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..'(z ANN. has s(>:(l a". (‘X(("\,\ 0‘ ic- <:“ '."(" n.3, "Hit: in t" a: " (-5- -1{}(},()C{) (whim l" s Brit sh "Please l)(i‘(i"((‘ l?("..'.-Z‘-:\-." °_(i('. (x. (3"fl (“1.0" wows Tili“u"".(‘% l) 2 o" 13 mm: ,<>.. f"i> "(1‘s 0* a: (:m fl {101’ :7..s'_-;=' smavsx (1.3"-

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'l‘..‘>. \(ll) ."'L' '(J. .().. 't‘ 1': (3" i? .""' ‘>l)(3' ., l)... The Legend ZeIda: Link's Awakening

l) .'-;=<:s<>"‘-;‘«. 't'i‘mt' t(' 'K .t .' i u < : (i '2 .

> z‘ )‘ r12 m I: , .z > ' ' :' : "" - - U i f I ' ' " Those Nintendo bods are no strangers to phenomenal success. Their .."i‘ii'{<i()t‘-‘>'..(‘1)ix'.~'ii"(f’;i, ‘.'ws::(a"‘-;> ‘>'.(' "<: ‘0 :>'<::"‘-' *<><:',::z: "sfmt: PR

~ "‘ GoldenEye and Zelda: Ocarina Of Time games for the N64 are just two Dodgem Arena blockbusting titles among a formidable back catalogue. But those retail triumphs are as nothing compared to the portable Game Boy console,

:tv'sztmt .<> 1014(4)? (:w "z: t"-:. ("‘1 (BECK Hi”) {44-99

i which has notched up an astonishing 63 million sales worldwide since its >' ’1 A \ v ' ' HES ) ‘k‘ < i W f" I WW?“ > <""'1?~-"“ low-key launch in 1989 and was continually namechecked in Alex Garland's ' :v . (l\.3_t"'1 "(tin-z; ."(73-4' .r:::<::: :7' ."-;'\z'k'*7“ cult novel The Beach. <>" (1')( '\'.().<l H" i) .i"(';';(. Mic}. Tuip'l'wicl‘H/‘L/\K" “‘1 ."’\.<'..'l'i)

_ But Game Boy was always hamstrung by one key factor: no colour. 3‘)" <3: V “W”: '~ " 9"“ t" '\ ‘4' “‘i‘W” “WNW " ‘7 i‘ “‘3” Thankfully, the new Game Boy Color machine hit the streets just before

"“' " ' " ' " " "" Christmas and you can now play games with up to 56 colours. To celebrate ‘i' W m” "7“ V‘ I m 3“ <i " 'V" ' “7°- ‘7~'°~ this splendid development, The List is adding reviews of Game Boy Color “" " " d ’h " H ' H ' '1‘ titles to the PlayStation, N64 and PC formats which we currently cover. "("t‘ .w t, t' _.:: t" (m " II>:><>'T‘> " ‘0' '."<>‘><' -'-"<i ‘30" '- ' There are three titles available exclusively to Game Boy Color. Tetris DX :>'."<-' " '."-«< f. 0‘ NH" "Kli' 0"“- '. 'v i' 31?“ 'w ‘> '~ ‘0 ‘T’<""'~‘ '~"<='- (£19.99) is a rainbow-hued update on the building blocks classic which f)(‘:"(: :>‘ twin» (i‘fis-(“l‘ll‘iKL .:>.. (.w <:.:--;> "(:1 mm» -.-, '2». (:v" <- helped popularise the original machine and features two new play modes; w ' .- ..'.“ 1w, (1: t, '14,: w. 4mm ":31 aw ::-.-; -.-"'. '_ '. =- Game And Watch Gal/ery2 (£24.99) offers a nostalgic run through the old . 9’ “'5‘ \ skool titles Parachute, Helmet, Chef, Vermin and Donkey Kong; Pocket .' m1; ,gfif' 13,3». "_.13:25)“):2'12‘mth’TTi' :1..<'."‘I Bomber Man (£19.99) sees the hardest working character in the video game

J > 3 a' * “l M ~ \ H' 'I i busmess explode Into colour and IS probably the best game currently ( .\.(i ( )1 s, (I l \K \I, |,.i. (n.x \ (. iK A. t ... \A \\A?I ' ' "9 WW“ 7"" '~' "4"?""‘ ' ‘F 7' V" "4"“ (i4 '-~’ Keep an eye on The List for reviews of forthcoming Game Boy Color like

. van-"r: 0' /~ rm ()m'fxi (2' a .1 z: 1' x.::<:'i :>' The Legend OfZeIda: Link’s Awakening DX, War/o Land/land Quest For ." ‘i""'(7 ‘i .1 Mar/’7'?” li._. l? ..'.‘s )..'\'1' ' , "CI 21".) Came/0t. (Peter ROSS)

"71w: Titiw. ..'.1'(.'.?fi"‘~,::"’l17’f.‘.:"'..l“> mm (3.199 . ., ., . ., ._ . .. . ... _. ,. -- ‘- mu. ,1' v2. '1‘). 1', :: (,.. ,. .. ..> f :1, ,.::.~' ‘~,, ..' 1' 'i:‘> .' 1' (30.1" .i'. '.." .,:". '3 1’. ii ..i'lll /'./.'""‘\" '3 {i ('(l (H ' "I ..l.""~'l"' "4431” "‘u l‘ " i} ' "“ (li' 7) "' (,' (7' ' " :3 ' -’ -"' " "' ‘~ " r' ‘\ V" I " \ ilk ’u ' ' ' l .‘l;’ l‘ii'.t' \ it K »....2.i"’2 . < I ( il‘pl‘! : \J: ( '. , ) i > ’;(‘r ' ' x ) .\ (i, \< t: 1 , i i x l l i , ' 1'. ‘l, '. l , ,i (l i I" ’2' < .‘ ’. t m ti i l I ' ' ,l\ ( ’2 ' ' " Ll‘“ .' .."l" \‘ .‘i'l-r' '1' ..'. l ' ' D ' ' ' I" eVIl Dice

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i .' t i' REVIEWER THIS ISSUE: ; r-T'r‘ I u, ' ' , STAR RATINGS