I Modern Dress In History at The Arches, Tue 16 Feb, 8.15pm £3. Graham Hunter and Francis Robertson speaking

I Fashion In Business at The Art‘hes, Wed 17 Feb, 8.15pm £3 Anne Starsmeare, Ruth NIC'hOISOH and Harmsh l. Carruthers MBE speaking I Let There Be Fashion, May Art Perish at The Arthes, Tue 23 Feb,

8 15pm £3. LlSd Le Feave, Brldqet Vlrdun and Dawd Mmhael speaking I The Sauza Runway at T he AK hes, Wed 24 Feb, 8 30pm. £10 l£Sl The premler Intervention event \VlIll (olleCtlons of Club, street, evenan and fetlsh wear as well as the (ompetltlon final and sltowmgs from some prommant Scotmh (leSaners. Followed by party at 10er

Phone 0747 227 9736 for a ful/ mtervent/on program.