'In 1999 you \.'."Ill see 'a lot of partial (.url and texture, the 60s to 80s \.‘.'lll he hit on again 'lhere's not been any perrninq for ten years htit it \.‘.’lll (ome hark With little root perms and woody, unronner ted erlqes,’ says leinh Fernuson Ferguson and Derek Farquharson opened DLC in 1991 Their team of seven reroonise the need for both commercial and ultra-fashionahle stylino Photographer Alistair Smith, Hair and stvtino Derek lartinini'so'i, Make up: Elaine Campbell, Model Sarah lownrles



The List combs Glasgow and Edinburgh for the cities’ best salons.


Alan Edwards in SR Wilson Street. “I 'l-llk‘ llt'tilgt‘gtllt‘. 53/.Sl 5l

()\ er the }eai\ s\lan litluarils has had its lair share o1 auai'ils. ineliitling: winning: the l,'( )i‘eal (‘oloui' 'l‘roph}. Seotiish hairdressing: a\\ai‘ils anil (‘osmopolitan

.Sl} lk' :\\\;ll‘il, l.oeatetl In lltt‘ ll'L‘ltil) \lerehaiit ('it_\. the tuo salons are a hit \\lll1 _\tHlllf._‘.1111;lj_'L'\‘tt11\\‘lHll\pl‘itlt‘\\lttll;ll\.(.lll and Non tli'} priees range ti'oin

£30511 L113 511 and stutleiits get a flat rate {15 eut on \lonila} s and \\etlnestla} s. 'l'he} lia\ e reeentl} introtlueeil iniln iilual prices tor eolotir. so _\ott are ehargetl «lepeniluig on )ottt' hair length Opening: hours: Wilson Street. .\lon Sat Want 5. l 5pm. Stilt

11131) lillpm lii‘iilgegate. .\lon l‘i'i

“am 5.15 1111.

Beti Reil y 751lathStreet.3i3 (iii/‘31 IJI lo

lleti Reill} has heen cutting: hair in the cit} eentre lor o\ er -lll _\e;irs. huililing an e\eellent reputation. ‘l‘his large. st_\ lish salon has si\teen st} lists and a heatitieian The) specialise in colour eori‘eetion. so ll _\ou tor someone elsei mess up )ottt‘ hau'ilo and pink isn't the eoloui l'or }oti alter all. then lieu Reill) “I” \\a\ e their magie \xanil o\ er _\otu' eoillui'e ilisasters. Input to pa} t; ‘5 lot a cut and hloii tlr}. ()pening hours: Mon lllam 5 illpm; 'l‘ue \Veil 1) illam (\pm; Thu 9 illam .Spm; l‘ri ‘lam (\pm; Sat ‘lain 5pm

Biba Hair ISI Saueluehall Street. “I l‘)(i5 [heated ahme (ii'eggs on Sauehiehall Street. )oii l'eel like _\our \ isiting a l'rientl's t'lat \\ hen entering the elose to get to this seeontl l'liioi‘ salon. Rim h} .'\ll\lt';lll;l11\. the atmosphere is laid haek and unpretentious. perl'eet tor ealming those pi'e haireut iiei'\ es. Biha is open late e\ei‘} ila} e\eept Suntla}. and the} “I” sta} open to lit )ou 111 ll. necessary .\ haste etit eosts DI and. il' )ou'\ e e\ ei' laneieil ili'eatlloeks or plans. the} ehai‘ge trill [13“. Opening hours: Mon Sat

111 :m Rpm; Sun noon (ipm. Christopher Bond Hair Design (is: (neat Western Road. 53-1 I500; HQ: (it't‘al \Vc‘slet'n Rtmtl. 05“ l5.\'(\.

The No salons are situateil in the West l-Znil \\1ll1 the smaller outlet in .'\lllllk‘\l;llltl “here there are No st} lists and the prices are a hit eheapei'. .\ eut and hlou tlr) is {1151) 111.'\111]IL‘\l;l11tl eompareil to {I700 ;II lltt‘ itllit‘l' salt)” The lilk'llkll}. et‘eatne team atti'aet elients ol all ages and are popular \\lll1 an art} ero\\tl and BBC stall. The} sometimes ha\ e Ullt‘l'\ on ltllellllells and perms. so keep _\oui' e_\es peeleil, ()penmg hours: Mon Sat

9am (\13111, (is: (ii'eat Western Road.

‘l'hu l‘ri 9am "pm; Sun llam (ipm. Claire Frances ZN Woodlands Ro;itl.-1H(t Jun:

Run h) some ol the e\ Rita Rusk ere\\ \xho h.i\ e ileeuleil to go it alone iiust like then _\aehts\\oman naitiesaket. this ne\\ salon opened in \Vooillanils Roail last summei and has proud to he immensel} popular \\lll1 a \at'tel} ol clientele :\ cut and Non tlt‘} eitsls (:5 ant! sltlilt‘ltls get lll'r iliseount .\lou \Veil ()n \Vetlnesila) e\eiiin§_'s. _\ou ean get a model eut tor {Ill The) also stock l’aul \litehell hair pi‘oiluets ()penin}: hours .\lon \\eil .k l'l'l ‘lam ppm. 'l'hi: ‘lam .Spm; Sat ‘lam 5pm

Daniel (\l (.l’t‘\\\\L‘ll Sll't‘i'l. 5“" “53“ The lirst salon to open in (ilasggou {hill}: organie. mineral and en\ ii‘onment li'ienill} pi'oiluets. testetl oul} on humans. Hamel l-ieltl piitle themsel\es on pi'oteetmg: hoth sour hair and the

en\ ironment. lining: in \\lll1 the ‘ei‘eeii‘ theme. there's also a heaut} therap) and spa. so neat _\out‘sell to a hit ol pampering aiitl i'elie\ e those post (‘hiistmas hlues \ em and linisli stai'ts l'i‘om (7S 511 loi‘ “omen and l; l 5 tot men ()penin): hour's lite \Veil ‘lam (rpm. l'hti ‘lam qpl]1.l'l| lllam (\pm. Sat ‘lam 5pm,

“1"” THE lIST 87