
Krng Crty Lersure have Jorned forces With One Devonshrre Gardens and The Lrst to offer a nrght for two

enroyrng some of the best that Glasgow has‘ to offer. You and a very lucky frrend wrll start your evenrng wrth a meal and wme rn Cafe latte. Once you are ready to party the nrght away, where better to do rt rn the gorgeous (lub Arc haos on Queen Street7 You wrll recerve VIP entry to SKYBAR and the club Enjoy one of the loudest sound-systems and best lrght shows rn Scotland as you boogre ‘trl you Just can’t boogre no more. Once you decrde to (all rt a

nrght, head back to your room at One Devonshrre Gardens, one of S(otland's most luxur‘rous hotels

To be rn the runnrng to wm thrs great nrght out, Just tell us what a (ale latte rs.

Answers on a postcard by Thu 17 Der to

The List, 14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE.


up wrll wm a (opy of the game.

e Smirnoff

When else but Chrrstmas do you frnd yourself havrng a few too many drrnks and playrng Scrabble wrth your mates? We've all been there, so, rn our understandrng, we are offer‘rng a (rate of Smrr'noff and a garrre of Scrabble to one lucky reader Three runners up wrll wrn a bottle of Smrrnofl and a game of S( rabble All you've got to do rs look at the Scrabble board, rrght, and thrnk of the best words to read through the bottle Hrnt Look out for the new Smrrnofl advertrsrng (ampargn When you reckon you've (rac ked rt, srrnply lrll rn the letters ‘two words 5,4r Answers on a postcard by Thu 17 De( to The List, 14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE.

R U L E Only one entry per person per competition. If you are entering more than one competition, you need

use only one envelope, but please make sure that your name, address and voucher are attached to EACH entry. Competitions are open to all UK residents (over the age of 18 in alcohol-related offers). No responsibility can be accepted by The List for prizes which cannot be obtained due to unforeseen circumstances. To obtain a list of winners, please send a SAE to The List Competition Winners, stating which issue(s) results you require.

Cut out competition vouchers below and attach to answer. Entry invalid without relevant voucher V

tiger/rs...“ PLAYSTATION

GA new COLONY WARS cm: um

smmrorr SCRABBLE

Playstation and Colony Wars

The latest game to hrt your PlayStatron from Psygnosrs rs Co/ony Wars. Vengmnc‘e, the new hrglr resolutron 30 space (ombat epr< We revrew rt on page 122 sayrng that ‘the battle scenes are sumptuous, the starfrghter handlrrrg rs smooth and the game play rs d(l(ll( me lo wm a (opy of the brand new game and a PlayStatron (onsole, Just tell us the name of the ( harac ter' you play Hrnt. page 12?. may come rn handy Three runners

Answers on a post<ard by lhu 17 De( to The List, 14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE.

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136THE [IST 3 1/ Der l998 Pvrrttett :31. Srottsn ('otuztj Press, S"e".'.eet: rr‘tl..s‘.'ra Estate, Be""‘.: gt}, '.'.'(‘l|ot'rra"_ ’e : Oi Si 003 2.101.