrove Park at mid- night again soon. Love Craig. Box No U/344/3.

O I saw you David V' on H9 in Cafe Blue at the Traverse and read your party invitation with its two deliberate mistakes. Do you need assistance with your spelling and diary management? Box No [.7344/4.

O I saw you Dr Hillary Jones‘ friend at the Ceilidh House 25/9. Don‘t trust a love rat. Instead. let me hold your hand again. You never know what the future might hold. Box No L7344/5.

O I saw you 26/9 Toni. itiy compilation companion! Thanks for the tape I definitely approve. I especially like Astrid. Looking froward to the next exchange now! See you soon and on l9/l l. Caroline. Box No [.7344/7.

O I saw you Su. now the Ratcatching is over we have all the time in the world. Isn‘t that groovy and grand‘.’'s explode a few stars and explore a few more universes. We done well. eh'.’ Love you more than little words can say. As the poet said. "It's almost as wonderful as Red Dreams And Razorblades. more blazing than an Acid Angel and tastier than The Bad Seed." What more can I say'.’ Thomas. The Groovy Green 8; Ginger Cat. Box No [7344/8.

v I saw you drinking a Sauza and Lemonade and knew you had great taste. just like Sauza. Call me if you want to add another cool and refreshing item to your menu.

O I saw you I) don't really know what to say. except I MIGHT miss ya loads. Keep an eye on those chivvawas while I‘m off finding a new friend. Hope you'll he ()K with the funniest guy in the world . . ever? l)on't worry. you'll still be able to see my baps from Tokyo Box No [7344/9

O I saw you Jane. struggling

your way around the monopoly

board. You could only seek sanctuary in jail. the only hiding place. Bankruptcy or poorhouse

take your choice. It's a dog-

eat-dog ruthless world out there. but don't worry you‘re always welcome iii my Mayfair Penthouse suite. Roll ‘em dice Baby 7. . . . but do not pass Go. do not collect £200. The Finger Doctor. Box No L'/344/l0.

O I saw you surveyor. late on llth. l.othian Road. Gob- smacked btit flattered by your ad. Mtist admit things a bit hazy. Clarification required. Box No [7344/l l.

O I saw you Diane [9 Hugh at the Tapas Tree 30/9. Thanks for a lovely evening I'll be dreaming a little dream of you

both in November. All the best

of everything for the future. Box No [3/344/l2.

O I saw you Acid Angel. glit- tering among all the bookshop

tiiediocrities. I wanted to buy

you petals and pearls. lfl was a

rich man. I would fill you with vibrant colour. At least you know my heart is in the right place. If I could. I would edit these loose feelings. bill as it is. I must succumb to the urge to wax lyrical. Je t'adore. Monsieur Rimbaud. Box No [7344/l3.

O I saw you Morag. walking past me in Livingston. Your shoe seemed to cry out. I did notice. I'll never forget your tits) aura. Keep in touch ya radge. S. Box No [.'/344/14.

0 I saw you Corsica lixplorer in a Calacuccia pizzeria. You: Healthy liducatoi' iii Kirkcaldy. me: Cirito climber from Costorphine. A too brief encounter - let's meet again. Box No [.7344/15.

9 I saw you Fileen Taylor. Please write with your address. I want to send you something strange but true. Katharine ['. Box No L7344/l6.

v I saw you through the crowd at the beat room. You were singing to a Crab. Your suave demeanor left me weak at the knees. Tell me Deirdre is only a friend. Be there next week and serenade me. Box .\'o [7344/ l 7.

O I saw you at bus stop iii Bruntsfield. You - dark-haired female. Me taller. Yoti asked vv here TSB w as. etc.’ Yoti made me tingle? I'd like a longer chat with you over a coffee.’ Box No [I/343/l.

U I saw you Gareth and Martin inish-niashing at Loch l.otnotid. You taught me to Northern Sotil bill I split when I saw the

banana. Contact for a fruity time.

Box No L7343/2.

O I saw you standing in the

Jaffacake. A blond god with an ethereal coolness. You smiled at me as you walked to Jesus and Mary Chain. Meet tne. Box No


O I saw you Jigsaw Buchanan Street. You tnale blonde used to work there‘.’ Possible linglish

. accent. Me male tall. dark curly ' hair. sometimes skip-cap. I wish

I'd spoken to you. Box No [.7343/4.

O I saw you Sue. Boz. l.iz. Sav. Kate and Noah. on Portobello beach. Sunday morn- iitg 30/8/98. We play ed with fire btit didn't get burned Ta for the wine etc. Please get iii touch. it‘s my round. I'd love copies of the photos? Clit'is‘. Box No [7343/5


O I saw you Taste Stiii 30/8. I gave you a light and lhcti said ()la' Have you ever heard the sotig The First Time I Iiv er Saw Your Face by Joanna born- to _’ Box No [7343/0

O I saw you Kate Wittslet look- alike. Solto House Party. lidinburgh An College. You recognised me: bleached hair and bewildered. How can this be‘.’ Answers on a posh ard please. Box No [.'/.‘~43/'".

O I saw you Katie and Lucy recently back from Mikoiios Dave and Andy from Bath trying to contact you. Please respond. you spoons Box No [9-1319

0 I saw you Vanilla choc cliip pootle. Back to the Burgh with a btiiiip Had a bad-boy type IIIIIL'. Thankyott. I wouldn't drovvii you I ltl\ C _\t\tl \VIIL‘I‘L‘ ctlli \\ e :10 next I love tun" ('Iiico loves I’tltlllc \ Box No ['94 I "I

O I saw you Joanna walking down Broughton careful to miss pavement cracks (in case of bears). I miss our drinks. ditt- ners. chats and the time we kissed. Please get in touch? Love M .x. Box NoU343/10.

O I saw you Wednesday 9/9/98

1 4pm Glasgow-Prestwick train.

You. big strapping blondish rugby type. Gorgeous blue eyes. beautifully sleepy. Need more leg room‘.’ ()range shirt went all the way. How about you'.’ Box No L7343/l4.

O I saw you at the BBC in Glasgow. You had a pretty smile. curly black hair. Italian looks and a permanent mobile phone. ['s'e II to call me'.’ Loved your husky voice. .-\rmando. Box No [II/.IJR/I

O I saw you Sex Mcl-‘tidgeface. IS years ago this weekend in

The Vintners and you were really

shakin’ yer thang. Saw you again Septetnber 5 at Love Boutique still dancing your pants off:

you're just as cool as ever. Fancy

pant dancing again soon‘.’ B. Box No [7341/12.

0 I saw you at RSA lunchtime lecture l0 Sep. You looked tasti- er than your sandwiches. Want to check-out my lunchbox?! You. late-20s. light brown hair. dark suit. striped blue shirt. red braces. Me. on the satne row. btit the youngest there by far. Box No L7343/15.

O I saw you Adrian across the dining table. You were the per- fect guest. Btit. like Cinderella. you disaptx‘ared before mid- night. If only I could be your Prince Charming. rather than nist .in [‘gly Sister" J. Box No [7 LIT/lo


O I saw you Diane. late Friday I ltli. l.othian Road. You from

National Heritage. tne a survey- ' or. Let's get it together. l)o ya

feel lucky'.’ Then tnake my day. Can't wait! Box No U/343/l7. O I saw you on l 1/9 lidinburgh train. you navy and white sweater reading l-‘imuit'iu/ 'liiiic’s. Me black stiit. Got off at llaymarket. We gazed at each other.'s get together. Box No C/343/IS.

O I saw you at the OFT during the Latin Film Festival. l was the boy drinking Sauza and Lemonade and you were the girl who need- ed one. Can we meet at Slam at the Arches on Friday. I will be the boy with two long, cool and refreshing Sauza and Lemonades waiting for the girl that wants one!

O I saw you Charlie Peto in Crazyface 30 Aug. You in vjack- et company. tne long dark hair. livery front row you trod on tiie. Me very interested. U available”? Give me a call stud? Box No [7343/]9.

O". 0131 557 8500

The List

14 High Street Edinburgh EH1 lTE


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Deadline for the next issue is 12 noon on THURSDAY 15 OCTOBER 1998


98 THELIST 8 ()(t- 22 Oil 1998