
PC A Bug's Life N64 COIin MCRae Rally (Disney Interactixe) £29.99

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron

(COdemaSieiS) \.'. ,f" '."-;' st”. To (it) a 'oa' f‘(; tram“- , (Nintendo) £44.99

a'. t"t‘- oox o“ (no, It .‘.as "outfaow that A Bugs [:50 si‘o.. o “taw a" (i{){)("<i’(i"(-;‘()"(i;(}”1:)tiiit!"(‘(i",().; i'oflogzzuzi it"? Hot (1‘ 1.”; ,o..

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a"d iio K’H M‘l's, as t"t> attuai (;(‘:'l‘(" .s

White knuckle ride: Colin McRae Rally (“"705 "i? W” (N'YW MN" (WWW ‘M‘

lo.'vr.')r'«’a'(1-;>Iarm Idaho (:4, it s a \'."thl1(> 11‘th ous '.7..'(Io".%7a<f:/Ht>s ‘_'a‘.<>s2-, that t" s smo t> -3I) aom °,'( and tlt(>:i‘1;)"(>ssv.t- TCXA foo/Mm; (an so (:tf't .. '. to o a‘. i“t> ‘it>»:‘-—“oa'.|' (2 under film" out, C o(:t>'t‘astt>'s haw :a'r‘tn'a "tho-7' oats a o.-:=' '."(" u an; oroduw : ar‘otrm‘ (Luiili'. 'aw' "‘am'tz, l..l‘\l) a T " ao_.s Or(;*"at§,'al"if(1'1PlaySfafto",WWW ("arai'xr‘ :>‘ it"atrustW-L‘”? lit-"2s ums-or‘. o‘ (o’u': '."7(/"?d€" Pa s last "at-(2H: 1:) " s1: t-at " {‘1-1‘: "‘..s'. t)(' "*(}".t, offer it: a KY‘t‘i‘fl‘Utkfi i}..'.- tic-d " ()'{l(‘~', tom "d on <'~ f nous 1:(;".‘.(W:".<;, to w;- ' ::t- "oi '1’". '1-;‘-'<: ti: '(‘llt'rifi'(ll’. to we. oas

Ready, Jedi, Go: Rogue Squadron

s ow Svoa Rafi, <i'i"(‘:s

Sl'o-slzomt; "o'n ow torw to 1% Mt- those "..:;<- Sour ,I‘wuwst am As the whole world gears up for the first Star Wars prequel and begins to "ext, <i‘.()l(l "z; .u‘ ‘v, '.t><:t>tat 1)". am: hm". ‘.o.. Wu w museum s, A {mos grow anxious about whether that little kid will be annoying or not, N64 two ooo (‘Xt 'Ti‘d sow tatov, yoaf 1 r'v '1.» to oo~. a'. m: you :l(>"'. owners can save themselves both wait and worry with this superb take on Magooa'u Wen: “o "o (1;.7. 1:: :z‘a', it «D George Lucas' star saga. t=a< '~ < st=ss 0" TM» grad" : a't' Rogue Squadron is a first-person space combat game set between Star Hard", t-;-;'."a.a<;a':t, out 1w. (1:) sumo _ Wars and The Empire Strikes Back. The Death Star may have been my a’. a (‘Y’()( 'até‘l, '(‘-1:..' "o M3X Power Racmg destroyed, but the work of the Rebel Alliance is far from over. As Luke (<>"< or o" (Doss (:tfogmmes) £39.99 Skywalker you must pilot choice craft from the Rebel fleet on a total of

:>"s, i"‘<:<;'a!"t‘s a'(‘- (a "z; in» mm "o sixteen increasingly difficult missions - perhaps saving Mos Eisley spaceport

ii‘o (a's aE wot» u f‘tvtw‘t', av‘o ‘o' ‘ot-oz: ‘.'."o omit" "(‘-f2(}("‘.()(;s from Tie Fighter attack or protecting a supply convoy as they negotiate a a((t."a'.0 u, ‘o"< :Hi you to s'.'.<*a' at ‘at i:)"l1i'{)l)(‘ .‘J‘Ull'i-‘t" '..'1-:' " (a's treacherous mountain pass. 3,»(>t..'so‘ '."<= "at Nu. t“ lauded, 0dr]:th ~ or: lh’" "(warty This is a difficult and addictive game and it's impossible to underestimate you ("‘(1 ..:> Post" 7' "st a d :< '~ °.."-:‘- w. i‘ . ax Pong" Ra: «it; s the sheer goofy appeal of tearing around Tatooine in a X-Wing fighter just Ti‘o'v aw a "‘ass .a' (‘1'. o‘ t'at «s sow-1' w; :r’ a :i'azr‘ (a {'1 no.2" like in the movies. But where Rogue Squadron really nears perfection is in to 'aw o", "<)"‘ '.' a to :o"‘::~a'<=(: tine sr“<>o'.'i its graphics. It was always going to be judged against the original films and expaws w 32o" o < "-(i"‘.{).()"‘s"i;), o" (war fu'~,.".‘<) the good news is that, especially in the cut scenes, it comes up trumps. The "x Eadam; 'ai T..i<)" a s '.().( m: : it‘(‘- '. :>"o:: ws aw". o‘ air battles take place at a terrifically exciting frame rate and, if you zoom 2w down to planet level, you can even buzz perfect little people as they

loo waso" '.(l()("s!‘ f (lt‘f t"<> ‘;. l .(‘- turd mo at ‘»:)("(‘(l's ‘>«.(](}LS'" innocently go about their business. Oh yes, this is a Millennium Falcon of 3 stars A its l(3( \ o‘ " load "o ‘. "‘(‘S and '."<' 'i-(K '. ous aw- s :>.'. F’ “,ou game big, fast and thrilling. (Peter Ross) (0.1:(3l)(‘s!1(i!'l)(", f!‘()s().."(i(*“(>(‘.s (o' <1<~f"sor"‘t‘-':""<i ,<:..'i\<:."fas

d xadan l‘.l( Ra-c- " "‘sv‘ Wax Pony! PM To s ‘a. sinus

am a 1)”. :)as-( (3"(:"(;“1<i".;'2(; s '(“51<l".'."{"<i((' iii-she's no :1 or‘ o" !"‘.l)()88 om N ouws as do, <"a"< t‘ o" (om'w; l)(i( é. "oi" a < 'as" " tuneotj,’ 'si‘lh‘r'a’fi .a' aotvs, the" your 0nd in a number of (gruesome (o/m J'/l< Raw Hal/j, "‘aws f" s <;a"\<> (o'uooto ()‘.(" 30 t'a< ks ". two (l‘iiW'O'ii \.‘.rays as you peruse the mm masswv (ouowasfv's loo'ua", volt-asp o" How:- ':a:::) In; {fat Pox. Pat H; "as (or‘ti"(‘-"‘.s levels "lite mat". l)l()l)l(‘lYl is that ZlTO TO( A 2 o". P( a" (".(“1 "‘o'o sa' '.a- l)("("" ((thi i” mi: o" a'r‘o". o..s s: a llw frat ks at = ‘a' a“(: 2'10 (out'ol system. :s hideously

7mm no o'osotxt ll) ( "oos-e ()"1' o“ it; '.-:=u.( t-s, (astonwsv dawo's iwst *vatmv You l)()‘.'.i" (()lltl)ll(<li(‘(l, aitfrouqh Ii does allov.

()'.("' aiw‘at, d-rt t'a( as aw: <'.' 'oaus, so'vw tutor'oss:'.'(>zy wrsatilo (l‘ara( tor s'.'.(>at!i‘.o oiot'usoh, as you "(‘(lhiuiii‘ l‘l()‘~.'(‘lll("‘.i As atoll as the standard dead“; wounta " ;)ass<=s and .'.<l’.(‘.' rur‘moq, Junto no and (hmlmtq, you Pa/aids ‘.'."‘<*" you do pram; (ar‘.(1a\.'x.., S‘.‘.|H(] ll()ll‘ ovams, i‘olia'td some-flung, the (otiiso‘ uav‘iauo 's du( k

'(~aéisti< 21‘th sl‘afit‘a' Ho i)a( ‘\ ‘.'.':t(:o'.'.s ()uw you ()01 used to the (outrol and (lt‘Hl/H; t)(>(1,/ oarw's PR system and stvo' vouer forjwquvut

O D T (loath, you'll proha'oly (you. to (tryov ' ' " this It's a l)l(] game and a bu;

(Psygnosis) £44.99 (hailvuqo not one to (omploto ill a

Before you ask, It stands ‘o' ()r l):(‘- sluqlo r‘ ()lll ~PR

lwroo a 'Y"s( l: (nous apt tit'v fo'

t"Is l"2( li‘(l‘l)i‘~,’ (l't‘it u‘t (ltilY‘i‘ REVIEWERS THIS ISSUE 861le o" t7‘t- low!) Raider 'll()(2("i o‘ la." [)a\.I(lson, Pvtor Ross 3D tl‘Hd—ovrso" aogo'ftui'md, O [)l

l‘i‘fl‘ifi" o' a

(anhoaawx t.. STAR RATINGS Unrmssaolo me good

mate! als to r‘vpatr no”! dawauod me“. \."\/'(){Ii\_ (1 5pm

.. . ,‘ ()0 Cartoon ca erszABu 's fe ov ow tr «w BN0.“ “"0” p 9 u i You we been warrwo

(iaslwd aI' haliooi‘ You "lust I'aw; '.'.llil.l a f‘lti‘ss,‘.'(‘ °.()‘.'.'("! ‘s(‘(1'(f“f‘(;i()'

'\!‘d (llt‘ you ll‘ ta< f, you" rum“.

.; 78 ‘-.=:: '999 THE “ST 99