Totally wired

The weird world of the Web Halloween recipes hallowshtml

Based on the premrse that you’ll probably get krlled If you so much as venture out of the house these days, thrs srte recommends that you stay rn and stuff yourself Srlly wrth such wrcked delrcacres as Flamrng Ghost Cake, Cool Whrp Graveyard and Tongues On Toast. Shows you how to make 'em, too.

Halloween H20

http://www.halloweenmovrescom ~ Fan page all about the Halloween movres rncludrng the latest, gonest Instalment Klingon Honor Guard: invoIving' sneaky and fun Halloween H20. Surf here for behrnd the scenes Info, Intervrews and sound clips.

Monster Makers Online

Bu rmr m fc ll In h mt a Opt 3 ' By ) OW g t e “3‘ 995 http://www.monstermakerscom/ (Gremhn) {3999 r , -. sent by vanous companres, the player Are 0U [mo latex, Are 0U Into Remember when you were a krd and takes advantage of shortfalls In supply n nyt r 7 W H t; ‘3 f all the other lrttle bastards would flush and demand, makrng a lrttle profrt O S e Sf “he ' S 930T} emf 0” your head down the bog because along the way. Thrs money rs then used yfgc'eyfou et kytlt); e t “3] :HL”; 8 r ou wr yours was the only famrly too poor to to purchase larger, quicker, deadlrer Scar r tier masks fake a M S u t e ‘1

buy a remote c.0ntrollec1 toy car7 Well, craft and hence make more proflt andyddn [In 9 ebélls 0 32 Id ‘12;

now that all your ex-schoolres are There appears to be an over-ndrng . to transfgrmgfrgm the ywercu () Joe that rottrng rn chokey as a result of growmg story whrch develops as trme passes 0U are to I] scum SUCk‘n 3 '

up to be termrnally sporled, you can but, as rn real lrfe, makrng a lrvrng rs " , y ( g . . ts. ~. 3 abomrnatron of nature. have the last laugh and master the the frrst pnonty. controls of up to srxteen drfferent Hardwar regurres a 30 vrdeo card to Sabretooth buggies, race them agarnst one play properly as the (instance foggrng http://WWW'SdbretoothIcom/ another and generally act the goynoer rears startlrngly close at trmes Combat,

Or for the more dedrcated creature of the nrght, go frnd thrs srte whrch’ll frt you up wrth custom-made Dracula fangs before yOu can say 'Pass the vrrgrn, Vlad'. Plus, you're rnvrted to 'Check out Father Sebastran's new gurde to the Vampyre

Select your mean mac hrne on the basrs whrc h rs almost unavordable, rs of dCCGlOldIlOfl, speed, nverght and grrp extremely drffrc‘ult and savmg your

) .. t ) ) and thcn np up a vaner 0r courses progress becomes a fregucnt neccssrty Scenes Powerless to resm, huh? The more trmes you come frrst, the Wlth trme, Hardwar could prove a greater the vaner of buggies and worthy purchase, but us not for Ben And Jerry's Halloween courses at your drsposal Assorted everyone. (ID) Page power-ups can be accessed en varyrng - ' sequences, glvmg you a plethora of Kllngon Honor Guard http ///,halloween/ ways :n whrch to leave your opponents (MlCloprose) £34.99 t "‘ * Seasonally renam'ng themselves Dead and suckrng exhaust The cute graphrcs and Have you ever watched Star Trek and Bur'eq I the eccentr'c duo beh'nd the chances to explore nrdclen sectrons of wondered what It would be lrke to be World 5 greatmt "0 (ream 90 for Halloween track put some emphasrs on harmless a Klrngon warnor They're one of the m ‘3 b'g way V's't ""5 5'19 for Sum Scary fun rather than just cut-throat more rnterestrng races In the Trekkre dol'ghts d5 Halloween E'Cards and competrtron Entertarnrng rather than unrverse they value bravery and “Shop/Wallpaper 'm‘3905 or even Cl'p 8” en hrallnc rTc s‘re: h h> l 7) mm .1 7 ' ' ' t | y] J t rgt ,t cy' rvc by a t crer t codc The LIVlng Yahoo of honour and respect, and they can , PC http,// halloween grate cheese Wrth therr foreheads. C | b t k 7 t f h r r W b,

coolest search engrne. They've got more Halloween stuff than you can shake a srnrster strck at, rncludrng a lrnk to the perennral Chupacabra Home Page and a rather splendrd lrnk to Zombres On The Web What wocrld October be wrthout a lrttle voodoo?

to prc k up your Bat'leth and stand alongsrde your fellow warnors Kl/ngon Honor Guard rs a frrst-person adventure a la Quake, whrch places the

player on the frrst rung of the Klrngon Scuzzlebutt trarnrng ladder From then on, mrssron http://www.geocrtrescom/Hollywood/ after mrssron, yOu garn many krlls and Theater/ZOOl/

much honour on your way to the post He‘lloween wouldn,t be H illoween of personal bodyguard for the Klrngon ( c . I < , wrthOut a ternfyrng creature and eader Gowron. Very gulckly a story Totally ered wouldn,t be Totally develops c‘oncernrng the attempted . Wrred wrthout a graturtOus South Park

overthrow of the Klrngon Councrl memlon SO is the m m SW8 ,| 1

which you, as a young recruit, must Swzzleblm Lord of the Mountalm

help guash , l l P ,k D ff l KHG rs detarled, fast, perhaps a but Be 10d my (“M U y 89

Hardwar: worthy purchase 100%“ '“VOIVMQI Sneaky ‘md “"1 Chalnsaw S Page Pam Y0“ H d"? a '0‘ ‘3" Combat '5 one” hand—10mm“! bm you WI” always ’Keep your Chnstmas, I've got Halloween’ they advrse and they’re not krddrng.

(Gremlin Interactive)£39.99 , ,

Thls game "S 80 mmmmom Of a mum TOddy '8 Indeed a 000d day to You want srck, you got It Lots of Info on the Halloween, Friday 73th, Hel/ra/ser mUIIltUdO Of mm mm W8 “MOW '8 my (ID’ and Elm Street movres. And, yes, that does Include bodycounts. gorng to sound a lot lrke a prtc‘h scene from The Player Imagine G-Po/Ic e wrm REVIEWERS THIS ISSUE Siva _ smashing Pumpkins website Its tunnel-lrnked domes, add the la " l‘ta‘. (lsor‘, Peter Ross, Jonathan http//blamc) srmplenetcOtTt/Sp/ "dd'ng' (’(l‘wmqmq and Way Of Em“ WW Loads of up to date Pumpkrns’ news rncludrng tour dates and detarls of Brlly throw m Forg‘l’kmls “(NJVMHHMk Corgan’s recent rendrtron of ’Take Me Out To The Ball Game' at the Chrc;ago feel and you have H‘Ndw‘” . ySTAR RATINGS Cubs ground. Thrs Halloween the Pumpkrns erl be playrng as part of Krss’s

I“ almost WI 30 “1'0”. Y0“ ml” r. 5,2313%? 'Psycho CrrCus' tour at the Dodger stadrum rn Los Angeles, How heavy metal can prlot your hoverbrke/clelrvery van ,, a ., Worth a Shot one band be? between the many nerghbourhoocls of ' ~ Below average Trtan, known collec trveiy as lvlrsplac ed You've been warned

22 Oct '3 Nov l998 THE “ST 127