THEATRE listings



l)lltltll!l‘.’ll'l! Road West. l-dinl‘tirgh. 'litckcts from 553 .‘IS‘ I.

Dick Whittington \y't-tl U Sat I: Dec. Tiltpitt Ili.ll Sat 2 ~‘llpni.l’tices to be coiitiiniwl Traditional pantoiiiiitie lroin local .tii‘..iI.-iii company llolyi'ootl l)i‘aiii.t (iiottp. based on the story of the _\'()llll" .;;.i\.~.i (-i I otitloii and his cat.


2 l.L“. i‘I \I!.'.‘I. 5...“) (Tilllll. l.-\CCC\\I R. l I- . Eliiit‘\. ‘i\(‘. IR. (3. (I Help: A. A -\]_ Ii. .; fuss : t: Iiili. Rt-tI System for the I‘..t:\i it. .2.‘.t!!:'!“‘ .txailablt' front front

ol Imus; ': .t!s.i_.'t-i

Aladdin ‘\.:t 5 In. Sun I“ Ian. times vary to L? 1 5l‘ (totic .i\..i;I.:bIei. A big. Ia\ iin }':1!'..'!.".tll of .i natiitional panto. stalling ( l-"‘.lill Ix’cily. \ilaii Steyyait. Um :-I l\,".',t»'.li .ii‘..! «llllt‘l niaioi‘ names.

. NETHERBOW—AnTi‘i-CENTRE . 43 Hiin Street. 556 957‘). [Access: ST.

R. l.. Facilities: WC. WS. H. G. C. Help: A. AA]

Bring Back Christmas! Mott t4-‘l‘tte 22 Dec: Mon 14 iii IS. 7.30pm; Sat l‘). l0.30aiii. 2.30pm k 7.30pm; Sun 20. 730me Mon 2| s Tue 22. 2.30pm & 7.30pm. £5 (£3.50). The Scottish Actors Initiative stage Iidinburgh witer Nick I)avies\ tale of a young girl who accidently cancels Christmas. Can she \a\ e Christmas with the help of a time- iiiachine. a giant Iiatiister atid a mad uncle‘.’

PLAYHOUSE THEATRE (iI'L‘L‘IISlth Place. 557 2500. [Access: R. l.. Facilities: \\'(‘. WS. (3. C]

Les Miserables t‘ntit Sat 13 Dec. 7.30me Wed & Sat mats 2.30pm.

£7.50 £29.50. ('all for details of various concessions. (‘aiiieron Mackintosh's

lay l\ll iiitisical. based on the novel by \"ictor lltigo. in \y hich a paroled prisoner


Arches Box Office 0141 221 4001

The Mothers

Tripod Thatre Company

Unleashed Trilogy

Tue 8—Sot 12 Dec 7.30pm $26.50/$33.50

iree gloss oi wine at 7.30pm show starts 8pm

"possess the rare on-sloge gift of being highly like-able” The Herald

reinvents himself as a pillar of society. and becomes involved in a civil uprising iii Paris. Fantastic staging. but somewhat lacking in dramatic passion.


The Pleasance. 556 6550.

Dance With Me Hi 4—Sat 6 Dec. 8pm. £4.50 (£3.50). Following their successful ()t-t'rlirt'u' Am] S/mit'i/ig (21/ show at the Fringe this year. local company Who l.a Hoof present a new piece which follows a group of twenty- somethings into the Yorkshire Dales. lixpect surreal and dark humour

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE Grindlay Street. 248 4848. 'lT. lAccess: P. l.. Facilities: WC. WS. H. (i. C. T Help: A. AA]. Closed Suits & Mons. The Snow Queen Fri 4 l)ec---Sat 9 Jan. times vary. £S~£ I 5 (concs available). The Royal Lyceum's Christmas show is Stuart Paterson's hugely successful take

on the Harts Christian Anderson tale

about the Snow Queen who threatens to smash the ev il mirror and bring winter on form 61‘.


ll) ()t'weII Terrace. 346 I405. The Green Snake Until Fri 4 Dec. £7 (£5). The Mask Sttidio update (ioethe‘s alchemic fairy tale using masks. puppetry. original music and choral speaking.

The Dancing Princesses Sat I2 [)ec. 2pm. £2 (£I ). See Kids listings. page ()4.


ll Bellissimo Silenzio (The Beautiful Silence) Until Thti 24 Dec. times vary; some performances are open to schools only. £6.50 (£4). Theatre Workshop's Christtiias show draws on the traditions of commedia dell'arte. the early European theatre which is strong iii storytelling. knockabottt humour and

; stock characters.


Cambridge Street. 228 I404. lAccess: l.. Facilities: WC. W8. II. (T. C]

Difficult People Traverse 2. Wed 9—‘Sun I3 I)ec. 7.30pm. £7 (£3.50). Written by Israeli playwright Yosef Bar-Yosef. this production by Theatre Flux is the first British outing for an intelligent. 25-year- old comedy centring on four characters living in London. Set during a single evening. the play provides an insight into both British and Israeli cultures.

} The Happy Gang's Castle 0f

Adventure Thu 3-~Sat I2 Dec (no perf on Mon 7 Dec). I030am & I.30pm; Sat & Stilt mats Ipm a 4pm. £4.50 (£3.50); family ticket £ 16. See Kids listings. page ()4.


CUMBERNAULD THEATRE Kildrtim. Ctiiiibernauld. 0l236 32S87. 'l'l‘. [Accessz I’I’A. l.. ST. R. Facilities:

WC. WS. H. (Li. C. Help: A. AA] ; Cinderella: The True Story Until Sat 26 I)ec. £6.75 (£4.75). Cumberimuld‘s

Dales of |aughtertho La Hoof in Dance With Me at the Pleasance, Edinburgh i


GLASGOW Theatre Royal 30 Dec - 9 Jan Cinderella & La Fille ma/ garde’e Tickets from £3.50 Box Office 0141 332 9000

.present a sumptuous production ofCinderclla and theirfun-filled La Fille ma] gardée, ‘the best Christmas bullet in Britain'

The Daily Telegraph

. . .you skall go

EDINBURGH Festival Theatre 15-24 Dec Cinderella & La Fille ma/ gardée Tickets from £4.50 Box Office 0131 529 6000

74 THE LIST 2 ' ‘. 43;».