
FILM listings 3 .. I The Prince Of Egypt (U)

Daily: 1.15. 6.1..

Sat & Sun tnat: 3.25.

Antz (PG)


Film Listings are listed by city, then Fig ' _ I 75 alphabetically by cinema. Film N;:)n‘_”T"hfl‘;ll1fil, Q60 Listings compiled by Helen Babe _ Pig I‘n'm'e City (U) monagham Fri—Sun mat: 1.40.

The Parent Trap (PG)

. Sat & Sun tnat: 1.20. 1180 FILM cams. EDINBURGH WW8. W

12(1 1.011.010 R0210. (1131 22.3 (030’. 1010: 5.11.13" 50111191511)“ (1131 229 3030. cc hooking: 0131 228 111—3111111111“ .1-111-

I03s. (3.0-. ((11 cinemas 2 & 31.4.10 11.11511 11°” 1 12)

(£2.90 before (1pm). Pullman seats: £5 1‘” & 811111119: 1055' (£3.3011et‘ore (1me. Student: £3. 10 FRIDAY 29_THURSDAY 4 (Mon 711101. Child/(1A1): £2.90; Pullman

... l .. p“ (U (y; 1‘)h.t'(n.,(‘)m) Programme likely to he sitnilar to the “‘1 "' '“‘ ' ”' " L L 1 I prewons week. Phone 0131 442 2200 tor

THUREDAY 2] I (letatls and tunes.

I New films due to open on liri 29 Jan:

Meet JOE Black 1151 2.15. 7.30. ; Shakespeare In Love ( )5)

Star Trek: Insurrection (1’le 1.25. 1 Very Bad Things ( 18)

3.45. (1.11). 3.45._ _ I

Psycho ( 151 1.15. 3.35. 0.00. 3.35. BBUNTON THEATRE: EDINBURGH FRIDAY 22 THURSDAY 28 1.11t1)‘\\'c11 Way. Musselburgh. (1131 005 Meet Joe Black ( 121 ; 2240. £3.50 (£2.50).

1);111)'1t'\£‘c‘1‘1 Sat): 2.15. 7.30. ;

Sat: 12.45. 4.35. 8.20. : THURSDAY 21

Star TrekzlnsurrectionII’UI Antz(})(j) 300 Dailv: 3.45. 8.45. i

. Elizabeth 15 8.00. Psych0(151 - ( )

1)ail\': (1.20. . 1)ail:\‘ Inat (exec 11 Sat): 15. 1

1. Enemy OfThe tatetl51 3.0 H .. , 1 - , - t. . _ - _ _ -.( omeSttect.0l3122h4141.CC Rapper s dehght. "alle Berry m Bu'worth ' [)‘Hh' >1» 51" I hooking: 0131 228 4141.810. 24 Hour

“50111191111113 151’- ! 10101-010000 Line: (1I3I 228 2800. [D].

uct (101113311010 cuscow 2m31'3°"'“’" 111111 i 11?: 1113111111311 2’11“ (fig-((133113£4.-5<I(£2;50>g‘¥5>' .at '.t1111na[; . . g ' evenInsz .. . :111atneventng .... . . . .MuppetTreasureIsland(1.'1 3. 5 1 . - . .~ ~ 3.11.“.“9'jsérlfiilti'0111531 911131719121 1”“ (3:11:13 fiifli.c.iiiiifn1'(” I WWI “~11 I 35511310£302121011131111;15111103,;231.15. 0001100 (199(1 001.3990. ((11. £4.05 FRIDAY 29--THURSDAY4 I FRlDAY 294040930104 = “1’”: “15°” '3“11611100115135”;

I evenings £3. Screen 2 & 3: afternoons

(2325110101050011.(Inna/(1.41% e295. . . . . - . £2: eventngs £2.50. Wed: £1 concs for

).u., ,'.‘ ‘0 , Swdcm/LBM): £3.25 (Mmrnm). 110:1(IIIIIIIL ltkel) ((1 he stnnlat ((1 the

Programme likely to he similar to the

previous week. Phone 0141 951 2022 for g pI‘chtms week. Phone 0131 229 3030 for | first show tn each screen. Late night THURSDAY 21 (1°1‘1'12‘111‘111'11CS' . . f 11611111531101 tnnes. _ shows: late night main £4 (£2.50); -———M Bl k R I New 11101 due to open on 1:11 29.1110: 1 New 111111 (ltte to open on 111 29: ' nfidnighl mowc 535011350). Double eat-Joe a.c .11: 1 “10‘ 7‘40' ' Shakespeare 1" Love11-‘1 Shakespeare In Love 1 1.51 ' hills (Sun matinee/late niuht : £4.50 1 The 5'9991151 5.51). (1.311. 9.111. . Ste mom (1’)) I I . - . v ‘- Little Voice ( 151 2.00. 4.20. 0.4(1. 1 101,353”; MBA Guy I (10 3 . 1 (“'MWHM)‘ 9.00. I Very Bad Things ( Ix) : TH! IREDAY Z] . ' * 5 ' 2 Tgefi} Iefgaregtmn SE61 "' mi 1 Weststtle Plaza. 120 Wester llaIles Road. 1 {11900892513513 Sex 118) 1'40‘ 4'15' - - - - -- ~ - - :~- - - neat-t Hailes. (1131 453 3332. (100000 D . .--- --‘~- EnemyOfTheStatetl51 3.10. 7.00. I . - . . (M Name ($101.08) .40 00 $11-$43sz P . . ( The Forge. l’arkheatl. 0141 5504232. I 11111113222111111115101 11011111413145.4110’ 1 T111366” "0059118) 42.03121). 1155- 9 lg 35 MW ('1 ~‘-' 1- 11111 (010.100 CC 0000111241541 555 (30.101. : (£3 00101-0 00101. Slllth‘llli e330 1 9'11-‘2 '55 4311,1342. 9131’- " 4 a 111115060115 1. 3 and 51. £4.101£3 (Sun-11101('1111t1/():\1’:£3. 1.u.\ur\' i Jaceb 5 Ladder111‘1 11111111121111- Psycho I 151 4.30. 0.50. 9-0. ~ ~ . . ~~ ~ ~ . . .- .4 - . - The Parent Tra (PC 1 m ( 4“ Mon—T 1101. Student. £.1(.\1on>~111ttl. anus. Adults, {5 (L_\.()(113C101C (1111111; I My Name IS ’02 ( 181)) 9. £0. 1. - (3111(1/(11\I;:£2.s(1 (1340; £2.50 than: «43.00. 1 FR'DAY 22‘1HURSDAY 28 _ ‘~ t. (Ill—1‘11 1el‘ore 5pm). The 0 osite Of Sex ( 13) R0511 "00711.51 9.40. u < 1 ' ' 1 The prince of Egypt ([1) 4’ H). “‘35- TH! IREDAY 21 . THURSDAY 2: E Darla": 1.40. 4.15. (1.50. 9.25. Meet Joe Black ( 151 1.00. 4.50. .5130. 114891109 813C111 15’ 311111 715' 1 10;" “in ‘& Pm me: e1 155' FRIDAY 223140135010 28 The Siegetl5) I.I5. 3.50. 0.5(1. 9.30. 1'31191/01‘911-‘1 111" 3-311 -‘--‘-‘- f D31,..?.?If(‘;‘3.11;,,iI. I .1, meet Joe 813(1‘1121 : P.5yCh0 1.151 9'21)- ' $.60; - 1 - - - 1 5 1 [)11113' (c‘u‘c 11 T1110 (145 H 1 t- . . . .. l .. - .1 ~ . Datlx. 4.00. 7.40. Little Vorcet151 2.0.“. 4.20. 0.37. Psich'g‘gffiawa; 113‘s“ 2 ‘1’ 159M“, “gum.” 1‘1'1 (Q Sat late: 11.20. 8511- .‘ H " 1°" 1 ' )7 ' ' 1'” f ' 2 gm .0 sun mm: (3.30, Star Trek: Insurrection (1’01 1.3(1. 213' Trek- 1"?"1'ed'on 11,1” 1-111' 1 {£111}. "11.1.1203er el13119'(,4“()' 54115, 4.00. 0.45. 9.1(1. ' “5111‘ 1’11)— “11- p'M XML”)! UL" '“ ' (1010: 2.40. 4.50. 7.00. 9.15. Enemy (“The 5131911“ 3'31" 1‘21" - 5111myoflhestate‘” 2'30‘ 130‘ 1 (111131045 9 3(1 («‘11 & Sat late: ((30. 9.35. 1 - 1 (17‘1'7 7 5' ' 1 ' . . . . - = t v . ts (except Sun). 1.55. 4.30. pr . 5 The Prince Of E t (I 1 2.40. 4.5(1. What Dreams May C0019 1 121 (3311' n \ ml » I);filcxt~cjllh5nag'§0'71’05 7t) 1. gyp . The Mask Of Zorr0(1’(11 2.10. 5.05. . fiadlyyufig" ' _ . . .‘ . . .. ) _ 2 _ K N . UC. . . . Sat a Sun mat. 1.40. _ Thegpirem 7139111” 1 ’1‘- - ~- 1- 3 The Prince Of Egypt (1'1 1.30, 0.30. I FearAnd Ioathtng In Las Vegas ( 181 Enem Of The State 15 6.1- - 1111)- . ~ - '- ' - D'lihfly‘ 4< 6-10 9 ‘2 1 Antz (11(1) 1. |()_ 4.40. - 1II. Sale “In 1tIIC. 11.4(1. 'IW'IU'M‘ 1 The Parent Trap (1”(11 2.1111. 53.71“? S .1. u . .. ' ' i t ‘: 1 2 . Sal «kfiun mutt 1.00. Practical Ma ict121 ' RUSh “our 1 m 9m ' SiialieEyelgi151+ Mission Impossible The Siege ( 151 i 1)ail\" 1 15 45 0 50 9 20 m I o ' 13(‘1 D1111.“ 3-51). (1.30. 9.10. 1 54(151 . H H H u i '5 - rRIDAfl 22 THPRSDAY 20 ' (911-11110 1111(1111’111 Fri <1: Sualzuc: 11.59. : Daily: (.30. 4.00. 7.00. 9.10. Practlca' 11.113 '91131 I hitch thh Kueh Hota HaitU) Little Value I 1.51 1 Meet Joe Black ( 121 “2'11” 1-'~‘~ - “1’— ”311 “1’- 1 Sun (1111' I 30 Daily: 2.10. 4.30. 0.50. 9.00. 1 (1.00: 1.00. 4.50. s30. 11115511119101 111‘- ? The Pi‘llow'Bo'oktm Star Trek: Insurrection (1’01 1 The'Siege ( 151 ' 54.1121 - Sun (1111‘ | 30 (1.110; 3.55. 0.2(1. .350. g (1.110; 9.30. “5"1.“ 11111 1" ‘11 ' The 0501. the thief HisWife And Her The Parent Trap (1’(;1 . Links Voice I 15, \\c(‘k(1;1_\ mat: 1.30. Lovenm') 21111}? 1112- 11-511 v l)ail\': 2.05. 4.20. (1.35. 0.50. 1:1111V31111I: (1.30. A Sun (It'tt‘ 3-15 .‘at c& Sun (11:11: 1.10. 1 Star'Trek: Insurrection MW, '11(\' .‘al ate: 11.10. 1 ' " " . The Mask 0f Zorro (P01 1 (mile; 900 1 MY Nam9151091151 ' ijfiflimfittfry MOVIQ (1.111}; 3.10. 0.10. 9.2(1. 1 Enemy Of The State l 151 119111: 71-5 I i ' 5 ' Sat (k Sun mat: 12.10. 1 “any; hum. (135 51011 111111111112 1.20. _‘ The Prince Of Egypt ll?) 1 Weekday that: 2.20. 1'11 S11” “1111: 1311' I FR'DAY' 29 THURSDAY 4 Sat 0: Sun mats: 11.30. 1.45. I The Prifice 0f Egypt (If, ' 111 t\' Sat_la(e: 10.50. 1 5.3.5 R'der 1 1,1”) P5110101 151 1)ail\': 2.40. 4.5(1. 7.00. 1'11"? V01<91151 i 1"" “1“: ""‘1”'31"' - Hail}: 9.35. I Sul‘e Sun mm. ,3 5,0 11.111): 1.40. 4.00. 0.30. 0240. I 35 $0011 13511151915115) 151'1 ck Sat late: (110111112111. 1 Babe Pi In The-Cit. (1'1 L The Sie9e11~21 1.” in“: 1”“ mg 11' . o - Babe P191“ Ihe Cfty11'1 1 Sat & Sungtnat: 1.45. l0. - D1111}: 3211‘ 3-211 C'nema P-arad'S-o (PG) + the Spmt 0f Sat & Sun mats: 11.20. 1.30. i The Parent Trap (PU) - PsyCh°1151 The Beemve1 1") A1111 11’“ I 1)ail\': 12.55. 3.30. 0.30. I 1'11 (V 59119101 111-119; 511111111115 11.11)- _ Sat & Sun mats: 11.50. 1.5(1. ; Anti (m, Star Trek: lnsurrectlon (1’01 3 PM 53511 91999511” Mulan (1;) . Sill (Q Sun ma”: Dr's- IMI); 341). (,t Hy 3).” 11111 late: IIIItlIItglII. Ran Sun mat: 11.00. 8‘” ‘k M”? Eh“ mi”: 1'1” I II 1 1 ' '1 I 11 ame “108‘ IS) I C Enem 0 T 9 State I [5, ; ’(‘ogrannnc ('e _\' to 112 stnn ar (1 1e Mite Sal 1111c: (1.10. 1 F,RIDAY 2” THURSDAY .1 . (100011530. s20. I (WWII-5 “wk. P1199001“ 33“ 4141 for The Acid House I [3, I 1.13311111111111111:11; 11’ PEEQSIIHEP;)1(;(111L‘A - SM & MU” Hm "ml: 3'3”. t1c‘l;1115;111t1 IIIIIL‘S. {\11L‘1'IIII‘1LVFLY. C1111 [he 1'1'1tk Sal late: 11.10. 111~L.\-l|0U-x “13L 1m" 1 - 1“ 11” . 111 t\' Sat late: 11.05. ' ‘1 11111111111111'11“ 1’" 0131. “‘5 ~311111’1'P‘1‘1‘ Rush Hour ( IS, ((1.11 \_.111( times. N The Mask of Zorro H10, up a \s_eekl\' tnnetahle trotn the cinema. 1-‘ri (& Sal late: 11 3(1. ' M“ 1'1'11‘11"'.11”’1m'"'11"")‘1‘1'1: 1110' 5.11: 1.10. 4.05. 7.00. ' MW11111111110199126111)"12139111113 Stepmom(1_1 Sun 1110: 2.10. 5.05. 0100 1 Shakespeare In Lovetl51

36 THE LIST 2‘. 100 (I 1(‘11 111911