Games and Internet e~mai|

PLAYSTATION Crime Killer N64 Assault (lnterpkiy’) £39.99 M. . _ . y , 3,3...) lSSIOfl. lmpossnble

(Tolstar Electronic Studios) £34.99 ' 1 H :2...a’ ‘Mi 0" :-.-' rm, ,m. t' (OUR: .) {49.99 Um. (:i"3(>.". 9):; «.- )' :; You’re all excited, right? 'Hurrah!’ you cry, mar-as (mum. in- f' ::::~ ‘v 5:: -. ’Another movie tie-in. How spoiled we in 3981' mun”: f"-.-: 1. " 4 ( :::: are!’ Well, calm down and prepare for i<:' l) :,.-.=':: m1: t'::.'.' '~ ;'.' disappointment with Mission: Impossible. :>..'. .1.‘:"':' '.P:""(:: '2 You take on the role of Ethan Hunt, Tom '> .<- <' " ',::<- {771, Cruise as it were, and must thwart um" ()i". V J..'. 1:: ~ -.v the evil plans of some of the f." g: :> t '- :;--.~ 1' :- . '.' most dastardly villains in (m 1: :z" :-.-', ‘."<"-.- 4w '1 -- " terrorist-land. With the help S.."::N:. ':' < . < -_-, of the other agents of the <;.'.'.~.-' .m f"... z:. . 2'. , '.::.. IMF, you creep, sneak and 1.1)" 1 ':--.-.a...- firm, " 1' , crawl deep within enemy ow».- ::;~':: g: Mme-'21:. ’:-.~. territory, planting bombs, .:~.~.:;".-.-r: .'.-.a:::::'~'. ~ -.- T' 4'. stealing documents and tut". v” we. '_' .: (wa' ': kidnapping anyone who's ii‘i' <>':i slow gum (;(‘:"‘:'\(; w. Aft-.‘-"‘:t’."": .'.l.< S: .:<' 1‘ nearby. Or rather that’s the plan. (antiw- tr; Aswan, <:' . "r: r- 1-, '4: '> - ' 1n 7.0:":2-7 What actually happens is a lot less I, .a \1(l(‘-.'.(‘:.x-'\( '0! w; you“. m 143'- .:"<: ,: '2‘ :7. V:'-.' exciting. From a variety of viewpoints, ..i: .'.r‘.“ W;- n: minim". 90, 3!) . 2:; :u- (z: m. ,w: :w' '~.- . ,. you bang Ethan into walls, get shot at ". -:' '1'.'.‘ ::' ("3" . constantly and wander aimlessly while Yo.- (m :'1(>()s<‘- '1.) m. 1' TH" m- -- v ": ' . colleagues shout angrily at you over " .i r; " i\("1f) "(V/W <‘:"’l Kt» , -- Siva-u Qua!" '* :‘i. T? '- '3) your communicator. International

" '.~ ~ .. im- llr‘: :‘ -.- 'r .' espionage is not what it used to be. aw: m to t'w '.-.‘-<-.r‘. (is int-4. aw From the opening scene, we are . .ar‘v- T'txmws 0" .a l" <>." '.<> (mum, presented With some of the clumsnest, (a it": (er-e ()'.-('.'-'..."l‘. "(i "\'«i( arm, (6'0 59' iiio‘Vx-it-Q){3-1-14 blockiest and blandest graphics ever

~ mmv, <>" Emil: !r= t.-.:;—:) seen on the N64. Sluggish and

Assault: arcade-tastic

" M: t‘ )(;d"‘i"‘)((‘:" r> '~ v- rn-w a: : '-: -.- "_ confusing, they turn the simplest of .lt.e~.-;>r>,, “<1 =.< .::, T" ». .‘T. c " r: " -- tasks into a nightmare of imprecision.

-‘<, . w :)(‘:"<~'. Mir-"my". ~,‘.'(:'.--':: _‘. ,2 Combat is similarly affected, prompting in- .v. ‘50". sn'mr: <>.-.-' .11; .arri-w " <;' f" i-l ':' . i". r; .; you into lots of running and very little 3;) t 't<;- r: '~<'. " -.. arr-av .7 :r-.- ~.'. " marksmanship. The missions are no ' d'flt'dffl '2‘ '.,:>..- ~ ' " ~> better. If you do what yourfellow agents Tl.3'l..')°.i"’.l .i ('71 ital. " sing-:- ' :;:,::. . w:'. , 2’; : tell you, follow the directions on your

(i) ‘: 1.'i-:‘~, 1.". .1" -a.a-" J} aw: '.' -.- ': '3" " '2 wrist scanner and pay attention to the truss l'..:- .m. mew <3. o‘ «:et'rwa . .:;-» w: .: 2'. 'z: unimaginative plot lines you’ll still get 'l'i' :‘ , .<-' (if ,.'<;.." flan-ma a”: {:1" ., E': . :::,-_-': " «z' ::‘. .1 6: ~ lost.

.'.-;-(‘:i)<;"*,(a:." i:-:' ..::r;u:':-q-:: '.""’i..!;". tux". r' -- '9 ' "., Mission: Impossible requires infinite :)<;.'.-:*'-..‘i;‘, Yo.u;"w:t"<~,m:"':ev-:ua ::.:,-»'.' °:~:,;' ' :'_'-.- patience and zero brain-power. Puzzles * * I L; <;.‘. ., :zn "WI"! ' a' . aren't solved so much as endlessly searched

(«u-m .: . .0. < 544'. ' I: w -- m '.' ' ’2 for. You'll end up dead or captured " 2r (i'((i(i('-'.«:‘)’. <, :>..=. . '1 7' w -_-': .4 . I: through no apparent fault of your own

Axum: .'.')‘..l<: ' new :>.:-:‘.-' 7 '. " 477-1” r,‘ .f ' r: . :uz'r: and ten minutes after starting You’ll .2m2l) i'twwwwi 'ii)i)fl’.’<i')"3"<i.’ hi" , ' never want to hearthat infernal theme

1),):v‘., I‘I‘ i

.,.','.m ‘H‘ngii, mug-u .: tune again. Compared to the (:4;th "(yr tw- 'iia'wt'i) '. .z‘. .':-;» -_- :z* unadulterated joy of Goldeneye, .2 ..(H‘:"w‘:‘. TH» w this isariotous waste oftime

'. . 12°. )1) :‘r mum-iv. ADMIN/f 7', ':-.«'-_-' ': Jars-’2' :. n T." f. and effort. Avoid.

'.'.< ('H-l‘ («"f r) "r; '_' w " '_ », (lain Davidson)

Mission: Impossible: should you choose to accept it?

*1 i' 3' \r ) i K i)<\( \i i. i ‘lli'K i >. i , ii I it ,\I i. > t l' )

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l}. \, ‘\ v ii‘\\\) \ illlQ) f 3-199 , .; v ,», urn. .. . i' "a" l 1' ‘7 ,z"r:1l<‘:" '."‘ i‘ri‘\\"l '. "l“‘»‘\l‘-"‘ T'TTII'" ' ' .> 2 .l l t , l' ' ' . . x!" i ' ' i )’ \i\ v \ :I' l I l l . I . ‘ili » It" . i: .t 2-. : ‘8 t m - ' . r,l 7-) '(l ’l ’l (l 0 !\ } 1‘ V) ,.,. x \ \ V2000: challenging and rewarding ~ \ I » , . : i .' ; i I :r H. ' H‘ 'v 'm

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