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STAR RATINGS lJ'W‘issat) t‘ It“; tl(;()fl a s":;'. Be or. (i.("(i(}(’ Y<i_;'.(= two." Jamaal:


events SATURDAY 9


Scottish Fiction Discussion Group lint'dc‘h Hunks. \lllxlc‘ :\lttl ('ui'c‘. 23,3 Buchanan Street. 232 7"()ll, ll.3llain. 'l‘hc group tll\c‘l|\\ lain Bankx' (mull/mm.

Contemporary Fiction Discussion Group Bol'dc‘i'x Books. Music :\nd (.alc. LS3 Buchanan Street. 222 "."(llt I3.3(lpin. (‘harlcx l‘ra/icr's ('o/r/ .llounlum is the hook under tll\c‘ll\\lttll.


Evelyn Hood and Margaret Thomson Davis littl'tlc‘l'S litNikS. .\lll\lc‘ .-\lltl (‘tll'cfi 383 Buchanan Street. 333 “till. 3pm. .\ \‘llilllc'L‘ [U Ittc‘c‘l SL'Ullillltl.\ lX'Sl \L‘lllllg' romantic liclion no\ L'll\l\ o\cr allcrnoon tea and scones.

Star Trek Evening l)lllull\. 1‘4 .v\rg_\|c Strcct. I-lS JSll " ‘lpni. l’or thoxc 'l‘rckkic fans out thcrc. a cclchration oi ninth Start 'Irck Ino\ ic Slur Int.- Imurrn’tl'on \\ ith a mile quil. \ idcos and a lanc} dress competition.

Sauchiehall Street Reading Group \Vaterxtonc's. I53 15" Sauchrchall ~Sll'c'c‘l. l‘ittl' lttitl‘c‘ le'lilll\ call 'l'c‘\\;t

Bow lcr on 333 ‘lllli 7.30pm. The group discuss lain l’cars‘ coniplc\ llll'lllL‘l'.\Il lmnun'c 0/ Nu [Vilma/uni.


David McCrone, Lindsay Patterson and Alice Brown \Vatcrstonc‘s. IIS Princes Street. 330 20M». "pin. The lidinhurgh l‘nncrxit} lecturers talk ahout their collalmratixc hook on the Scottish people. Swim/i l'./('i’lnl'rllr‘ i.\lacnullan

L' l 5.0%.

Emma Wood .lanicx "Him. 53 5‘) South Bridge. 550 (3713. “pm, .lutll'llalhl linuna \Vood talks ahoul her new hook \"ulr'x I‘lnm I'ln' Non/i i|.uath l’rcss LSD”).

m Edinburgh

Professor Marilyn Butler ()Id (‘oIIc-gc. Lecture Hall IRS. l'nncrxit} ol ladinhurgh. South Bridge. 5.15pm. l’rolcxxor .\laril_\ n Butler gncx a lccltu'c c'llllllc‘tl .S/tlrw. (in/(w .illr/

('nnmumn (II/on Hit/i I‘ln' l',II('Il1\.' li’lmkx .\\ III/('HIL't'Ili c /)IlI'IIlL' '/'/n' I'rc/n Ii I\’r'iu/uImm/r\ ill/n.

Dr Alistair Dobbin .lanicx 'l‘lun. 53 5‘) South Bridge. 556 (i713. "pin. The local (il’ talks ahout lll\ new \cll' hpr tapc I‘ll/HA )‘onru'lt 'l'lmi il’oxitn c RC\\ard\ [I 1.5m.

LN. \Vttlc‘l‘flitllc'x l3 l-l l’t'lltc‘c‘\ Strccl. 55h 3031. "pm. 'l'hc author talks and \l:_‘ll\ c‘UPlL‘S ol lll\ new hook illlUl/lt'l' li’uuk In li’um iBootlcg l.



Roddy Martine lit-sond \\ord\ Bookshop, 42 ~14 ('ockhurn Strcct. 320 hh3h. ".3llpni. .lttlll'lltllhl and author Rodd} \iartinc launches lll\ new hook on the lllt‘ ol Scottish \ocicl} photographer Brodrlck llaldanc. linn' lit/unlll'r'.‘ I‘llr' /.I/r' ()t Ii'I'm/rnk [lull/um: l’linlugm/i/n r |.'\l'c';ltll;l [13.0%.


Performance Poetry “which Bonkx .\lu\ic .v\nd ('alc. 3S3 Buchanan Slrcct. “2 “'llll. "pin. l’crlorinancc pocl Rohcrl Kno\ hosts llll\ regular pocu) cwnrng

w ith opcn \polx.



Alison Fell and Michele Roberts \Valcrstonc‘x. |53 157 Sauchichall Sil‘c‘c‘l. 333 0105. Tllltt. l'il'L‘C. .'\\\ill'tl* winning Scottish poet. short \tot'} writcr

Bernard MacLaverty: class master

and ItU\c‘ll\l .'\ll\ttll l‘cll launches her new hook ’l'ln' .lliw‘cu ()l [.l/II/llll i[)ouhlcda_\ USU”). She \\lll hc ioincd h} the \llttl'llhlc‘tl Bookcr l’ri/c author. Michele Rohcrtx who I‘c;td\ lroni her new no\ cl l-inr [iii/mum ll.llllL'. Brown

S l 5‘)” to Sec [H'L‘\ lc‘\\.

BOOKS Edinburgh

Joseph O'Connor \Vaieixionc'x. I38 Princes Street. 22o Zhhh. "pin. ()'(‘onnor rcadx lroin lll\ latcxl no\cl 'I‘ln' Sir/union (\llllltlgc‘ {5})” t. Sc‘c‘ l'L‘\ lc‘\\.



John Cale \Vatci‘stonc‘x. 153 15" Sauchichall Strcct. 333 ‘llllF. l 3pm. This Icgcndar} lllll\lc‘l;tll and rounder rncinhcr of The \'cl\ct l‘ndcrground signs copies oi lll\ autohiograph) ll'lml '\ llr'/\/I l’ttl' /<'tl llilnutlhltlll'} [Ill/Stic‘c‘ltll lidition L’3lli.


Charles Palliser .lanicx ‘l‘hm. 53 5‘) South Bridge. 550 0743. 7pm. The acclaimed author of 'I‘ln' Quincuni reads from his new Ito\ cl 'I‘ln’ ('n/mriu/ ll’hocni\ llousc [HHNL



Charles Palliser \\atct'\lonc\. 153 IS.“ Sauchichall Street. 333 ‘llllS. ."pin. l‘rcc. SL‘L‘ “Cd 3”.

Edinburgh _

Antonia Swinson .laittcs 'l‘hin. 53 W South Bridge. 5% (F43. 7pm. The Scot/um! ()n Sum/m columnist launches her new tio\ cl 'I‘lu' (DIM/m ' Iii/c l lloddct‘ X l (HM l.

The Macallan/Scotland On Sunday Masterclass with Bernard MacLaverty \\';itci‘\toiic\. IDS l’rinccs Sil'c‘c'l. :20 3000, “pm. [lit c‘c‘lc‘l‘l'ulc‘ lllc‘ launch ol' illl\ _\car\ \lacallan/S'l*oi/um/ ()H Milli/rm \llnl'l \litl'} L'Hltlpc'lllinll. Bernard \lacl.axcr‘t). “littxc' llltisl rcccnt hook (irtuc .Vutm wax shortlisted l'oi' laxt _\L‘;tl"\ littttkc‘l‘ l’l'l/L‘. Ullc‘h help and

ad\ ice on thc art ot' short \lol') writing.



Participate in 1999 @ Borders with our diverse range of free discussion and writing groups.

Scottish Fiction Discussion Group

lain Bankx‘ tio\ cl ('oniplicit} is under the spotlight on Sat 9th .lanuar).

l 1.30am.

Contemporary Fiction Discussion Group

l"ocu\\ing on (‘harlcx l‘ra/icrs' ('old Mountain on Sat 9th .Ianuar). I2.3(lpm

Crcati vc ll 'ri ti n g Class

Sign up l'oi' li'cc crcatnc writing \‘l;l\\c‘\ hcginning Wed 13th .Ianuar). (v.3(lpm .Scicncc I‘IL'IIUII Britmg (lroup

.«\ l‘ortnighll) \cicncc liction writers. workshop l‘or pcoplc or all |c\c|\ ol~ skill - puhlishcd or unpuhlixhcd. l‘irxt meeting 'l'hursda) 14th .lanuar). 8pm.

I’ 'r/ormancc Poetry

.loin c\pcricnccd pcrl‘orinancc poct. Rohcrl Knox as he hush Bordcrx‘ regular poclr} cwning on Sunda) l7th .lanuar). 8pm. For more information contact Gillian or Simon at Borders Books Music (‘ai‘e 98 Buchanan Street Glasgow (:1 3B.-\ (ll-ll 222


‘wiw THE LIST 85