Taste the

even has a theory that he (an tell a

‘;iTr-i)(! espresso hy wnat he ('alls it‘s

."t-'._- lfd‘: ()1 E’e t" a ""1 at: 2' 't's the (re/72a on the espresso,‘ he - uh, - ; -~ t- . expiaais 'l (a! :t the late because it

Coffee_tastings at COSTA t ,-.- .1.» , tells you evervthinu about the toffee II are educating bean lovers - \a'. ' :2: r: 3-39: s'toultl he a uolden, dark brown and

how to get around the i. i:

just the tight density It you (an

. . . H a , , :w- . ..‘. s;:nnkte sugar on :t and it's held then world "1 less than e'ghty 1"" 2:. i' a " c e sot/ye <tot a (treat espresso' CUpS. ': Jonathan Trew ‘."‘-;-'-a :‘-.‘-‘f,'e " : " ., :s: The Costa tastinr; sessions lltCllld(.‘ a ,nu 'r~ / . _. . 'n:story of coffee-drinkint}, from the ' ' w ' " , ' ' . t " ' ' lettend of it being acudentally . '. ' ' '1' . :lzstoveretl by an Ethiopian noatherd to ' ' - ' -‘ :' 'ffi' . : "xttie'r‘. :tay drinking habits He pOIntS -’ z that Lt.l."("f‘.ll‘,’ twnoy lattes started " r. 1 .t '._. c . . ; _.' . ., We as :rreakfast (lr'nks or as a drink . s c :* : : :":-- : 2" " ' ~ Ei' . 7's" t‘e .f .t" that sans rtwen to (hiltlten so thay they r‘ , "w J a t 2" mil. (i ‘ee9 that they were haVInQ the , - . \, :.!' " . . c. .: .t . :,_ : , . : t: ' ' sar'te tivnt; as then parents it should . .w! " 1"81172'83' "' "_..: c lit its tail: It 'Y‘i‘Jlltfli and he 90% steamed milk with a little . c ;‘.'i‘{T.‘:Y(':? . ': r~ ‘, ' :" ~, "1' c c ‘11: .:' " :fx 7 ' 'ss-“r: 1K1" f the espresso atitletl 'lust enough to stain .. ' ':-;-' " : .': if wr- sew; .1r‘1i " a1: ' ' c- “aw :‘t-_ f‘ 2;»; 'e! and tl‘et'1ilK,'Is Pellit’tta's advme. ' " -°. ' 4" °.-_' '."z- ':”ev-:‘-":-w the -"~‘°.-;" _:t :tt t" : ::Iat-at."a"t'.' taste ft's The tastiiiu niqhts also allow : em: v: aft-g- t?‘-& L ; sta m.‘.’f a»: TN" "'1‘". .1'7, 11:»: 5:7‘1" I: :‘ :; .-: m The 4ti‘>l()t‘.t(‘ts the chant‘e to take hold of . f“."~:; t'~ :i; an: " i‘e ;\ _: ‘:i("",2") 'Kii Quentia ant: Java, the tontrols on one of the big : . " ' ° " s n 'v v ' " i ' - '. a 2 sa '7“ (on: after turninertial espresso makers ll yOu

'. 311,27. '!'s an ' ': : s i‘ e thinl; you (an handle the Steam-driven '. t'ie pressure then phone Costa on 0131

' -_'° (mm. x ‘r ‘7: "(:1 \:i‘ '._ T’ ' “. "' i '- ': a" f"-’-. :"f' ' to lit‘:‘:" '1' '. " :"-.":-"f :‘ " :': ‘.-;>' *1 . {'1' i:'f‘t-'v'*"i .43‘1 p325: It: f:n(l out about - :' ' ." ' t it» . . ' ‘_' t. :' " -_'. new _, t: " e'xts we '\,'ifi(1)llll.'lxi\zlSllHUS

E COFFEE! . . .


cuscow AND Eniiisuncn mm (BEL

r '3': V a. .t m: - GREEN 4 '0 rte-fl . . I “‘- v "Vb ;ttjefil;e!fff., M0UN1'AIN jig Listaand ‘GMeniMauq I r 94:; RE ' a .‘i a! i I! . a 4 .floflekRogsterfr. z” 39‘; _ 5

' “. .15“ I "m’ (a. launch: i\,‘ll)l.f"\l’l';\lel’ if; l’l,l"..'\fjl",l)’l‘l) {xi-tel l‘ of!“ Y .~)

i " a

t'l'lR li'l)l{ OUR l<l'l{\l)l'll<f)'.

Bil} these two delicious (ireen .\lountain (‘ol‘l‘ee Roasters single estate cot‘l‘ees l'or £14.95 t+ £2.95 l'k delivery) and get two organicth-gro\\n col‘l‘ecs ahsolutelv free! Here's ~\our chance to he among the first in Scotland to try tour rare and esotic col‘l'ees expertly

roasted h} the aual‘d-n‘inning (lreen Mountain (’oll‘ec Roasters ol' Vermont. l‘nder this special reader ol'l‘er. you will recei\e a ho\ set ol' lour hags ol' ltiscious col‘l‘ee hearts. comprising of two single estate coffees (‘nsla Rial/i /.u .l/inilu 'lin'mrn Hark tZt‘s’Rgl. and (inulenm/un l'ir/Ieu Um .llurim t34llg). You’ll also receive two free bags of organic coffee 10 tr} ()reu/m' Sumatra/i Reserve (383g) and ()rgunle .l/em'u/I .S'e/eel t3-lllgl. \Vlis \sait'.’ 'l‘hc (irecn Mountain (‘ol‘l'ee/lhe List Reader ()l'l'cr ends on l7tli liehruar) WW). Supplies are limited to one special offer box set per


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