Edward II Ramshorn 'I'heatre. 98 Ingram Street. 7.3(lpnt. £7 (£3) from 287 55! I. See Thu 5.

Fingerlicks 'l‘lte x\l‘c‘llc‘\. .\lidland Street. 7.30 Pm. £(t l £3l lront 22l «Will. See 'l‘hu

Love Bites I’aisle) Arts ('entre. New Street. 7.30pm. £0 (£2) from 887 MIN). Three eharaeters take an etnotiottal journey across the sexual divide. searching for a relationship at an} cost. The Dyke 8: The Porn Star The :\l'c‘llc‘\. Midland Street. 9.30an £(t t£-ll from 22] Jill”. See Thu 5.

Caberet Sauvignon Ramsliorn ‘l‘lteatre. U8 Ingram Street. I 1pm. £5 t£2.5()i Inn 287 55] I. See Thu 5.


The Gordon's Gallery 34 Albion Street. I Iatn 7pm. liree. See Thu 5. (iuided tout‘x ol' the li\ e (ilihgd) I exhibitions under this one roof take plaee toda) at 2pm attd 3pm.

Pride And Prejudice Stl'tttllc‘l}tle ('haplaine} ('entre. John Street.

l().3(lam 3.30pm. I)r IiIi/aheth Stnart e\antines the cotttt'o\et'\ial topie ol'

ga} and lesbian rights \‘l itltitt the


Majorettes In Space (illingH l-‘ilrn 'l‘heatre. I2 Rttxc Street. 332 8I28. 4pm. £3.25 (£2). See I’ri (t.

Plague 0f Innocence Rttttlsltot‘n 'I‘heatre. U8 lngratn Street. 4pm. £3 (£2) from 287 55I I. .\'oel (ireig'x pla}. \et iii a future \\ here the gm'ernment llttx outlau ed people because oI their se\ttalit_\. is performed h} the West Lothian Youth 'I'heatre. 'l'alk \\ ith (ireig and direetor. .\Iari Binnie. alter this performance.

The Dyke 8: The Porn Star The Arches. Midland Street. 5pm attd ‘).3(lpm. £(t t£4t from 22I Jillll. See Thu 5.

Edward II Ramxltorn 'I‘heatre. 08 Ingrattt Street. 7.30pm. £7 t£3t from 287 55I I. See Thu 5.

Fingerlicks 'l‘lte .v\rehe\. Midland Street. 7.30 pm. £(t t£3t lrom 22] 4001. See 'I'ltn


Ceilidh (iltlsgtm (Ea) ck l.e\hian (’entre. I I I)i.\on Street. 221 7203. 8pm till late £10. .-\utumn eeilidh \\ itlt hull'et attd har promos.

Night Sullied Flesh 'l‘lte .-\l'c‘lle\. .\Iidland Street. 8.30pm. £(t t£3l front

The award-winning author Of. THE CHRONICLES OF THOMAS COVENANT

Returns to fantasy with


22| ~Illlll. I'neompromixing poetr} and monologuex lrom Derek \Ielttekie. \\ ith L‘lltll'dL‘lCl'lSillItlllx ol‘ the AIDS \ ll'll\ ax sass} Southern Belle and Death in a heautil'ul. hlue-e} ed eottager.

Horse: 'Our Lips Shouldn't Touch' 'l'ron Restaurant Bar. ()3 'l‘rottgate. 9pm tdoors open 8pm). £8 (£0) l'rom 552 4267. The ultimate eolleetion of gay songs from Doris Day to Bernstein sung by Ilorxe to piano tlL‘L‘Ulllpilll}lllL‘llI iii the next I} rel'urhixlted restaurant bar.

Divine David I.o\ e Boutique at The :\i'ehe\. Midland Street. I lpttt. 'l'it'ke‘tx £the from 22] Jillll. .\Ittlti-tnedia perl‘ormanee de\ ixed h) eluh icon and \nht erxi\ e lllL‘\\ittll. the hit ine I)a\ id teurrentl} being seen in \i’lt't'l (in/t/nnln' as Jack l‘ait'} l. plus Jon l’leaxed \Vintmin attd 1)] Ro}. See pre\ ieu oppoxllc‘.


The Gordon's Gallery 3-1.r\lltion Street. I lattt 7pm. I-‘ree. See Thu 5. Open l'orunt at l 4pm on (ir'm'mlio/tx ()I S/tttt‘t'. a eotttmunit} -ha\ed photograph} project exploring the ehanging ttatnre ol' lesbian and ga} \paee.

Majorettes In Space (“(18310“ l-‘ilnt 'I'heatre. I2 Rtth Street. 332 8I28. 2pm and 4pm. £3.25 (£2 I. See I‘ri (l.

Plague 0f Innocence Rtlttlxllttl'll 'l‘heatre. 08 lngrant Street. 4pm. £3 t£2t Irom 28" 551 I. See Sat ".

The Dyke 8: The Porn Star The :\t'elte\. Midland Street. 5pm attd 9.30pm. £(t t£4t l'ront 22I Jillll. See Thu 5.

Edward II Rantxhorn Theatre. 08 lttgrattt Street. 7.30pm. £" t£3t I'rotn 28" 55l I. See llltl 5.

Horse: 'Our Lips Shouldn't Touch’ 'l‘ron Rt‘\ltllll';llll Bar. (t3 'l‘rongate. 9pm ltltml‘x open 8pm). £8 t£(tt from 552 420". See Sat 7.

‘If there Is any justice In the world, Donaldson will earn the right to stand shoulder to shoulder with Tolkien' Time Out

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. '098 THE LIST 21