50 Rentield Street. (ll4l 332 34l3. Into and CC htmking: 0870 5050 007. Bar. [D] screens 2. 3 and 4. £4.50 executive seat; £4 standard seats. Student/I i840: £3. Child/(MP: £2.75. l‘amily Iiekel:

U l.


Bladeilx) I231. 315. 0.00. 8.45. AntthCII I2.I5. 2.30. .145. 7.00. 9.l5.

Hope Floatsit’t‘i) 12.50. 5.15. 0.00. 8.45.

Snake EyesiI5) 1.50. 400. 0.50. 9.00.

A Perfect Murder 1 I5) 12 The Truman Show Il’(i1 2. Still Crazy t 15) 12.50. Elizabeth I 15) 3.00. 5.45. There's Something About Mary I I5) 8. I 5.


Blade I I8) Daily: I230. l-‘ri & Sat late: Ronin I 15) Daily: I230. 3. . 0.00. 8.45. Fri ty Sat late: ll.» ' Rounders I 15) Daily: I230. 3.l5. 000. 8.45. Fri & Sat late: ll.45. Antz it’t‘i)

Daily: I.|5. 3. l5. 5.|5. l‘i‘i late: ll.45.

Hope Floats I I’t‘i)

Daily teyeept 'l‘ueI: 0.30. Weekday mat: |.30. There's Something About Mary I 15) Daily: |.30. 8.45

Snake Eyes I I8)

Daily: 4. l5. 0.30.

l'i‘) & Sat late: ll.45.

A Perfect Murdert15)

Daily: 9.00.

Weekday mat: 4.00.

Halloween: H20 I I8)

.30. 8.4.. 45. 5.30.

5.15. 0.00. 3.45. ll.45.

l‘ri & Sat laIe: ll.45. Mulan 111) 8:1th 800 Ittttlx‘. I230. 2.30. 4.30.

Out Of Sight I 15)

Sat late prey ieyy: ll.45.

FRIDAY 27 THURSDAY 3 I Programme likely 10 he \IIIIlliII' 10 the preyimis \yeek. I’limie 0|4I 333 955| I0r details and time\.

New l'ilmx due 10 0pm 00 It) 27:

Out Of Sight I I5)

The Negotiator ( I5)


()I'l' l’aisley Rnad 0pp0site llarry Rttllhtlt‘lhx 0|4l 4l8 0| l l. lItl't) and CC honking: 087‘.) 5050 007. [H]. Il'.]. Standard seats L450 (£3.50 heltn‘e 5pm: L2 helin'e 000)) 1. 8Itideiit/l‘l3-l0: £3. (‘liild/().-\l’: L275. liyeetitiy e seats 100 cuties): L51L~lltel0re 5pm;(‘liiltl.’().-\l’: {325145.110in ticket: Ll l.


Bladeiix) 1,00. 1.15. 030. 9.l5. Antzit’tt) 130. 1.50. 5.30. 7..)0. 9.10. My Name Is Joe115) 2.00. .150. 7.00. 9.30.

Snake Eye5115) 7.15. 930.

Left Luggage115) 2.00. 4 10. 7.00. 9.50.

Hope Floatsd’m 1.00. 5.15. 0.10. 9.l5.

Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas I I8) 1.00. 3.15. 010. 915

Still Crazin5) 12.50. 2.45. 5.00. 7.15. 9.10.

A Perfect Murder I 15) 2,00. 7.00. 9.40.

Primary Color5115) 12.15. 8.45. Elizabeth I 15) 5.15. (100. Halloween H201 l8) 9.45.

Small Soldiersd’m 1.51). 4.00. 0.50.


The Truman Showd’m 12.45. 1.00. 5.15. 7.30.

There's Something About Mary ( 15) 9.00.

42 THE LIST l9 Nov-~3 Dec 1998


My Name Is Joe I 15)

Daily: 2.00. 4.30. 7.00. 9.30. l‘l'l & Sat late: midnight. Ronin I 15)

Daily: I00. 345. 0.30. 9.l5. l'i‘i (k Sat late; midnight. Blade I I8)

Daily: |.()(). 3.45. 0,30 9 l5. l'l'l & Sat late: iititliiiglit Rounders I 15)

Daily: l.00. 3.45. 0.30. 9.l5.

l'Il tk Sat late: itiidmglit.

Dead Man’s Curve 1 15)

Daily: 5.I5. 7.30. 9.15.

\\'eekday mat: I245. 3.00.

lc‘i'i & Sat late: iiiidtiiglit.


Daily: 1.30. x30. 5.30. 7 30. 9.30. Weekday mats: l|.30. I00. 300. 500. l-‘i'i & Sat late: iiiidiiigltt.

Elizabeth I I51

Daily: 0.45.

Weekday mat: l.30.

l‘ri & 8a! late: midnight.

Les Miserables I 12)

Daily': I245. 3.30. 0.l5. 9.00.

Snake Eyes I l8)

Daily: 7.l5. 9.30. Weekday mats: I230. 2.45. l-ri & Sat late: iiiidiiigltt. Small Soldiers ( PG)

Daily: l.30. 4.00. 0.30. The Truman Show (1’0) Daily: I230. 7.l5.

Still Crazy I I5)

Daily: 2.45. 5.00. 930. Hope Floats iI’(})

Daily: l.45. 0.45.

Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas I I8) Daily: 4.I5. 9.l5.

l‘i'i (k 8:11 late: Iiiidiiiglit.

A Perfect Murder I 15)

Daily: 9.30.

Weekday mat: 4.I5.

There's Something About Mary I 15) Daily: 9.00. Mulan 11?)

Sat (y 800 mats: 2.45. 3.15. 4.45. Halloween: H20 I I8) l-‘ri (y Sat late: midnight. Out Of Sight I 15)

Sat late Preyieyy: Iiiidmglit.


ll.l5. I245. I



Pingramnie likely 10 be similar 10 the preyimis yyeek. l’lttme 0|4l 4 IR 0345 I0) tlt‘ltlll\ and times.

New lilms due 10 open 01) Hi 27:

The Negotiator I 15)

If Only I 15)

Out Of Sight t 15)


8limyease l.t‘l.\l|l't‘ l’ark. Langmuir Road. ('ttttlltt'ltlgt‘. (H230 434434. lttlt): 0| 230 438880. (‘(‘ lmukitig: 0l230 438000. ID]. ll-Z]. L425 1L3 below 0010 .\lt)t) l-‘z'i. Iii‘st .\l10\\’ Sat/80)) ty l)0liday\). ('l)ild/(LAP/Student: L3.

IfinSDrWJE Hope Floatsit’ti) 11.45. 2

7.25. 9.50.

TheTruman Showil’tt) 12.05. 2.20. 4.50. 7.20. 9.50.

Snake Eyesi15) 11.55. 2.55. 1.10 7.30. 9.45.

Ant21l’(})ll.l5. I2.I5. I.|5.2.l5 3.l5. 4.I5. 515.015. "I5. \l5. 9.15.

My Name Is JoeiI5) 12.20. 2.50. 5.10. 7.50. 10.00.

The Odd Couple 2115) 1120. 1.55. 4.25. 7.l0. 9.20.

Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels I I8) 740.

Small SOIdiEfSIl’U) 0001). 2 30. 5.00. LethaIWeapon4115) 9.55. 12.15. Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas 1 I81 II.35. 2.10. 5.05. 7.35. 1005.

A Perfect Murdert 15) 2.45. 925. Still Crazyil5) 12.10. 5.05. 7.10

Bladeiix) 11.50. 2.30. -150. 7.20. 9.50.

The Exorcistitx) 11.10. 2.15. 1.15. 7.50. 10.05.

Halloween H201l8) 1010.

There's Something About Mary I I5) ll.45. 2.10. 4.35. 7.00. 9.35. Mulantt') 11001). 2.00. 4.00. 0.00. Saving Private Ryan I 15) 8.00


Les Miserables I 12)

Daily: II.00. I40. 420. 7. l‘t‘i (k Sat late: I230.

The Truman Show tl’(i1 Daily: I205. 220. 4.45. 7.25. 9.. H) t\' Sat late: I I40. Rounders I 15)

Daily: l|.30. 2.05. 435. l‘l'l A‘ 8:11 late: l2. l0 Antz«1’(i)

Daily: ll l5. I.|5. 3I5 5 l5 '7 l5. 9.l5.

l‘ll 0’ Sat late: ll.l5.

My Name lsJoe115)

Daily' 12.20. 2.50. 5.10. “50 1000. l‘il'l (k Sat late: I220.

Snake Eyes I 131

Daily: ll 55. 235. 4.40. 7.40. 9.45.

l'fl'l & Sat late: I I50. Small Soldiers ll’(i1 Daily: 000)). 2.30. 5.00.

I The Exorcisttlh‘) 0.111}: 7.30. 10.05.

liri 0' Sat late: I230.

Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas t 18) Daily; 11.35. 4.15. 7.25.

Thursdayi I81

Daily: 2l0. l0.l0.

l‘i'i Ly Sat late: l2. l0

A Perfect Murder 1 15)

Daily“ 2.45. 9.25. H) ty Sat late: ll.45.

. Still Crazy t 15)

.51 .5 The Odd Couple 2115)

Daily: I215. 5.05. 7.05. Hope Floats it’ti) Daily: 2.25. 4.55 l‘i‘i tk 8a! late: l2


Daily: I2.I0.

Ronin ( 15)

Daily: II.20. I00. 425. l'i'i 8' Sat late: I205. Blade I I8)

Daily: ll.50. 2.20. 4. l‘ll k 8:11 late: I220.

There's Something About Mary I 15) Daily: ll.45. 2.I5. 4.35. 700. 9.35.

7. H). 9.40.

50. 7.20. 9.50.

l'I'I t\' Sat late: ll.55. Mulan 11') Daily: 000)). 2.00. 4.00. 0.00.

Saving Private Ryan I 15) Daily; 8.00.

l-i'i t\' Sat late: ll. ERIDAY 27 THURSDAY 3

l’mgramme likely 10 be similar 10 the l)i'e\'i0ti\ \yeek. l’lmtte 0l230 438880 tor


details and times.


; ('lyde Regional (’eiitre. ('lydehaiik. 0l4l


Antzd’U) 0.40. 7.30. 8.50.

95l l949. l11lt>10|4l ‘)5l 2022. (‘C‘ Imukmg: 0990 888 990. [D]. £4.05

1‘; 3,25 hel'm'e 5pm). ('liild/():\l’: £2.95. 8ttitle01/l'lt40: {3.2515100 'l‘liti).

.LljiiliiflrL I 9

My Name Is Joe I 15) 12.50. 5.40. 0.25. 905. Hope HoaLSIl’Ul 12.20. 3.00. 5.40.

3.10. Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas I I8) 12.30. 5.20. (I. 10. 9.00. Saving Private Ryan I )5) 9.10.

5 Something About Mary 1 15) 8.30.

The Truman Show ll’(i1 5.50. (1.00.

. Still Crazyil5) 9.50.

Halloween H201l8) 9.40. Bladetl8) 1.30. .105. 0.15. 9,20. Snake Eyes<l5) 2.20. 4.10. 7.10.


Small Soldiers (1% I)

l.25. 4.20. 7.20. I00. 2|0. 3

.l0. 4.30. 5.30.