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WINNING: THE DESIGN OF SPORTS. The impact design has made in sport, a dominant 2 element of the 905. The McLellan Galleries 9 January 5 April.


Surveying the entire span of Wright’s career: architecture, graphic design, furniture and the decorative arts. Kelvingrove Art Gallery 19 February 11 April.

VERTIGO: The Strange New World of The Contemporary City. The buildings that are shaping the city of tomorrow, today. The Old Fruitmarket 26 February 16 May.

FOOD: DESIGN & CULTURE. It's packaging, presentation and place in historic and contemporary culture. Kelvingrove Art Gallery 8 May 22 August.

MIES VAN DER ROI-IE: Architecture and Design in Stuttgart, Barcelona, Brno. Internationalist, uncompromisingly Modernist, Mies van der Rohe at the height of his powers. The Burrell Collection 14 May 29 August.

Glasgow 1999 UK City of Architecture and Design.

Arguably the best thing that’s ever happened in Glasgow. BROCHURE: 0141 287 199exam-9swam9w.9k

And when they danced, little did they know

they were making an exhibition of themselves.

Country Dance (1941) by John Maxwell

Jaxwll 1905 - 62

That’s hardly surprising. Many of Maxwell‘s paintings didn’t survive his own highly critical eye. Fortunately half of those that did survive, 100 in all, are on display from QISt November until 14th February 1999. So swing by and enjoy a country

dance that hasn’t seen the light of day for over 30 years.


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