do“ n :u‘eat. lined \\ ith pluntx and mirrorx ztnd erummed with tnhlex tor xumpling the menu and goxxiping o\ er :1 gluxx of

\\ ine. l)o\\nxt;iirx. meunuhile. ix a dark. eluhh) :u'ezi \\ ith :1 \ugue air of the xtudent union about it. With li\ e l)Jx

xe\ en nightx u \xeek. u xezittering ot tuhlex and u tixh tunk eeeentriezill} perched m er the hur. the huxement ix more ol :1 part} \enue thut :ittruetx the quirkier hull ot \egoeiuntx' clientele.

Outhouse 12;: Broughton Street Lune. 557 (i608. .\lon Sun noon lum.

'l‘ueked ;t\\;t) doun :1 dark. little ztlle) in the Broughton Street purl} /one. the ()utliouxe ix ;1 hoxpittihle place to xhgu‘e u piteher or doxx n u ten xhooterx in the eompun) ot triendx. With xot‘t lighting. hure xtone \HtllS and un uhundunee ot polixhed \wod. it'x u relaxed \enue tor gathering together. purtieulnrl} around the emeted hig. lo“ tuhle in the \\ indou \\ ith the eomt} xequ :md plent} ol xpziee to xpt‘zm l. t'pxtuirx ix :1 xeeond hur. full of )titiiigxterx hopping mm} or ehutting eurnextl}. thut rexemhlex nothing xo mueh :ix u hig t'riendl} pzu‘t} in xomehod} 'x tittie.

Hap/n Hour: I'i'n/m 5 7pm.

PO Na Na 47 l'il'L‘tlL'lilL‘h Street. 326 3324. Salt 'l‘hu 8pm Run; l‘ri (ipm 3am.

:\ xtrunge h} hrid xomexx here hetueen t1 eluh and :1 hair. l’o .\';i .\';i ix :1 eonxixtentl} populur eit} eentre \enue tor it lull-on night on the [tint]. Suzirnung \\ ith L‘\L‘tt;tl‘lc gt’ttttpx ()ttt tit] the pull tit’jttxl looking t'or u xerioux purl}. it’x it unernotix \enue full of m_\ xterioux nookx und ;tleo\ ex lending to u cheer} huelx‘room dixeo. l)exigned on :i Middle lizixtern lllL‘lllL‘ illltl tlt‘cm'uletl \\ tllt ltL‘tltitttxltL‘ uhundon. l’o .\';i .\';i ix dzu‘lt. tent—like and e\otie \\ ith u head} utmoxphere ol’ holidu} eluhhing thut'x eletu'l} in demand ;1x the nightx tlt'tt“ in.

Hap/n lmur: I’rirlm 5 7pm. . Traverse Bar Cafe It) (‘umhndge Street. 333 5383. .\lon lttfitlum llpm’.

'l‘ue 'l‘hu lttfittuni midnight; l‘ri/Sut ltlfittum lum; Sun 0.30pm midnight ()ne ot the tirxt hurx in lidinhurgh to make good uxe ol e\poxed piping. th} étlltltllltlltttl. :t eool xeleetton ot' eolourx und :in e\p;mxe ot polixhed t'loorhourdx.

style bar special

/ A3 ,,r'/,.P\t t fl.\x‘ [,1]-.- t 7 -, g i I ; r. v _ / l / x '~ -" —~-<"' .l m‘ x._V--/) e, A

-,': 1x; tlt’ lir—


the 'l'rgixerxe hur remuinx u magnet for an

intriguing mix of xoher-xuited

pt'ttlt‘SStthttlS. muture theatre-goerx and i, _, xtuhhled :ind drezidloeked gut} t_\ pex. 'l‘he ifii' genei‘oux xpziee ix exploited to the lull. \\ ith tt\}ttltthIt’tC&tl xot‘ux. minimulixt hur xtoolx und no-nonxenxe tuhlex und ehuirx J. ,1: i . xzttixl} ing the needx ot the \uried clientele. On Mon 7 Dee. the hut l1t)\l\ the lzixt Mondzi) l.i/;u'd ot the )L‘itl'. u glorioux jumhle ol li\ e muxie und rezidingx pertiortned among the crowd. .Sillt't‘litl/ (Wen: \/m1\ of ii'liixki. rum. lmurlmn um/ tequila for [/5 bull/M of Stella .-lI'I(Ii\ fur £7.50. Uluru l.“ l.othiun Roud. 328 5-107. Mon 'l‘hu lttzun midnight; Fri/Stu

lttum lzun; Sun l2..‘~()pm midnight. \Vith itx bright )L‘lltM \xttllx. itx huxie uooden tittingx und itx Ahorigonul murulx. l'luru doex itx hext to trunxport itx chill) euxtomerx to the heat and duxt oi the .-\uxtr;ili;in outhuek. ('utering tor the odd mix ot punterx thut xpillx in prett} ;’ mueh at random trom the xeething muxxex ol' l.othi;in Road. l'luru'x .-\horigin;t| theme extendx to :m uuthentie eorruguted iron root hut de\ litlL‘\ ti little to tillou ti xonte“ hut lexx uuthentie l't‘uit muehine to le‘L‘P the ludx hupp). \Veleome

tor itx xheer _\ello\\ nexx in the gt‘e} depthx ot' \\ inter. l'luru ix hund} xtopping-ot‘t' point on the Suturdu) night drinking truil.

Hap/ii [Intuit/(11h 5 7pm. :l/w.’ Inn Inn Q/(ISH'X (If their IIIIHH' H'I'Iu’ (IIN/ ut'l l/It' ‘- I‘t'xl HI l/It' [mil/v fl't't'.

The Watershed 48 St Stephen Street. . 33“ 3774. Mon Sun lttum lum. i()pen till 3.30am during the t'exti\ e xeuxoii.) i .\ eompziet puir ot’ tert‘zteottzi and 6' ttlt‘quoixe roomx in the heart ot’

Slttclxltt'ttlg‘t‘. lltt‘ \Vttlt‘t'SltL‘tl ix :1 ltt'lg‘ltl.

|i\el_\. undemunding \enue tliut'x ux good tor li\ ing it up ux it ix tor \xinding domt. [.uid liuek loeulx ruh eurdigauireltul xhoulderx \\ ith leopurdxkin hlondex und I'uueoux xtudentx. e\perimenting \\ ith the regultu‘ drinkx promotionx and the udwnturoux piteher lixt. All thix to un eux} xoundtrztelx ot 'l'he [,ighthouxe l‘nniil}. \Vurren (i. .-\hh;i and the like. ‘1 pro\ iding 3t t'rexh ulternutn e to the more truditionul puhx round uhout,

)‘ 1/ Der l998 THE llST135